final study deck Flashcards
• Sex
o Biological and genetic marker (penis vagina chromosomes)
has sex changed over the years?
o Sex has changes throughout history
• ex: females were believes to have internal penis
• Ex: “homosexuality” (use in quotes in paper) was once thought to be a disease
• Gender
o Socially or culturally defined
• Ex: traits attitudes or activities you are involved in
issue with the gender binary
• 2 genders excludes those who do not identify as either gender
o Those who are intersex or do not identify
o Third gender is referred to as two spirits in indigenous cultures
Toxic Masculinity
• used to define the way masculinity may harm society, women, and men themselves
• Lived reality of connected and or compounded oppressions and privileges based on ones multiple aspects of identity
- Internalized racism that the women in the film felt
- Wanted to clean or bleach skin
- Is the internal oppression by those who are subordinates
Abject body
o Something that evokes simultaneously feeling of fascination and repulsion
o Ex: freak show reading
• Also a car wreck
o Joy, and often sexual gratification of witnessing or watching other in a private setting
o Evaluation of another culture based on the standards of ones own
Cultural relativism
o Belief that every culture is unique and should be responsible for their own people
o depiction of those in the East by those in the west
• Typically backwards or barbaric
o Reduces people to a few simple essential characteristics which are represented as fixed by nature
Ally ship
:Those who support the advocacy of certain groups even if they do not identify as someone of that particular group
• : preferential treatment of those with lighter skin