Final Short Answers Flashcards
Who is the agent of sanctification?
The agent of sanctification is the Holy Spirit. This is a monergistic act of God whereby the Spirit uses the ordinary means of grace for the progressive work of mortification and vivification in the life of the believer.
What are the three parts of faith?
Faith has three necessary functions: 1) Knowledge (notitia): the saving illumination by the Spirit and Word that a person is indeed a sinner, has wholly lost all ability to save themselves, and pardon of sin is only in Jesus Christ; 2) Ascent (assensus): accepting this knowledge as true; 3) Trust (fiducia): the initial receiving Christ and continual resting upon His righteousness for the forgiveness of sins unto everlasting life.
What are the elements of repentance?
Repentance has three aspects: 1) Knowledge (intellect): sight of the danger, condition, and filthiness of sins and an understanding of the mercy of God in Christ; 2) Grief and hatred (affection): a sorrow and holy shame of sin that grows in sanctification; 3) Volition (will): the turning of sin and pursuing righteousness in Christ.
What makes a work a good work?
Works are only considered good when they are according to the Word of God as a fruit of saving faith. Even then, good works are only accepted by the Father through Christ.
What are the three grounds of assurance?
The three grounds of assurance are 1) the promise of salvation in Christ as revealed in the Scriptures, 2) the evidence of inward graces that flow from these promises, and 3) and the Spirit’s bearing witness to the work which He has done in the believer.
What are the three types of law?
The three types of the law are moral, ceremonial, and judicial. The ceremonial and judicial law were positive commands, but the moral law is ever binding on all men.
What is Christian liberty?
Christian liberty, which was purchased by Christ, frees believers from the guilt of sin, the wrath of God, and the curse of the moral law. This liberty give believers free access to the throne of grace with boldness and the ability to zealously obey the moral law.
What are the three uses of the law?
The law is used to convict one of sin and drive them to Christ, to restrain sin in this world, and to direct believers in holy obedience to Christ.
What is liberty of conscience?
Liberty of conscience is the assertion that God alone can bind the conscience of man according to the Word of God. The conscience is free from the commands of men (particularly in matters of faith and worship), but a person may voluntarily submit to the recommendations of others without their consciences being bound.
What is the regulative principle of worship?
The regulative principle of worship limits the acceptable worship of God as being only what is commanded in the Scriptures while at the same time obligating the church to do all that is commanded in the Scriptures.
How is the Sabbath a positive law?
The Sabbath, as a moral law, is forever binding upon all men; however, the Sabbath is a positive law as regards the day of the week it is to be observed because it is a temporary law to govern the church at various times in its history.
How does one sanctify the Sabbath?
The Sabbath is a day with the spiritual purpose of a holy rest in the Lord while communing with Him. This means the cessation from ordinary employments and recreations and spending the whole day in public and private worship, except those works of necessity and mercy.
What are the purposes of marriage?
The purposes of marriage are fourfold: companionship, procreation, to advance the covenant seed, and for sexual pleasure.
Define invisible church.
The invisible church is the whole number of the elect throughout time that have been or will be united to Christ through saving faith.
Define visible church.
The visible church is all those throughout the world who have professed faith in Christ and their children. This is the visible kingdom of Christ, and the house of God gathered in local congregations to worship God, out of which there is ordinarily no hope of salvation.