Final - Short Answer & Essay Flashcards
Identify Ways Wesley prepared for the transition beyond his own leadership?
Launched Arminian Magazine
- Established a centralized “teachig office”
- aimed to counter Calvinist magazines
- monthly
- 4 parts (writings defending universal atonement, biographies, letters and stories, poetry confirming essential doctrines
Recrutied Thomas Coke
- CW, Whitefield, Maxfield, Fletcher wouldn’t have worked
- Coke as ordained Anglican and lawyer provided resources and leadership
- Direction for legal preparations Model Deed and Deed of Declartion
Deed of Declaration
- Center of unity and authority after JWs death
- Restricted legal Conference to “Legal Hundred”
- Established 15 Regulations
- Did not restrict JW or CW in their lifetime.
What is the Wesleyan perspective on Christian perfection and what divergenes occurred in the North American context?
Pre 1738 - Perfection was a goal to press toward perhaps experienced at death
Immediately after Aldersgate - accompanies conversion (more like American Methodists)
By early 1740s - beginning to clarify sense in which NOT perfect
maturity stressed
qualifed intent of sins
more Eastern theology
by 1750s - stressed seeking now & lowering expectations
North Americans - particularly Pheobe Palmer
emphasized transformative moments
entire sanctivication as a moment of entier consecration or surrender to be claimed in a simpler prayer of faith
Fletcher - equated with baptism of the Holy Spirit
places sanctificaiton at the beginning of the journey rather thant growing in grace
became identified w/ Holiness movement- became a claime of self-righteousness - people began to distnace themselves understanding it to be human perfection
Means of Grace in Relation to General Rules
General Rules call for engagement in the means of grace.
The rules themselves are acts of mercy.
3rd rule calls for attending to the ordinances - those things we typically consider the means of grace
the rules emphasize the ongoing experience of the means of grace in daily life and in the shaping of tempers
Wesley’s ethic regarding wealth as expressed in his sermons and his Thoughts on the Scarcity of Provisions
Money is a tool to be used to serve the poor
Gain, Save, and Give - all three calls to treat others as our neighbor and in ways of compassion
Wealth is not to be hoarded
Our personal benefit is to be weighed in comparision to the effect on the whole.
Rationale for Infant Baptism
Biblical Evidence - Acts 16:33
Historicla Evidence - practice of the early church
Theological Factors
- Opposition points to tie to personal faith/resposne
- Rationales for
- Forgiveness of inherited guilt (Augustine)
- Recognition that infants are born into the Christina community or covenant - faith present is that of the community
- Provision of the regenerating Gift of the Spirit (empower growth into likenss of Christ
- Symbolic afirmation that Christian life is God’s work in us not our work that earns forgiveness
Modes of Baptism
What factors and theological perspectives led Wesley to ordain clergy?
Believed early on that elders could ordain out of necessity
rejected the sole legitimacy of episcopal polity and considered apostolic succession a myth
increasing pressure from America and Ireland
Need for ordained clergy to adminsiter the sacraments
Need for preachers
Providential indication of necessity - war treaty
believed that he was ordained with the same orders as a bishop and therefore could ordain
still brought in Easter Orthodox bishop (Erasmus from Crete)
Key persons and actions taken by the Christmas Conference in 1784
Wesleyan perspective on Sacraments
specifically ordained by Christ
truly a menans of “responsible grace”
outard and visible sign of an inward and spirtual grace (work of the Holy Spirit)
Not bages or tokesn of our profession but signs of grace through which God works in us
Baptism and Communion
Baptism - sacrament of initiation
conversion, forgiveness, induction into the church,death and resurrection of Christ, tied to gift of the Holy Spirit
identity - community mission
identity, initiation, ministry
Communion - sacrament of nurture
remembrance of Christ’s suffering, affirmation of communion with God and oneather,aticipation of the Messianic banquet
nurture, memory, and hope
How would you respond to someone who requests to be re-baptised?
Ask why?
If it there response is that they want to recommit?
Ask where God was between their original baptism and this request? if no - need to look back and see what brought them to this moment
Explain the meanings of all sacraments as God’s act with us
God remains faithful
That doesn’t mean that we cannot recommitt
We have a different service that allows us to remember our baptism and recommitt
From the WEsleyan perspective, should unconfirmed or unbaptized persons be served Communion?
Converting ordinance as well as nurturing.
Greater fear of recieving unworthily that not at all.
Tell story of Mildred and Elaine
How would you describe Wesley’s eschatology and what are the implications for Christina livin and the church’s mission?
God’s reign has already begun
God’s reign will be complete
Live in stewardship
for all
not just intellectual
healing not just forgivenss
minsitry to embodied persons not just souls
reclaming God’s concern for all creation
Role of the Holy Spirt in Salvaiton
Reveal Chrsit
Empower Christian living
What is the relationship betwween discipliend and salvation in the WEsleyan tradtion?
Disciplines set us free to grow and be free.
Example of musician, athelete
Sermon 122 - Causes of ineffacy