Final- Sex and Gender Flashcards
What are the differences between biological sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
Biological sex:
Anatomical sex- genitalia and sex organs (gonads)
Chromosomal sex/genetic sex- determined by genes
Endocrinologist sex/effect of sex hormones
Sexual Orientation:
Who you are sexually attracted to
Gender identity:
How you personally identity
Cisgender- biological sex matches gender identity
Transgender/gender nonconforming- biological sex does not match gender identity
Non-binary- if gender identity does not conform to ideas of male or female gender
What controls sexual differentiation of the genitals? Be able to explain the roles of anti-Mullerian hormone, testosterone, 5-α-reductase, DHT, SRY gene, Wolffian ducts, and Mullerian ducts.
Anti-mullerian hormone (mullerian inhibiting hormone)- signals regression of Müllerian ducts, fallopian tubes, and uterus
Testosterone- stimulates develops of male characteristics
5-α-reductase- converts testosterone to DHT
DHT- required for differentiation of external male genitalia
SRY gene- initiates testis formation
Wolffian ducts- develops into van deferens, seminal vesicles, undifferentiated genitals become penis
-Develops only with androgens, regress no androgens/have ovaries
Müllerian ducts- develops into uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina
-Develops only with AMH, regress no AMH
Be able to predict the effects of a condition where any of the above are absent. For example, how would development be altered if the testes did not produce anti-Mullerian hormone?
Mullerian structures would not regress (uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina)
Understand the cause of penis-at-twelve syndrome (5-α-reductase deficiency) and how it affects development.
Absence of 5-α-reductase causes penis-at-twelve syndrome
Intact testis, XY chromosomes but appears to have female genitalia until puberty and then penis grows
Individual have male hormones but appear as female until puberty
Struggles with gender identity may appear
Understand what happens during androgen insensitivity disorder.
During androgen insensitivity disorder, body cannot respond to testosterone but can produce them due to having no receptors
Intact XY chromosomes but genitals appear as female and penis does not form or underdeveloped
Body cannot use androgens at all so Wolffian ducts are regressed
Is the penis homologous to the clitoris
How do sex-hormone binding globulins, differences in 5-α-reductase, and differences in hormone receptors make it more difficult to understand the effect of hormones on development?
Hormones fluctuate and people vary genetically
Blood and brain is hard to measure
How does culture shape the development of gender roles?
Parents treat gender roles differently
What brain differences exist between men and women? Why is it important to remember that there is overlap between the sexes?
Between men and women, reproduction areas are different
-Sexual orientation in hypothalamus
There is an overlap between the sexes because social factors often shape brain differences
What causes congenital adrenal hyperplasia and how does it affect development?
Conventional adrenal hyperplasia- lacking an enzyme related to cortisol (adrenal gland makes cortisol too)
-Body wants more cortisol in adrenal gland when lacking this enzyme
–Compensates by making more testosterone leading to masculinization of genitals
-Girls with higher levels of testosterone are less interested marriage and motherhood than unaffected sisters
What does the case of David Reimer indicate about the importance of prenatal hormone levels?
David Reimer was a twin and had his penis burned off during experimental circumcision. His mother was told to call him a girl instead, eventually started giving them hormones to be a boy. Sadly both twins killed themselves.
Prenatal environment is important for mental health and development.
Hormones can have severe influences on mental health and gender identity
Prenatal hormones can permanently affect the brain
What causes some fish to change sex? Why is the main problem with the plot of Finding Nemo?
When there is a lack of male fish, female fish will sex change (sometimes in less than a week) in order to reproduce
Nemo’s dad…would technically sex change to become a female (since mom died)..and..attempt to.. mate with Nemo..
What evidence suggests that genes shape sexual orientation?
The olfactory receptors shape sexual orientation
Older brother effect
How does having older brothers affect a male’s sexual orientation? What is one hypothesis about a cause for this effect?
Males with older brothers are more likely to be gay compared
Anti-NLGN4Y antibodies concentration related to gayness occurrence
Straight sons = less likely
How common is homosexuality in rams? What is one brain difference between male-oriented and female-oriented rams?
8% of male rams exhibit male-oriented sexual behavior
SDN is larger and contains more neurons than females orientated rams