Final Sample Quiz Flashcards
What keyword in the header of a sub procedure denotes that a variable is passed by reference?
The linear search works well for unsorted arrays.
SPORT232 Data Acquisition and Control board has _________ analog input channels to connect to sensors, such as thermocopules, pH probes, photocells, strain gauge, etc.
In an m-by-n array, the m stands for __________
the number of rows in the array
Namespace ____________ provides the classes and methods you need to perform file processing.
The main function of AD594/AD595 instrumentation amplifier includes a thermocouple failure alarm. The main function of this thermocouple failure alarm is to indicates _______________________ .
if one or both thermocouple leads become open
In the statement
Dim scores(30) As Double
the number 30 designates which of the following?
the highest value of the subscripts of the elements for the array scores
Which of the following creates an Integer array of five rows and three colums?
Dim values(4,2) As Integer
The AD594/AD595 instrumentation amplifier produces a high level __________ output directly from a thermocouple signal.
10 mV/oC
What will be displayed when the button is clicked on?
Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(…) Handles btnDisplay.Click
Dim lng, wid As Double
lng = 5
wid = 10
ComputeArea(lng, wid)
End Sub
Sub ComputeArea(length As Double, width As Double)
Dim area As Double
area = length * width
txtBox.Text = CStr(area)
End Sub
The process of ordering the elements of an array is called ___________ the array.
In order to communicate with Wiz232 board, COM port parameters must be set as:
9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
What will be the final value of count variable once the following segment of VB is executed?
Dim count As Integer = 1
Do Until count > 10
count += 1
txt_out.Text = count
The __________ property is set to True when a RadioButton is selected.
Which of the following statements creates Integer array values with three rows and three columns?
Dim array(,) As Integer = {1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9}
The ComboBox control combines a TextBox control with a _______ control.
The ___________ event is raised when a RadioButton is either selected or deselected.
What aspect of the control variable determines whether looping should continue?
final value
Which method call sorts array words in ascending order?
Arrays can be declared to hold values of _____.
any data type
What word(s) will appear in the list box when the button is clicked?
Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(…) Handles btnDisplay.Click
Dim num As Integer = 5
If num = 2 Then
ElseIf num > 3 Then
ElseIf num = 5 Then
End If
End Sub
How many times will HI be displayed when the following lines are executed?
Dim c As Integer = 12
c += 3
Loop Until (c >= 30)
The ________ event handler is invoked when the user selects a Radio button.
The expression _______ creates an Integer array of two rows and five columns.
Dim a(1,4) As Integer
Two-dimensional arrays are often used to represent ____________.
Property __________ contains the size of an array.
Counter-controlled repetition ______________ the control variable after each iteration.
What numbers will be displayed in the list box when the button is clicked?
Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(…) Handles btnDisplay.Click
Dim num as Double = 10
Do While num > 1
num = num - 3
End Sub
10, 7, and 4
Variables appearing in the header of a Function procedure are called ____________.
The first element in every array is the _________.
zeroth element
What is one drawback in using non-integer Step sizes?
Round-off error may cause unpredictable results.
The smallest data item a computer can process is called a ____________________
The initializer list can ___________.
be used to determine the size of the array.
be empty
contain a comma separated list of initial values for the array elements.
Which of the following sotrs array averageRainfall?
Methods from the ____________ class can be used to write data to a file
A _____________ contains information that is read in the order it was written.
sequential-access file
If the loop is to be executed at least once, the condition should be checked at the __________.
bottom of the loop
What will be the output of the following VB code?
Dim count as integer = 0
While count <= 10
txtOut.Text = count * count
count += 1
End While