Final review MBC 101 Flashcards
neck + pain
-sclerosis suffix means
the pleural cavity is
space between the pleura surrounding each lung
what does proximal mean?
near the point of attachment
what does Hematoma mean?
What does Craniotomy mean?
Incision of the scull
The Thrombocyte is a cell responsible for
What is Osteoarthritis?
Inflammation of a bone and joint
What is the med term for cell?
What does the term -Malacia mean?
Softening of a structure
What does Anterior mean?
Towards the front
What does Lateral mean?
Towards the side of the body
Small intestine + inflammation
What does Electrocephalogram mean?
Electricity + Head + Record
Visual examination of a joint
Hepatitis meaning
inflammation of the liver
Less than normal + sugar + Blood condition
Outside + secrete + glands
Exocrine Glands
Rhinitis definition
Nose + inflammation
What does the prefix a-/an- mean?
no, not, without
What does gastric mean?
Pertaining to the stomach
Tube leading from the larynx to the bronchial tubes
What is the Hypochondraic region?
Right and left upper regions beneath the ribs
Pertaining to the space surrounded by the bones of the hip region
pelvic cavity
What is the coccyx?
What does the suffix -plasty mean?
surgical repair
What does the term -trophy mean?
Development, nourishment
What does the term superficial mean?
on the surface of the body
What is Cytology?
cell + study of
pertaining to
What is the bone connected to the Coccyx?
What does the term Cerebral mean?
Cerebrum + pertaining to
Across or through + urethra + pertaining to
What does the term -genesis mean?
condition of producing, forming
What does the term -pathy mean?
Disease condition
Kidney + study of
What does Distal mean?
Away from a structure
Bad, painful, or abnormal + intestines + condition or process
White/White Blood Cell + Lack/deficient