Final Review Answers Flashcards
Define Lobbying
involves dealing with legislators and government officials to promote or defeat legislation and regulation
What is a Database?
organized collection of comprehensive data about individual customers or prospects, including geographic, demographic and psycho-graphic and behavioral information
What is a Marketing Plan?
deciding on strategies that will help the company attain its over strategic objectives. SWOTS, goals and target markets
What is Differentiation?
Innovative features that set one company’s offer apart from that of its competitors
What are “Public’s?” List 6
customers competitors stakeholders government financial (banks) suppliers staff media
Contrast Public Relations and Publicity
Public Relations
the process by which we create a positive image and customer preference through third-party endorsement
the task of securing editorial and news space, as opposed to paid space, in print and broadcast media to promote a product or service
List 5 step in the Public Relations Process
Research Establishing the Marketing Objectives Defining the Target Audience Choosing the PR message and Vehicles Publications
What are Sales Promotion Objectives?
short-term sales increasing long-term sales getting customers to try new product luring customers away from competitors creating loyal customers
What is Integrated Direct Marketing?
direct marketing campaigns that use many vehicles and multiple stages to improve response rates and profits
Contrast Publicity and Advertising
the task of securing editorial and news space, as opposed to paid space, in print and broadcast media to promote a product or service
any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor
What are the Steps in Sales Promotion? (6)
Setting Sales Promotion Objectives Selecting Sales Promotion Tools Finding Creative Ideas Developing the Sales Promotion Program Pretesting and Implementing the Plan Evaluating the Results
Define Advertising
any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor
What is Local Store Marketing?
low-cost, hands-on effort to take advantage of all opportunities within the immediate trading area to promote and market a business
List four PR activities
Press Relations Product Publicity Corporate Communication Lobbying Counseling
List 5 roles in the Buyer Decision Process
Problem Recognition Information Search Evaluation of Alternatives Purchase Decision Post-purchase Behavior
What are Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior?
What are Intermediaries?
firms that help the company promote, sell and distribute its goods to the final buyers
What is Organizational Culture?
the pattern of shared values and beliefs that gives members of an organization meaning and provides them with the rules for behavior in that organization
What is Price Discrimination?
sale of identical goods or services are transacted at different prices from the same provider
What are the Benefits of Tourism?
Economic Diversification Cultural Preservation Enhanced Travel Modernization Jobs
What is Sustainable Tourism?
tourism attempting to make as low of an impact on the environment and local culture as possible
What is Carrying Capacity?
the maximum amount of people an environment can sustain indefinitely
What are four Sales Strategies?
Three types of compensation for sales people
straight salary
straight commission
combination of both
Push vs. Pull strategy
Push: company directs its marketing activites at channel members to induce them to order, carry and promote a product
Pull: comapny directs its marketing activities toward final comuners to induce them to buy the produce
What are sales quotas?
sale targets sales people need to achieve
How to you set marketing/promotional budget?
depends on the objective of marketing pland and promotion plan
what funs are needed for promotional mix and campaigns for the entire year
Four major tools in the marketing communication mx
- type of product.
- push vs pull strategy
- buyer readiness state
- product life cycle stage