Final Review Flashcards
deceptive strategies
unjust defamation of character
loud and talkative
with authority; in a commanding way
sorrow over wrongdoing
peaceful; calm
in a degrading way
partying wildly
unable to be reformed
overdone; showy
“___ all this frosty tide, Let your doors swing open wide …”
“Here we stand in the cold and the sleet, blowing ___ and stamping feet …”
“Raining ___ and benison — Bliss to-morrow and more anon, Joy for every morning.”
“___ Joseph toiled through the snow — Saw the star oer a stable low;”
“And then they heard the angels tell ‘Who were the first to cry ___? ‘ Animals all, as it befell …”
How has Toad’s character changed by the end of the story?
He learned to stop boasting and be humble.
According to Ratty, “There is nothing, absolutely nothing half so much worth doing as simply ___.”
messing about in boats
What literary technique is used in the following quote: “So spoke the Badger, not knowing what the future held in store, or how much water, and of how turbid a character, was to run under bridges before Toad should sit at ease again in his ancestral hall.”
After whom in Kenneth Grahame’s world is Toad’s character patterned?
Grahame’s son Alistair
At one point in the story, Ratty changes his opinion about something in a significant way. What is it?
He goes from being disinterested in the Wide World to long to go to sea and experience it.
Which characters are most like Kenneth Grahame himself?
combination of Ratty, Mole, and Badger
Give an example of personification in The Wind in the Willows?
“while the river still chattered on to him, a babbling procession of the best stories in the world.”
Give some examples of metaphor in The Wind in the Willows.
“Their old haunts greeted them again…”; “the whole mass of the Wild Wood, dense, menacing, compact”
To whom did Toad say, “Save me, only save me … I will confess everything!”
The engine driver
What historical period are the following words (describing Toad’s prison) meant to bring to mind? minions, portcullis, casquet and corselet of steel, scaffold, keep
The Middle Ages
What was Toad’s epiphany?
His life-changing vision of the motor-car
At the end of Chapter 4: Mr. Badger, where has Mole learned that he belongs?
in domesticated, civilized places of tilled field and hedgerow
Name Toad’s character flaws
talks too much; greedy and covetous; impulsive - acts without thinking first; lack of self-control
Give an example of alliteration from The Wind in the Willows?
“the diffident and delaying dog-rose”
Describe Pan
“Helper and healer, I cheer small waifs in the woodland wet”
Describe Badger
serious, unchanging, stern but kind
Describe Ratty’s character quality.
loves to party
What clever thing does Mole do in Chapter 11?
He disguises himself as a washerwoman and feeds false information to the stoats, ferrets, and weasels.
About whom does Ratty say, “That’s just the sort of fellow he is! Simply hates Society!”
Describe the way Mole changes from the beginning of the story to the end.
He “grows up” and becomes a brave leader.