Final Review Flashcards
QA exposure time
+/- 5% accuracy
Collimator light field and actual xray field
Within 2% SID
kV meter
+/- 4 kV
+/- 5%
Focal spot size, linearity, reproducibility, filtration, kV, exposure time
Test annually
CR for AP L5-S1
30-35 degrees
CR L1-L4
AP shoulder extrrnal rotation
Epicondyles parallel
AP shoulder internal rotation
Epicondyles perpendicular
Humerus, elbow, and forearm lateral
ERCP Cm injected in
Cervical oblique position demonstrate
Intervertebral foramina
Cervical lateral position
Apophyseal joint
Intervertebral disc spaces
Higher SNR produces
Higher quality image
Barium in fundus
Px supine
Ap projection, LPO
Size distortion
Improper alignment of tube, part and IR
Shape distortion (foreshortening, elongation)
High frequency generators
Small size, nearly constant voltage potential, decrease px dose
Tissue is most sensitive to radiation when it is in
Oxygenated condition
6 inch air gap (OID)
Increases image contrast (much SC will not reach the IR)
Duodeno-jejunal flexure
Angle of treitz
PSP storage plate
- Protective layer
- Phospor Layer - barium fluorohalide layer
- Reflective Layer -ditect emiited light to CR reader
- Base
- Antistatic Layer
- Lead Foil - absorb backscatter
Lateral lumbar
Intervertebral disk
Intervertebral foramina
Spinous process
Oblique Lumbar
Apophyseal articulation
Posterior oblique - close to IR
Anterior oblique - farthest
Repeated exposure in a given technique - provide consistent intensity
Mas values, diff ma station with app exposure time adjustments - provide consistent intensity
Line focus principle
Actual focal spot larger than effective focal spot
Gb moved away form spine
Fuoroscope table top intensity
Not exceed 10 R/min
SSD fixed fluoroscopic equipment
Mobile fluoroscopic
Atleast 15 in
Atleast 12 in
KV will decrease to 15%, density will
Cut in half
Artifact in using geid for DR imaging
Aliasing or grid effect
Degree of lateral motion
L and R bending
Degree of AP motion
Lateral flexion, extension
Blow out fracture
Fracture of the inferior orbital wall
Olecranon process best demonstrated in
Lateral position , also acute flexion position
Internal oblique elbow
Coronoid process
External oblique elbow
Radial head free of superimposition
Decrease exposure factor to
Multiple myeloma
Parrial transfer of incident photon energy
Compton scattering
SID and magnification
Inversely proportional
Administered parenterally
By any route other than orally
Bony growth at dorsal surface of 3rd MCJ
Carpal boss
CR for knee: 19-24 cm bet ASIS and table (Sthenic Px)
CR perpendicular
Less than 19cm (Asthenic)
CR - 5degrees caudad
Greater than 24cm (hypersthenic)
CR 5 degreas cephalad
When you controls arterial tension in sphymomanometer
Brachial artery is temporarily collapsed
Left upper quadrant
Fundus of stomach
Unlawful laying of hands on px
Threat or touching or latong hands
Px states that he or she no longer want to continue procedure and is ignored
Restraining devices are improperly used
False imprisonment
Change non grid to grid exposure
No grid - 1 x original mAs
5: 1 grid - 2
6: 1 - 3
8: 1 - 4
12: 1 - 5
16: 1 - 6
mAs1 = grid factor 1
______. _____________
mAs2. grid factor 2
Symptoms of hypoglycemia
Lumbar apophyseal not well visualized in posterior oblique and pedicle is seen on the posterior aspect or vertebral body
Pedicle seen on anterior aspect of vertebral body
What to do
Decrease degree of px rotation
Increase rotation
Image intensifier Magnification mode
Less noise
Improved contrast resolution
Improved spatial resolution
Controlled area
Workers , 100mR/ week
Public, 10mR/ week
PA projection abdomen
Ilia is froeshortened
Radiation passing to tissue and depositing energy through ionization procees
Plantodorsal calcaneus
Sustentaculum tali, trochlear process, calcaneal tuberosity
Asthenic, gb located at
Lower at medial
Saddle - diarthrotic jt
Carpometacarpal jt
Amphiarthrotic jt
Slightly movable
Synarthrotic jt
CR for cervical posterior oblique
15-20 degrees cephalad
Farther from IR
Crescent-shaped artifacts (crinkle marks)
Black crescent
Bending film acutely
Bending after exposure
Tree like branching black marks
Static electrical discharge (cold,dry weather)
Portion of xray beam where effective focal spot is largest
Cathode end
Weght bearing lateral
Longitudinal arch
Increase/decrease exposure
Fibrosarcoma Paralytic ileus (obstruction)
Differential absorption related to
Subject contrast
Recorded detail related to
Focal spot size
Increase/decrease exposure factor
Spoken defamation
Written defamation
Raise blood pressure
Decrease coagulation
Local anesthetic, antidtsrhytmic
Focal spot blur, geometric blur greatest in
Anode side
Talus articulate anteriorly woth
Navicular articulates laterally to
Window level decreases, brightness
Barium filled pylorus and duodenum
Esophagus between vertebrae and heart
PA Oblique sternum
What position?
Anterior oblique position for axillarynportins of ribs
Affected side away from IR
ESE for chest PA
12-26 mR
Xray intensity across promary beam can vary as much as 45% describes the
Anode hell effect
Mutual induction
High voltage transformer
Self induction
Auto transformer
Telescoping of the bowel causing mechanical obstruction
Resolution can be expressed in terms of
Loss of density at lateral edge
SID was too great
Articular surfaces of femur and patella
Tangential, sunrise projection
Crystalline material lacking typical crystalline structure
Evaluate timer accuracy, rectifier efficiency in single phase
Spinning top test
Introduction of CM into kidd ya via catheter, not a functional study of urinary syatem
Retrograde Urography
Energy to efect K shell electon from tungsten atom
Atleast 70 kEv
Position for sternlclavicular joints
15 degrees oblique
Side interese nearest to IR
Allows continuous rotation of xray tibe -and continuos couch movement (elimination of cables)
Slip rings
Invasion of privacy
False imprisonment
Intentional misconduct
Most radiosensitive part of the cell cycle
SMV oblique axial of zygomatic arches, skull rotation
15 degrees toward affected side
Wavi linear lines, occur in CR using starionary grids
Aliasing effect, Moire effect
Anode with small angle provides improved recorded detail and improves heat capacity
Line focus principle
Grid cut off everywhere except central vertical strip image
Incorrect grid placement
3 phase 6 pulse
3 phase 12 pulse
13% voltage ripple
4% voltage ripple
Lumbar puncture is at level of
Increase/ decrease exposure
Antipyretic - reduce fever
For vomiting, emetic
Lasix (furosemide)
RAO position of stomach demonstrates
Puloric canal and duodenal bulb
Retroperitoneal structures
Kidneys Adrenal gland Pancreas Duodenum Ascending and descending colon Portions of aorta Inferior vena cava
PA Axial Caldwell
Demonstrates frontal and ethmoid sinuses
Frontal view of sternum
Condition that results from a persistent foramen ovale
An atrial septal defect
Interspaces between the first and 2nd cuneiforms best demonstrated
Lateral Oblique foot
Sternal angle at level of
Portion of humerus articulates with ulna to form elbow joint
Elbow flexed 80 degrees, CR 45 degrees laterally from the shoulder to the elbow joint, structures best demonstrated?
Coronoid process
Articular facets of L5- S1 are best demonstrated
30 degree oblique
Introduction of radiopaque CM through uterine cannula
Position of shoulder in which greater tubercle is superimposed on humeral head?
Internal rotation
Knee and tmj
Used to evaluate glenohumeral joint
Scapular Y
Inferosuperior Axial
Transthoarcic lateral
Scapular y projection
Scapular border should be superimposed on humeral shaft
Oblique projection of shoulder
AP projection of the L5-S1 interspace
Px AP with 30-35 degree angle cephalad
Demonstrate cranial base, sphenoidal sinuses, atlas and odontoid process
Talocalcaneal joint visualize
Plantodorsal projection of os calsis
Talotibial joint is visualize
Tibia and fibula superimpose
Lateral ankle
PA axial of paranasal sinuses
OML is elevated 15 degrees from the horizontal
Frontal and ethmoidal sinuses are visualized
Billiary tract calculi
Gallbladder calculi
Operative cholangiography
Demonstrate vesicoureteral reflux
Voising cystourethrogram
Clavicular body
Acromioclavicular jt
True AP projection of Clavicle
OML forming 37 degree with IR, CR perpendicular exiting at acanthion best demonstrate
Facial Bones
Ap trendelenburg during upper GI to demonstrate
Hiatal hernia