final review Flashcards
what are the pros of a DSM-5?
standardized, pragmatic naming system
what are the cons of DSM-5?
it’s all or none;
What are the cons of the RDoc?
not pragmatic in clinical setting
high levels in stress can result in high levels of:
a disorder in which brain abnormalities get worse over time is:
neurotransmitters involved in schizophrenia?
dopamine + glutamate
schizophrenia can relapse if they are in an environment with:
high expressed emotion (EE)
how is schizophrenia treated?
first or second generation antipsychotics (neuroleptic medications)
how do first and second gen. antipsychotics differ?
2nd are just as effective but cause less extrapyramidal (motor abnormality) side effects
what happens in family therapy for schizophrenia?
communication + management skills, how to reduce high levels of EE
what is CBT for schizophrenia?
social-skills training, cognitive remediation therapy, individual treatment, case management
when did the diagnostic classification system start to focus on the special problems of children?
2nd half of 20th century
what are the major treatment approaches for ADHD?
medication + behavior therapy
what medication is used in the treatment of ADHD
what are some possible causes of conduct disorder?
biological factors, personal pathology, family patterns, peer relationships