Final Review Flashcards
Remove strips from boards when __________________________________.
no longer required for control purposes
Sequence strips in __________ ______ by time.
ascending order
Monitor interphones and assigned radio frequencies __________.
When issuing clearances or instructions ensure __________ by the pilot.
If attitude, heading or other items are read back by the pilot, ensure the read back is __________ and __________.
If not correct or if incomplete _______ __________ ___ _________.
Correct and complete
Make corrections as appropriate
Radio message format:
ID of aircraft
ID of ATC unit
the word “over” if required
After initial communication:
ID of the aircraft
the word “over” if appropriate
Do not abbreviate:
Similar sounding call signs
air carrier call signs or
civil aircraft with FAA approved call signs
Omit facility identifications _______ __________ _____ _____ ________.
after communications have been established
Transmit the message immediately after call up when the _________ __ _____ and the _______ ___ _________ _________.
Message is short
Receipt is generally assured
State air carrier and other civil aircraft having FAA authorized call signs in ________ ________.
group form
Branch of service
Air Force
Branch of service
Coast Guard
Branch of service
National Guard
Branch of service
Branch of service
Branch of service
Interphone message priorities
Emergency messages
Clearance and control instructions
Movement and control messages
Movement messages on VFR aircraft
Use the words __________ or _________ for interrupting lower priority messages when you have an emergency or control message to transmit.
Emergency or control
Interphone message format
Both caller and receiver state their facility
Interphone message format
Caller states type of coordination to be accomplished
Interphone message format
Caller states message
Interphone message format
Receiver states response to callers message followed by their operating initials
Interphone message format
The caller states their operating initials
Terminate all interphone messages with your __________ ___________.
Operating initials
FAA flight service stations state the name of the service followed by the word _______.
example: Columbus radio
Sector 26 LOA
All IFR aircraft departing OLU northbound shall be prior coordinated with sector 37
When calling for clearances for OVR/OFF
Contact Omaha approach
When calling for clearances grand island
Contact grand island tower
When calling for clearances Lincoln
Contact Lincoln approach
When calling for clearances for all other airports
Contact Columbus radio
For Lincoln arrival aircraft at or above 11,000 MSL will be at or
descending to 11,000 feet MSL or lowest center altitude available
All westbound aircraft departing Kearney Hastings and grand island airports are to be coordinated with _________ _________ prior to issuing thE IFR departure clearance
Denver Center
All aircraft departing Columbus northbound on V71 are to be coordinated with _________ prior to issuing the IFR departure clearance
Sector 37
All other departures are to be coordinated with the adjacent sector or center prior to the aircraft crossing the ____ ____ __ ____ _____ or within _____ ______ ___ _______ ______, which ever is appropriate.
Last fix in your sector
Two minutes of the departure times
Issue clearances in the following order:
Aircraft ID Clearance limit Route Altitude Frequency and Beacon Transponder code information
Relay clearances ___________
Avoid using the term _________ except to actually clear and aircraft for takeoff or to cancel take off clearance.
Use such terms as ______ _________ or _______ in clearance when necessary
Depart, departure or fly
Always include ___ ________ ___ ________ when issuing a departure clearance for relayed to an aircraft by FSS, dispatcher Etc.
The airport of departure
Assign ______ _______, ________ ____ _____, _____ ___ ______ or _____ _____ when necessary to separate departures from other aircraft or to restrict or regulate the departure flow.
Departure restrictions, clearance void times, hold for release or release times
When issuing clearance void times at airports not served by control towers provide instructions requiring the pilots to advise ATC of their intentions ___ ____ ____ ___ _______ after the clearance void time if not airborne
Not later than 30 minutes
Use DME procedures and minima only when _______ ______________ _______ are maintained
Direct pilot/controller communications