Final/ Review Flashcards
What are the reasons for increased interest in evidence?
- Unexplained variations in practice
- Increasing cost of healthcare
- Medical Errors
- Potential or actual harm from previous approved medications and medical devices
- Increased emphasis on outcomes
- Coverage decisions based on evidence
What is evidence-based practice?
The use of clinical decision making rather than unquestioning reliance on knowledge gained from experts or familiar practice habits
What are the factors important to evidence-based physical therapy practice?
- Therapist knowledge and willingness to accept new evidence
- Access to evidence through electronic databases
- Time to participate in the EBPT process
List the research designs from most bias control to least bias control
Case Report/Anecdote
What type of data is it when the research already exists?
Retrospective data
What type of data is it when new data is collected in real time?
Prospective data
What type of data is it when it is taken from a single point in time?
Cross-sectional data
What type of data is it when data is collected over an extended period of time?
Longitudinal data
List the hierarchy of evidence:
- Randomized Clinical Trials
- Cohort Studies
- Case Control Studies
- Case-Series Studies
- Expert Opinions
What is a background question?
desire to understand the nature of the problem… help clinicians understand the patients problem better
What is a foreground question?
allow clinicians to make decisions about specific clinical managements issues
What type of question helps determine diagnostic tests, interventions, clinical prediction rules, etc.?
What type of question helps determine precautions, contraindications, exercise limits, etc.?
What are the EBPT electronic databases?
- PubMed
- Cochrane
- PEDro
- APTA’s Hooked on Evidence