Final Review Flashcards
brain continues to change in response to experience or environment
Casual Inference
does this (in brain) cause that (Behavior)
Oliodentricites and Schwann (glial cells) cells wrap around axons to form this myelin which is fatty insulin to help speed up AP
Basal Ganglia
Control movement and procedural learning. Forebrain nuclei.
limbic system; process fear emotions and learning wrapped around Basal Gangli. Emotional regulation and perception of odor.
limbic; learning/memory. change some memories from non declarative short term to long term
hunger, thirst, temperature, sex. control pituitary gland and helps brain interface with hormonal systems
Equilbrium potential
electric charge is at one that completely balances gradient this is in resting potential
cell gets to -40mV (after diff ions come in and change gradients) and starts AP
AP what happens to charges
rapid reversal of membrane potential. Inside becomes positive and outside negative. Produced down axon hillock between myelin sheath
Synaptic Vesicles
structure ball that carries the NT and binds to the presynaptic wall via Ca ions to let out NT to synapse
compound in tobacco; agonist on cholinegic receptors. stimulant that increases heart rate and blood pressure
Depresant drug. First stimulant then depressant of neural activity. Attach to GABA receptors decreases anxiety
Depressant. Brain has cannaboid receptors for THC
Blocks adenosine receptors NT increase and brain activity increase