Final Review Flashcards
A + Person + (no) + Indirect Object Pronoun(IOP)(me/te/le/nos/les) + Gusta(n) + Thing(s)/verb(s)
Conjugate verbs`
1st- move (se) to front
2nd- conjugate (se) to correct format
Example- Banarse(to bathe) yo- me bano tu- te banas el/ella- se bana nosotros- nos banamos ellas/ellos- se banan
Reflexive verb
Definite article- the
Possesive article- my
Used when referred to clothing or parts of body
Example- The girl puts on her shoes
La nina se pone los zapatos
A quien le toca…?
Whose turn is it to…?
Me toca a mi
It’s my turn
Te toca a ti
It’s your turn
Le toca a __
It’s __’s turn
Direct Object Pronoun
Si/no + subject + (no) + DOP + verb
Me- me Te- you(familiar) Lo- him, it(male) La- her, it(female) Nos- us Los- them(male) Las- Them(female)
Example- Margarita lo lavo
DOP infinitive form (when two verbs are present)
Si/no + subject + (no) + verb + infinitiveDOP
Example- Nosotros vamos a lavarlos
No es justo!
It’s not fair!
Ay, que pasado!
Oh, what a pain!
Siempre me toca a mi!
I always have to do it!
Estoy harto/a de limpiar
I’m sick and tired of…
Yo la lo hice mil veces
I’ve already done it a thousand times
En tus ratos libres…
In your free time…
Cual es tu pasatiempo favorito?
What is your favorite pastime
Estoy loco/a por
I’m crazy about…
Me interesa(n)
I’m interested in…