Final review Flashcards
Overall condition of body or mind and the presence or absence of disease
Holistic, multidimensional approach to health and vitality encompassing Physical, Intellectual, Spiritual, Interpersonal, Emotional, and Environmental well-being
-unstructured, free flowing, spontaneous Style: Informal Guidance: Mininal When to use it: -Experimental learning -Highly skilled or motivated people -ppl who prefer to teach themselves
Structure: Highly structured
Style: Formal
Guidance: leader instructs, participants follow
Focus: take oriented, very specific & complex skills
When to use it:
-specific or complex skill instruction
-ppl who are less motivated/skilled & need more intensive instruction
Ex: bootcamp, or “pushing” an athlete
Structure: shared leadership Style: semi-formal Instructor is leader AND group decisions are made by entire group When to use it: -developing a team or group -developing leadership -ensuring participant learning -mature groups
Adult Learning Principles
Personal meaning
-develop exercises that ask participants to use information that ties into their own experiences
-create opportunities for participants to share problems and ideas
-allow learners time to reflect on how new info fits into what they already know
(attach personal value)
Adult Learning Principles
Learning Climate
Environments are best when they:
- are SUPPORTIVE and free from threats
- foster SELF-ESTEEM
- foster RESPECT
- promote ACCEPTANCE of Sims and Diffs
Adult Learning Principles
Self Responsibility
- encourage learners to take responsibility for their own learning
- have them engage in decision making, planning and implementing learning activitites
- encourage learners to Make Their Own Decisions about what they want to learn & how they want to learn it
Adult Learning Principles
Group Setting
- Learning is enhanced when learners can work in a group setting; sharing and building on the experiences & resources of others in the group
- encourage them to look to each other for answers
- create opportunities to share problems & ideas
- encourage two-way communication
Adult Learning Principles
Emerging Needs & Interests
- Adults learn best when learning is viewed as Evolutionary Process and the learning structure adapts to the emerging needs & interest of a group
- Allow time to asses and sidetrack into ppls Needs and Interests
- ppl can read content on their own time
- pat attention to level of understanding
Adult Learning Principles
On Going Evaluation and Reflection
Adults learn best when they:
- have time to reflect on their learning
- are able to give & receive feedback
- can implement changes as a result of learning
Adult Learning Principles
- Personal Meaning
- Learning climate
- Self responsibility
- Group setting
- Emerging Needs and Interests
- On going Evaluation and Reflection
Self Efficacy
The belief in one’s ability to take action and perform a specific behavior (#1 predictor in if they will be successful in changing behavior)
Locus of Control
The “place” a person designates as the source of responsibility for the events in his/her life
- Internal-something the person did
- External- outside forces
- *Internal more successful in changing behavior**
Stages of Behavior Change
- Precontemplation
- Contemplation
- Preparation
- Action
- Maintenence
- change is going to happen NEVER
- No desire to change
- resistance and denial
- *Dont believe they have a problem
- change is going to take place SOMEDAY
- is aware of their problem
- is considering/desiring change
- *dont know HOW to change
- change is going to take place SOON
- planning to take action within 30 DAYS
- beginning to make Small Changes and Plans to change
- change is desired AND believed to be possible