Final Review Flashcards
Define Exercise Physiology:
A basic and applied science describing the body’s response to exercise and adaptation to training
describe the 4 factors that are used to describe an acute response to exercise:
- Exercise Mode: type of activity/sport, energy demand (aerobic vs anaerobic)
- Exercise Intensity: amount of exertion
- maximal exertion: greatest load, fastest time
- submaximal exertion: absolute (HR below max); relative (percentage of max) - Characteristics of Exerciser: pattern of response similar between people but magnitude differs
- Exercise Task: must match task to the physiological system evaluated
describe the 8 training principles that are used to guide programs:
- Specificity: specific adaption to imposed demands
- Overload: increase demand over normal conditions
- Adaptation: physiological function change responding to training
- Progression: change in overload in response to adaption
- Retrogression: decrease in progress perhaps from over training/injury
- Maintenance: sustaining achieved adaption with most efficient effort use
- Individualization: personalize the exercise program
- Warm up/Cool down: prepares body for activity & allows gradual return to resting levels
Describe the structure of ATP:
- Carbon nitrogen base – adenine
- 5 carbon sugar – ribose
- 3 phosphates
adenine + ribose = adenosine
Ways ATP can be generated: (3)
- immediate energy system – ATP/PC system/alactate system
- Anaerobic Respiration – cell cytoplasm
- aerobic respiration – cell mitochondria
Overview of cellular respiration: (5)
- all 3 major food nutrients (fat, CHO, proteins) serve as fuel for ATP production
- Most important form of substrates are FFA, glucose, AA
- Acetyl Coenzyme A- central converting substance for all 3 food sources
- beta oxidation, oxidative deamination, & transamination preparatory steps for formation of acetyl CoA
- end processes of Krebs cycle, ETS, & oxidative phosphorylation are common for all 3 food sources
Describe (draw) the first stage of CHO breakdown (glycolysis)
Describe (draw) stage II of CHO breakdown (formation of Acetyl CoA):
Describe (draw) stage III of CHO breakdown (Krebs cycle)
Discuss (draw) how a stored TG can be released from an adipocyte, transported, and eventually used for the production of ATP. Make sure to discuss Beta Oxidation, provide a summary of Beta Oxidation, and show how many ATP can be synthesized from Palmitic Acid (16C) :
Describe the reasons and the production of ketones and provide three examples of ketone bodies:
- when CHO stores are low, oxaloacetic acid from Krebs cycle is converted to glucose in liver for brain & CNS
- once OAA is removed from Krebs cycle, acetyl CoA can’t combine that OAA so it builds up & is shuttled to the liver forming ketones which can be used as fuel for brain & CNS but at expense of ketosis ( increase acid/decrease pH)
- 3 types of ketones in body:
- acetoacetic acid
- beta-hydroxy butyric acid
- acetone
describe a protein and which proteins are used in metabolism:
Protein: amino acids linked together all having a common amino group containing nitrogen (NH2)
- not used as fuel often but when they a re we use branded chain AA like leucine, isoleucine, valine
compare and contrast transamination and oxidative deamination:
Transimination: transfer NH2 from AA to a ketoacid to form a new AA and new ketoacid
glutamate + pyruvate = alanine + alpha ketogluterate
Oxidative Deamination: NH2 removed from AA to get ketoacid & NH3
AA + NAD+ + H2O = ketoacid + NADH+H+ + NH3
Draw the expected oxygen consumption vs exercise time curve that demonstrates oxygen deficit and EPOC:
describe how energy is supplied during oxygen deficit: (3)
- O2 bound to HB and Mb
- ATP/PC System
- Anaerobic Glyolysis
describe he possible reasons for the fast and slow components of EPOC:
EPOC- fast component:
1. Replenish O2 bound to Hb & Mb
2. Phosphorylate ADP
3. Increased energy cost of respiratory & CV systems
EPOC- slow component:
1. Elevated hormone levels: Epi, norepi, & cortisol
2. Increased body temp
3. minimal amount for lactate removal from cell
Discuss the Anaerobic or Lactate Threshold and what may cause this physiological response:
Lactate Threshold: the exercise intensity above which there is a disproportionate rise in lactate or ventilation relative to oxygen consumption
- due to excess CO2 from buffering HLa
what problems does excess Lactic Acid present: (3)
- Pain: H+ ions stimulate pain nerve endings in muscle
- Metabolic Fatigue:
1. enzyme changes
2. disrupts membrane transport mechanics
3. affects substrate availability - Muscular Fatigue:
1. inhibits actomyosin ATPase
2. interferes with Ca2+
3. interferes with cross-bridge formation
what are the possible fates of Lactate: (4)
- converted back to pyruvate in non-working skeletal muscle then oxidized aerobically producing ATP (55-70%)
- converted to glycogen in liver - cori cycle (20%) (2)
- broken down & carbons used to make amino acids (5-10%)
- stays lactate (1-2%)
Define maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max), describe the criteria that are used to determine if max had been reached:
VO2 Max: the largest amount of O2 that can be taken in, transported, & utilized by the body
1. lactate > 8 mmolxL-1
2. HR at/near max (220 - age)
3. O2 consumption levels off or plateaus even though workload increases (most reliable)
4. RPE (rating of perceived exertion) > 17
5. RER (respiratory exchange ratio) = CO2 produced/O2 consumed > 1.1
explain oxygen drift and the causes of O2 drift:
O2 Drift: during prolonged exercise there is an increase in O2 consumption greater than what would be expected.
1. Intensity remains constant but above 70% Vo2 max
2. intensity is lower than 70% VO2 max but very prolonged
3. exercising in hot/humid conditions
Describe the conductive and respiratory zones:
Conductive Zone: nose, mouth, nasal cavity, pharynx, trachea, primary/secondary/tertiary bronchioles
- “anatomical dead space” : no gas exchange
- air transport
- warm & humidifies air
- filter air by ciliated mucosal membranes
Respiratory Zone: respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, alveoli
- some alveoli don’t always function: “physiological dead space”
- gas exchange
describe the pulmonary and bronchiole circulations of the pulmonary system:
Pulmonary: external respiration parallel to divisions of conduction zone
- capillary blood matches lung structure
- right ventricle — pulmonary artery — lungs — pulmonary vein — left atrium
Bronchiole: small systemic arteries
- aorta — lungs — pulmonary vein — left atrium
discuss the integration of the two respiratory centers located in the medulla oblongata and the two neural centers located in the brain stem:
Medulla Oblongata:
1. Inspiratory Center: Doral respiratory group, most important center; rhythmical on/off depolarization of phrenic nerve
2. Expiratory Center: ventral respiratory group, maintain inspiratory muscle tone so they never relax & activates expiratory muscles during exercise
Neural Centers:
Apneustic Center: constantly stimulates inspiratory center unless inhibited by pneumotaxic center
Pneumotaxic Center: constantly inhibits inspiratory center & occasionally inhibits apneustic center
Discuss the 5 factors affecting control of pulmonary ventilation:
- Hypothalamus: involuntary action of sympathetic nervous system activated by shock or pain (inhibits) & strong emotions (stimulates)
- Cerebral Cortex: originates in motor cortex providing direct connection from motor. cortex to respiratory muscles; allows for some voluntary control
- Systemic Receptors:
- irritant receptors: conduction zone of lungs resulting in reflex cough/sneeze
- stretch receptors: deep/fast breathing inhibits apneustic & inspiratory centers - Mechanoreceptors: proprioreceptors in muscles & joints; no role at rest only minor role during exercise
- Chemoreceptors: responds to changes in chemical substances
- central chemoreceptors: in medulla responds to increased PCO2 & acidity or decreased pH
- peripheral chemoreceptors: in aorta & carotid arteries responds to increase PCO2, acidity, K+ and decreased PO2 & pH
Discuss the factors affecting the diffusion rates of O2 and CO2: (4)
- Solubility Coefficients: Henry’s law; when mixture of gases comes into contact with a liquid then each gas diffused into the liquid proportionally to partial pressure & solubility coefficient until equilibrium
- Diffusion Gradients: larger gradient faster the diffusion except for CO2 requires smaller gradient
- Membrane Thickness: increase in thickness reduces diffusion
- Alveolar Surface Area: any decrease in SA will decrease gas exchange
explain how O2 and CO2 are transported:
O2 Transport:
1. dissolved in plasma (1-3%)
2. bound to heme portion of hemoglobin (about 98%)
CO2 Transport:
1. dissolved in plasma (5-10%)
2. bound to globin portion of hemoglobin (20%)
3. transported as bicarbonate (70%) - chloride shift
Draw, carefully label, and discuss the factors that can cause a right shift in the oxyhemoglobin curve:
Causes of R shift:
1. Increase PCO2
2. Increase H+ or decrease pH
3. Increase 2.3 DPG
4. Increase temp
Draw and describe the electrical events associated with the electrocardiogram:
P Wave: atrial depolarization causing atrial contraction
QRS Complex: depolarization of ventricles masking atrial repolarization
T Wave: repolarization of ventricles
discuss the various aspects of the cardiac cycle:
Diastole: “Ventricular filling period”
- blood volume in ventricles greatest at end of ventricular filling but pressure low since ventricles are relaxed
- blood volume in left ventricle at end of diastole = LVEDV
“isovulmetric contraction period” : blood volume in ventricles constant but pressure increases
“ventricular ejection period”: pressure in ventricles greater than aortic pressure
- volume in blood in left ventricle at end of systole = LVESV
Discuss the systemic factors affecting control of the cardiovascular system
Higher Brain Centers: central command
- cerebral cortex: emotions can increase HR & BP
- motor cortex: hypothalamus can increase HR & vasoldialate in active muscles
- temperature through hypothalamus can increase HR, cardiac output, & vasodilator in active muscles
Systemic Receptors:
1. Baroreceptors: carotid arteries & aortic arch responding to increase BP & decrease HR by Increase parasympathetic stimulation & decreased sympathetic stimulation (Baroreflex)
2. Stretch Receptors: right atrium responding to increased venous return to heart needing increase cardiac output and HR by increased sympathetic stimulation & decreased parasympathetic stimulation (brainbridge reflex)
3. Chemoreceptors: aorta & carotid arteries sensitive to increased PCO2 & H+ to vasoconstriction arterioles
4. Muscle Joint Receptors:
- mechanoreceptors: respond to mechanic movements
- metaboreceptors: respond to metabolic changes, increase HR, vasodilate active muscles & vasoconstriction non active muscles
5. Neurohormonal Receptors: sympathetic innervation of adrenal medulla to release epinephrine increasing HR, vasodilate active muscles, vasoconstriction non active muscles
What is stroke volume and what are the factors that can influence SV?
Stroke Volume: volume of blood ejected from ventricles with each beat
determined by:
1. preload
2. contractility
3. afterload
What is cardiac output?
Cardiac Output: amount of blood pumped per minute, represents total blood flow of entire CV system
Qc = SV x HR
at rest = 5 L/min
at max = 25 L/min
What is myocardial oxygen consumption, how can it be estimated, and how can if be influenced?
Myocardial O2 Consumption: determined by O2 extraction (avO2 diff) and blood flow
- influenced by increased flow by:
1. increased HR
2. increased contraction force to eject more blood
3. metabolic byproducts cause vasodilation & decreased resistance to flow
can estimate by rate-pressure product
RPP = (SBP x HR)/100
Discuss in detail the 5 major components of the vascular system (arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins).
- Arteries: carry blood from heart to body; able to distend during systole & recoil during diastole
MAP @ rest = PP/3 + DBP
MAP during exercise = PP/2 + DBP - Arterioles: resistance vessels, smooth muscle can vasodilate/vasoconstrict by sympathetic innervation and metabolic by products
- Capillaries: exchange of gases & nutrients between blood & tissue; walls are 1 cell thick so small RBCs pass in single file
- anastomoses: wide connecting channels acting as a shunt b/w arterioles & venues used for thermoregulation
- metarteriole: connects arteriole with venule as a short cut through capillary bed
- movement of fluid by: hyodrastic pressure & osmotic pressure
- Venues: nutrient exchange
- Veins: capacitance vessels; low resistance can pool large volumes of blood; has valves not allowing back flow
Discuss the 3 major components of cardiovascular dynamics:
- Flow: Qc = MAP/TPR = mean arterial pressure/total peripheral resistance
- Resistance: Poiseuille’s Law
Total Peripheral Resistance = length x viscosity/(radius) ^4 - Velocity: velocity of flow of a fluid in a closed system is inversely related to the total cross sectional area
basic principles and techniques used to obtain a blood pressure: (4)
- method referred to as auscultation
- must first inflate cuff to occlude blood flow
- 1st Korotkoff sound - SBP
- 5th or last Korotkoff sound - DBP
Define osteopenia and osteoporosis:
Osteopenia: low BMD without increased risk of fracture
- -1.0 to -2.4 standard deviations below average value for BMD in young women
Osteoporosis: low BMD with increased fracture risk
- less than -2.5 standard deviations below average value for BMD for young women
discuss the two primary types of osteoporosis:
Type 1: post menopausal or estrogen deficient
- osteoclast-mediated = greater resorption, normal formation
Type 2: age related or senile
- osteoblast-related = decreased formation, normal resorption
discuss the controllable and non-controllable risk factors for osteoporosis:
1. Age: old > young
2. Race: caucasian > african american
3. Sex: women > men
4. Family history: mother’s side
5. Frame size: small frame > larger frame
1. physical activity
2. endocrine status
3. Ca2+ intake
4. excessive alcohol intake
5. smoking
6. excessive caffeine intake
Discuss the events that occur at the neuro-muscular junction and then the resultant contraction of a muscle (i.e., the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction):
- AP depolarizes sarcolemma & travels down T-tubule
- activated DHP receptors signaling
- ryanodine receptors on SR to release calcium, calcium released from SR
- Calcium binds to Tn-C changing its shape and moving tropomyosin exposing active actin binding sites
- mutual attraction between actin & myosin
- they bind forming charged acto-myosin cross bridge
- ATPase on neck of myosin activated and breaks down ATP = power stroke
- ADP phosphorylated to ATP causing myosin to release from actin and look for new binding sites on actin
- Relaxation:
- Calcium back to SR: Ca2+ ATPase pump
- calsequestrin: passive return
Compare and contrast the major muscle fibers types (i.e., Contractile, Metabolic, Structural, and Functional differences):
Type 1:
1. Slow twitch - I a
2. Slow oxidative
3. red
4. alpha 2 innervation
5. slow conduction velocity
6. low threshold potential
7. recruited 1st - coleus
Type II a:
1. fast twitch - II a
2. fast oxidative glycolytic
3. white
4. innervated by Alpha 1
5. fast conduction velocity
6. high threshold potential
7. recruited 2nd
Type II b:
1. fast twitch - II b
2. fast glycolytic
3. white
4. alpha 1 innervation
5. fast conduction velocity
6. high threshold potential
7. recruited 3rd - triceps
Define the various types of muscle contraction:
Isokinetic: constant velocity, torque
Dynamic: concentric, eccentric
Isotonic: constant tension
Isometric: constant length, no change
explain the various mechanical factors that can affect the force of a muscular contraction: (5)
- Length-tension relationship: force directly related to amount of actin-myosin interacting
- long length: low tension w/ little overlap (3.5um)
- optimal length: high tension w/maximal overlap (2.3-2.0um)
- short length: low tension due to mechanical interference - force velocity relationship: inversely related
- Cross-sectional area: larger cross sectional area greater the force
- line of pull & type of muscle:
- force production: pennate fiber arrangement > longitudinal fiber arrangement
- range of motion: longitudinal fiber arrangement > pennate fiber arrangement - Stretch shortening cycle: increase force production with addition of stored elastic energy
Define proprioception and compare and contrast how the vestibular apparatus, the muscle spindle, and the GTO work, there basic anatomy (i.e., what they respond to, receptors, afferents, efferents, etc.), and the reflexes associated with them:
Proprioception: kinesthesis or body awareness
1. Vestibular Apparatus: inner ear for balance & head positioning
- 2 sets of organs & receptors
- utricle &. saccule and macula receptor = linear head accelerations
- semilunar canals and crista ampularis receptor = angular head accelerations
What are the assumptions that allow the body to be compartmentalized?
- Densities of fat (0.9gm/cc) and fat free body (1.1gm/cc) are known and additive
- Densities of fat free body are relatively constant from person to person
- Proportions of fat free body are constant from person to person
- Individual being assessed differs from reference person only in amount of fat possessed
What is Archimedes principle, and what is the formula used to assess body density with this method?
Archimedes Principle: body submerged in fluid will be buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the volume displaced
Bd = mass/volume = BWa / BWa - BWw - (RV + VGI)/ Dw
Compare and contrast the two patterns of fat distribution:
- abdominal, apple shape
- more visceral fat
- predominately male
- beta receptors: epi easier to mobilize fat
- gluteofemoral, pear shape
- more subcutaneous fat
- predominately female
- alpha receptors: epi difficult to mobilize fat
Discuss the various health risks associated with obesity: (5)
- cardiovascular disease - independent of age, cholesterol, SBP, smoking, & glucose tolerance
- hypertension
- gall bladder disease
- diabetes - glucose intolerance due to high glucose levels
- cancer - link for women since adipose is a site for estrogen formation