final review Flashcards
Kings in the Late Middle Ages increasingly had to consult representative assemblies to grant new taxes because?:
income from ordinary revenues, particularly rents, had declined
all of the following figures opposed the growing papal authority except?
bernard of clairvoix
instability of the late 14c was the result of the
weakening of feudalism in europe, increasing financial pressures on european rulers, demographic turmoil caused by the black plague, widespread failure of european rulers to produce a direct male heir
the great schism was finally resolved
by returning the pope to rome, but catholicism’s political power was broken
which of the following statements most accurately describes the impact of the development of gunpowder on europe’s nobility
gunpowder led to the end of knights in armor and jousting with lances
argued that a general council of top church officials not the pope possessed supreme earthly authority in the church
all of the following trends occurred in the decades after the outbreak of the bubonic plague in 1348 except
downward trend in the prices of manufactured goods
medieval scholasticism was characterized by
the use of dialectical logic
one of the most important consequences of the hundred years war was that
parliament widened its powers in england
unam sanctam expressed what view
temporal power was subject to the spiritual power of the church
the Hanseatic league monopolized trade in the
baltic and north seas
christians were forbidden to loan money at interest because
money could not make money
the word vernacular is used to describe
the spoken language of an area
the dominant trend in government in renaissance city-states in italy was from
republicanism to despotism
which of the following would have the greatest influence on shaping the values of the italian renaissance
the townhouse of an italian merchant
father of humanism
renaissance education was characterized by
emphasis on developing the “complete individual”
favorite classical author of renaissance scholars was
what was not a characteristic of the renaissance
strong anti christian sentiment
renaissance humanists would have been most interested in
finding an old greek manuscript
castiglione’s the courtier
suggested the proper social graces for a young renaissance noble
literary masterpiece the satirized the ideals of knighthood and chivalry was written by
renaissance courtiers were
people who served a prince in multiple political and administrative ways
civic humanists
advocated active service to the city-state
northern humanists differed from their italian predecessors
in their focus on the textual reexamination of the bible and the writings of the early church fathers
Art and sciences are not cast in a mold, but are perfected by degrees, by often handling and polishing, as bears leisurely lick their cubs into form. (Michel de Montaigne, Works II. xii, 1533-1592)
skepticism concerning known or revealed truth
mannerist art was characterized by
distorted human figures and unnatural lighting effects
jacob burckhardt believed the italian renaissance was
a distinct break from the middle ages
Pico della Mirandola’s Oration on the Dignity of Man stated that?:
god gave humans free will so that they could choose to be earthly or spiritual creatures
liberal education in the renaissance included all of the following except
the study of military theory
thomas moore’s utopia
presented a revolutionary social order based on communal living and property
the prince argued that
the prince’s highest obligation was the preservation of his state
italian renaissance art can be most appropriately described as
neoclassicism in which the traditional characteristics of harmony and symmetry were valued
lorenzo valla gained fame for
proving the donation to constantine a fraud
constructed as an intellectual threat to the church, humanism
maintained that the true source of authority within the church was scripture
- cujus regio, ejus religio.
- reaffirmation of German nationalism.
- limited to the recognition of Lutheranism and Catholicism.
- resolved the conflict between German Protestants and Catholic princes
in the Holy Roman Empire.
All of the statements above describe the?:
peace of augsburg
what was the cause for the protestant reformation, end of unity in western christianity, religious conflict, increase in lay education and spiritual reading
the great schism characterized by the Avignon papacy and the struggle between pope boniface XVIII and the french king phillip IV
protestant reformation had extended its influence to all of the nations except
when the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs, jingle spoken by
johannes tetzel
the schmalkadic war was begun by
charles V to restore catholicism to the holy roman empire
calvinist law prohibited
dancing and gambling
ulrich zwingli was responsible for the protestant conversion of
the diet of worms was
imperial council that ordered martin luther to recant and condemned him when he refused
the peace of augsburg
permitted only the ruler of each state in the empire to choose between lutheranism and catholicism
All are not created on equal terms, but some are preordained to eternal
life, others to eternal damnation; and, accordingly, as each has been
created for one or the other of these ends, we say that he has been
predestined to life or death.
This statement above reflects an essential view of?:
john calvin
most important reason for the popularity of lutheranism among the northern german princes was that it
attacked the idea of divinely established papal authority
martin luther rejected
financial payment for the remission of sins
not a cause of the protestant reformation
reform decrees of the council of trent
the brethren of common life represent
an example of pre-reformation popular piety
wycliffe and huss appealed to the superiority of
the bible
calvin insisted upon strict observance of moral laws because
moral behavior was an outward sign that the person was probably of the elect
german peasants were attracted to luther’s ideas chiefly because they
believed he supported their freedom from serfdom
luther believed women should
rule to household
result of the protestant reformation of the 16c was the
establishment of state churches in england, scotland, and northern germany
calvinism was a theocractic religion because
it permitted only members of its church to hold political office
official creed of lutheranism is in
the augsburg confession
popular lay movements that most directly assailed the late medieval church were the
lollards and hussites
principal reason for the sale of indulgences by the roman catholic church was the
desire to complete the building of the new st peters in rome
protestant reformation
encouraged the movement for popular education
2 Which of the following northern Christian humanist writers and their works are paired INCORRECTLY?:
1 - Sir Thomas More - Utopia.
2 - Miguel de Cervantes - Don Quixote.
3 - Francois Rabaleis - The Handbook of the Courtier.
4 - Desiderius Erasmus - In Praise of Foly.
only 3
the printing press helped the reformation succeed for all the following reasons except
it allowed the papacy to rapidly suppress lutheranism
the council of trent was important because it
reaffirmed the traditional doctrines of the catholic church
the reformation in germany resulted in
political fragmentation
the english reformatoin was peculiar because the government broke with rome
when there was no theological dispute between the king and the pope
englands break with the roman church became official with the passage of the
act of supremacy
martin luther intended his 95 theses to
initiate a debate on the buying and selling of indulgences
the reformation influenced the development of the modern world primarily by
providing some justification for the challenging the absolute authority of kings
the weber thesis attempted to explain the connections between the rise of calvinism and the rise of
in geneva the calvinists
imposed strict penalties for blasphemy and immoral behavior
the elizabethan settlement
established the church of england
who supported martin luther
prince frederick III - elector of saxony
pope paul III did all except
reconcile catholicism with protestantism at the imperial diet of regensburg
the religious order became the tool of the papacy in their crusade against the spread of protestantism
the society of jesus (jesuits)
the first european country to enter into direct trade with the far east and establish colonies there was
the spanish empire in america was characterized by
the introduction of a manorial like system, the encomienda
who benefited from the inflation of the sixteenth century
why did the english, dutch, and french governments fail to begin colonization of the americas and direct trade with the orient until more than 100 years after columbus discovered america
domestic troubles and religious controversies delayed organized action
spains expansion in the americas was made particularly easy by
the impact of imported diseases on the indian population
the treaty of tordesillas gave portugal the eastern trade route to the indies as well as brazil lands to the west of brazil were given to
technological innovations in maritime technology by the 1500s were important because
the made it possible for europeans to sail anywhere
by the 16th century the center of commercial activity had shifted from the mediterranean to the
atlantic ocean
encomiendas in the spanish new world were
grants permitting owners to take income or labor from land and its inhabitants
scarcity of labor in the americas led the spanish and portugese colonizers
import slaves from africa
the mediterranean carrying trade in the 14c and 15c was in the hands of
portugese exploration of the african coast was inspired and supported by
prince henry the navigator
the major cause of the growing weakness of spain and portugal after 1600 was
failure to find productive investments with profits from the new world colonies
all of the following helped cause the age of european exploration
technological advances making long sea voyages possible, the desire to spread christianity, european demand for eastern spices, ottoman expansion threatening access to the goods of the east
in 1571 spanish and turkish control of the mediterranean at the battle of
which best explains the decline of spanish power in the 17c
foolish monarchs and an uncertain flow of treasure from the new world
why did the initiative in early conquest and exploration pass to northern european nations in the later 16c
the dutch and british improved the design of oceanic vessels producing faster ships than their catholic rivals
at its height the spanish empire of phillip II included all except
for england, the primary result of the 16c wars with spain was that it
assured her national independence and promoted an intense national spirit
phillip II strengthened the spanish inquistion in the netherlands because
he wanted to find and punish dutch protestants
elizabeth I major goal in foreign policy was to
avoid open wafare whenever possible and keep england strong and at peace
the spanish term reconquista refers to which of the following
the defeat of the islamic states on the iberian peninsula
machiavelli’s the price was significant because it
became the bible for 20c dictators,, it was one of the first reality-based treatises on political behavior, it was written with the goal of unifying italy, it was based primarily on empirical observation
after the united provinces of the netherlands won independence from spain, their government could best be described as
a weak union of strong provinces
the greatest cause of warfare between 1550 and 1650 was
religious rivalries
all of the following were accomplishments of the tudor monarchy
getting the most funds from their not very extensive inheritance, putting an end to dynastic instability, transforming england into a protestant union, creation of a new level peerage as a fund raising tool
machiavelli would’ve like a guy who
manipulate the people and use any means to gain power
which was a foregin policy initiative of phillip II of spain
an attempt to invade england, an attempt to influence the succession of the french throne, an attempt to return lutheran areas of north germany to the catholic fold, an attempt to combat the work of calvinist in the netherlands
the HRE was a weak title because
it was an elected monarchy
ferdinand and isabella consolidated royal power in spain by
obtaining from the papacy the right to make major ecclesiastical appointments in spain
elizabeth I religious policy
policy of moderation and compromise
catholicism was recognized as the official religion of france but limited toleration was extended to calvinists by the
edict of nantes
the religious climate of france prior to the french wars of religion was best characterized by
a nobility that was nearly 50% hugenots
the remark attributed to the french king, henry IV, that paris is worth a mass, is usually interpreted to mean that
put political necessities above personal beliefs
in 16 and 17c europe, the member of a community most likely to be accused of witchcraft was
an elderly, widowed woman
in the late 1620s and early 1630s, king gustavus adolphus of sweden played a key role in european affairs by
leading a protestant coalition against catholic europe
the peace of westphalia
weakened the HRE
the st bartholomew’s day massacre
decimated the ranks of protestant leadership but failed to suppress the anti catholic movement in europe
the thirty years war became primarily a political conflict during the
swedish french phase
which reflects the state of europe in 1648
the northwest of europe was predominantly protestant while the south was mostly catholic
consequences of 30 years war
settlement of the religous wars between catholics and protestants in germany, depopulation and economic stagnation of central europe, predominance of france, decrease in power of the holy roman emperors
the churches view of witchcraft was that
witches must be put to death for the good of society, but they might achieve salvation if they recanted before execution
the rebellions that swept through europe during the time of the 30 years war indirectly resulted in
an increase in the power of the european monarchies
treaties of westphalia marked the beginning of a new era in diplomatic history cite
papal objections to the treaties were ignored and the treaties did not recieve papal sanction, the austriaan habsburgs abandones spain, german territorial princes acquired the right to sign treaties and made war, except against the emperor and the empire, sweden emerged as one of the strongest powers in europe
the spanish armada was to
replace queen elizabeth with a catholic monarch
the malleus maleficarum
standard handbook on witches
following the 30 years war, what country became dominant in europe
the 16c religious wars that had plagued france were largely ended with the
edict of nantes
which of the following is true of the dutch revolt
william of orange led it, dutch flooded their own lands to hamper the spanish, the war was both a political and religious struggle, the southern provinces pledged loyalty to spain in exchange for compromises on certain issues
louis did not support
cooperation with the estates general
the corvee
was involuntary forced labor imposed on french peasants
thomas hobbes believed
the power of the ruler was absolute but derived from an implicit contract with the governed
peter the greats europeanization of russia consisted primarily of
importing western technocrats and technology to his country
between the 16c and 17c, peasants in poland, bohemia, hungary and russia
were granted democratic control over village life
the guiding force behind cardinal richelieu’s domestic policies was
the subordination of all groups and institutions to the monarchy
in what ways was political life in the netherlands unique in europe in the 17c and 18c
the netherlands was a republic with a decentralized government
a significant feature of english society in the 16c and 17c was the
growing wealth of the country gentry and middle class businessmen
colbert’s contributions to the economy of france included all of the following except
creating a national bank
the overall practical purpose of the court of versailles was to
exclude the high nobility and royal princes from real power
during the english revolution, the levellers advocated the idea that
all men should have the vote regardless of whether they own property
the cabinet system in england is based upon the view that government leadership must
be elected to and supported by a majority of parliament
jacques bousset was the seventeenth century’s most articulate
advocate of the absolute, divinely ordained right of kings
who exerted the most influece on italy in the 18th c
the war of spanish succession began when charles II of spain left his territories to
the french heir
ivan III was responsible for
military campaigns that freed much of russia from the mongols
which of the following was the most significant factor in the rise of national states in western europe
the rise and support of the middle class
the siege of vienna in 1683 was undertaken by
the turks
peter the greats reforms included
requiring the russian nobility to wear western clothing and speaking french at court
during the 16c the main reason for the increase in power of the englosh monarch was the
ability of the tudor monarchs
in 1640 charles I called parliament into session because he
needed money to suppress a rebellion in scotland
in the 18c, the principal economic activity of the netherlands was
banking and finace
although different in their sources of power, the governments of 18c great Britain and France had which of the following characteristics in common
both nations had a small elite landowning aristocrats who were considered the natural ruling class with power and influence in the government
an immediate effect of the glorious revolution in england was
the supremacy of parliament over the monarchy
john locke - tabula rasa
the blank slate that is the human mind at birth
hobbes and locke disagreed over the theory that
the only alternative to social chaos is absolute monarchy
the pragmatic sanction stated that the hapsburg possessions
could never be divided
the ptolematic conception of the universe was also known as
the geocentric theory
tycho brahe
recorded astronomical data from the observatory he built in denmark
sir francis bacon’s contribution to philsophy, novum organum was based upon
glorifying inductive reasoning
newtons mathematical discoveries included
calculus, a mathematical means of measuring rates of change
causes of scientific revolution
improvements in scientific instruments, contributions of medieval universities, the recovery of classical scholarship during the renaissance, the challenges of navigation during long sea voyages
which of the following statements most accurately reflects the attitude of the states of europe toward the new science
both england and france established royal societies of learned scientists to meet together to discuss their discoveries
galileo’s ideas on motion included
the principle of inertia
the scientific revolution
challenged the idea that women were inferior to men
scientific revolution challenged christianity because
it undermined the literal interpretation of the bible
as a result of the scientific theories developed through the 16c and 17c, europeans developed a conception of the universe
as governed by natural laws
spinoza differed with all other philsophers of his day about the
divinity of the material universe
galileo is credited with what important scientific discovery
all objects fall with equal acceleration, not velocity
descrates idea was that the world consists of two fundamental entities or substances, which we can call
physical and spiritual
medieval science was primarily based on
blending of christain theology and the writings of classical authors
in de humani corporis fabrica andrea versalius
created modern anatomy text
the newtonian scientific model of the universe is
mechanistic and predictable
scientific revolution and deism radically transformed western thinking by
introducing the idea of secular progress
what was the purpose of the english navigation acts
to require colonial goods to be shipped to england in english ships
a most signifcant result of the 7 years war was
loss of the french empire in america
all of the following are true of 18c british mercantilism
encouragement of staple crop production in america, requirement that trade between britain and the colonies be carried in british or american ships, prohibition on the importation of certain items from non-british sources into the colonies, requirement that items imported into the colonies be shipped through britain first
the economic theory of mercantilism would be consistent with which of the following statements
a government should seek to direct the economy so as to maximize exports
which of the following statements concerning late 18c farming is most accurate
market agriculture was gradually replacing subsistence agriculture in most parts of europe
from the European perspective, the principal outcome of the seven years war was the
subsequent struggle between prussia and austria for hegemony in central europe
which resulted from british mercantilist policies
decline of dutch shipping and commerce
the economic policy laissez faire
contends that individuals should be allowed to pursue their own economic interests
english south sea bubble crisis of the early 18c involved
the economic collapse of a governmental monopoly and a speculative scheme
which of the nations acquired territory in asia in the 18c through the initiative of agents working for joint stock companies
great britain and netherlands
which applies to the early development of industrialization in europe
a period of proto industrialization during the 1600s and 1700s preceded the industrial revolution
which of the following is characteristic of 18c economic change
the increase in both population and food supply
india eventually came under the control of the british crown because of
the financial and administrative successes of the british east india company
jethro tull’s discoveries were part of a general movement to
apply the principles of scientific experiment to agricultural practices
the agricultural improvements of the mid 18c were based on the elimination of
the open field system
adam smith economic theory advocated
the governments avoid regulation in favor of the operation of individual initiative and market forces
proto industrialization refers to
the employment of laborers who worked at home but in a capitalist system dependent on urban merchants
what was the nature of trade between eastern and western europe in the 17c and early 18c
western europe imported grain in increasing amounts from eastern europe in return for art objects and manufactured goods
adam smith phrase invisible hand referred to which of the following
the automatic mechanism of a free economy
rousseau’s conception of the general will meant
a vague common interest but not necessarily majority rule
voltaire’s famous polemic slogan, crush the infamous thing referred to
religious bigotry as support by an organized clergy
in general the 18c philosophes were
popularizers of scientific and intellectual discoveries of the 17c
the best government said which of the following men is achieved by the separation of powers
both Montesquieu and voltaire
admired english institutions
which of the following was not a principle of deism
science proves that god does not exist
thinkers of the enlightenment considered humanity as
a link in the rationality ordered chain of beings
enlightenment philosophes argued that women
and men were different and operated in seperate spheres
maria theresa can be labeled an enlightened despot because she
introduced many legal reforms in the habsburg empire
david hume argued that human beings
did not have any certain knowledge at birth
for rousseau, what was the main source of inequality and the chief cause of crime
private property
the most important contribution catherine the great made early in her reign was the
establishment of a legislative commission to review the laws of russia
all of the following considered major factors that fostered the ideals of the enlightenment except
the colonial worldview
many 18c philosophes believed that governmental reform would be accomplished by
benevolent absolutist monarchs
the ideas of the enlightenment challenged the long term assumptions about sovereignty and instead proposed that
governments are bound to the will of the people
which of the following cannot be said of the 18c enlightenment
it reflected acceptance of social inequities and injustices as inevitable effects of the natural law
the enlightenment
was based upon the assumption that science and reason can explain all things
the recognized capital of the enlightenment was
rousseau’s most important concept in the social contract was that
government must be based on voluntary participation by citizens, not simply by the accident of history or inheritance
recent scholarship suggests that the enlightened despots of europe
were affected little by enlightenment ideas
18c british nobility differed from 18c french nobility in that
the english aristocracy accepted the social and political responsibilities of their position and participated more directly in running their government
in the 18c, europe’s largest city was
peasant life in 18c europe was characterized by
vulnerability to rising taxes and rents
the artistic movement that replaced the baroque during the enlightenment was
in 18c england, the greatest threat to the economic security of small farmers was
the enclosure movement
economic and social life among the mass of people under the acien regime of the 18c still primarily focused around
the harvest
the european lower classes reacted to the enlightenment by
seeking comfort in grass-roots religious revival movements
which of the following statements best describes the attitude toward children in the first part of the 18c
they were ignored, often brutalized, and often unloved
who were the first to initiate a political campaign to abolish slavery
quakers and baptists
which of the following statements best applies to europes social order in the 18c
peasants were still hindered by a variety of feudal services and fees imposed by the powerful aristocracy
european efforts to deal with crime after 1700
employed public displays of punishment for the purpose of deterrence
during the ancien regime, european jews
were seperated from non-jews in districts called ghettos
recent challenges to the traditional exploration of the origins of the french revolution have centered on the fact that the
nobility and upper bourgeoisie were not necessarily pitted against each other
the principal french tax, the taille was paid by
the peasantry almost exclusively
an english statesman whose criticism of the french revolution and other writings have earned him a reputation as a spokesman for conservatism was
edmund burke
all of the following are accurate statements about the french revolution except
the revolution failed to end the legal inequities between the classes
during the era of the french revolution, the thermidorean reaction
terminated the reign of terror and led to the execution of robespierre
during the reign of terror, the committee of public safety sought to do all of the following except
establish a separation between state and religion
the legislators of the french revolution enacted all of the following measures that affected women except a law
granting the right to vote women who owned a sufficient amount of property
which of the following was a result of the civil constitution of the clergy
the church was made a department of the french state
the national assemblys efforts to reorganize the catholic church resulted in
deep division within both the country and the clergy
the new republican calendar of 1793
was part of an effort at dechristianization
the declaration of the rights of man and citizen guaranteed
security of property
the cahiers de doleances of 1789 generally demanded
government reforms
the greatest number of victims under “the terror” (1793-1794) were from which social group
which of the following was responsible for the convening of the estates general in 1789
the french governments near bankruptcy
the french national assembly was established by
the middle class of the third estate
the seizure of the bastille of july 14, 1789 was important because it
represented a successful attack on the tyranny of the old regime
the assignats of the french revolutionary era were
paper currency backed by church lands
for french peasants the revolution of 1789 meant
greater landownership
abbie sieyes answer to the question what is the third estate was
the most useful component of french society
the term great fear refers to
panic in the countryside that fanned the flames of rebellion
the men elected to represent the third estate in the estates general were primarily
lawyers and government officials
written in the midst of the french revolution, the 1793 constitution
reflected the vision of rousseau’s social contract
the committee of public safety was established to
combat the dual threat of internal rebellion/counter-revolutionaries and foreign invasion
louis xvi responded to the tennis court oath by
declaring the actions of the third estate illegal
which of the following groups in france were most opposed to the civil constitution of the clergy
letters de cachet were a means by which the french king could
imprison anyone without benefit of a trial
the poltical views of girondists were
more moderate than the view of other jacobins
according to the rules of the french constitution of 1791, “active citizens” were defined as
men who paid annual taxes equal to three days of labor wages
all of the following were reforms passed by the french national assembly in reaction to earlier abuses
confiscation of church property, limitations on the power of the monarchy, revocation of special privileges of the nobility, ended papal authority over french clergy
the conservative government that came to power after the Thermidorian reaction
restored social stability without sacrificing the ideals of 1789
as first consul, napoleon combined what he conceived to be the best of the revolution and of the old regime, this led to all of following reforms
careers in government service were determined by talent not pedigree, the creation of the bank of france, the codification of french law, the establishment of a solid currency and public credit
napoleons concordat with the papacy contained all but one of the following provisions
lands confiscated and sold during the revolution were to be returned to the church
the most persistent opponent of napoleon and the french republic was
great britain
under the napoleonic code, workers received
no specific rights or guarantees
all of the following are true about the napoleonic era except
despite the fact that all the other european great powers, england, prussia, austria, and russia were allied against him from 1799 onwards, napoleon managed to defeat them until 1812
a lasting effect of the napoleonic occupation of europe was the
stimulation of national feeling in the subject lands
which of the following was achieved during the regime of napoleon bonaparte
he codified the laws of france in his famous civil code, womens legal position was weakened with the activation of the civil code, he arranged a concordat with the catholic church, he created a powerful centralized bureaucracy
although the french revolution had abolished slavery, napoleon
decided to reinstate it and ordered the invasion of haiti and capture of toussaint-louverture
napoleon was seen by some as an heir of the revolution because of his
commitment to equality of oppritunity
napoleon’s purpose in instituting the continental system was to
defeat england through economic war
in general napoleon championed
equality under the law but not political freedom
why is it significant that napoleon crowned himself as emperor of the first french empire in 1804
napoleons invasion of spain
the quadruple alliance included all of the following european powers except
joined the jacobins shortly after the french revolution
napoleon’s conquest of spain doomed its american empire by
allowing the colonies to govern themselves for six years.
How did Napoleon deal with the Holy Roman Empire?:
he replaced the empire with the Confederation of the Rhine.
after the french revolution and the napoleonic era, france
was divided into departments rather than provinces
Which country was NOT ruled by a member of the Bonaparte family during the first decade of the 19c?:
Industrialization in England resulted in all of the following EXCEPT?:
the elimination of social distinctions between the middle and working class.
The British Ten Hours Act mainly concerned?:
the labor of women and children in British factores.
A major cause of the Industrial Revolution was the?
increase in population.
Government policy was an important part of early industrialization for all of the following reasons EXCEPT?:
social welfare programs for workers.
According the the Classical Economists’ “Iron Law of Wages”?:
if a worker received more than a subsistence wage, he/she would breed more children who would eat up the surplus.
Which of the following was the major purpose of the Corn Laws in Britain in the early 1800s?:
to protect the interests of British grain producers.
One reason why the factory system replaced the domestic system in England was that?:
neither water power nor steam power could be used efficiently in the home.
The Industrial Revolution in Britain was in a large part inspired by?:
entrepreneuers who sought and accepted new manufacturing methods and inventions.
Which of the following is TRUE of changes in the standard of living in the first half of the 19c?:
there is not complete agreement on this question among historians, the middle and upper classes made spectacular advances, while real wages were higher than before, few workers were permanently employed, some skilled workers were noticeably better off
The Industrial Revolution began in England for all of the following reasons EXCEPT?:
she was an island nation safe from invasion.
The Luddites?:
physically attacked machines they believed adversely affected their livelihood.
The conclusions of Malthus and Ricardo relative to economic affairs suggested that?:
liberals were right to reject government interference in economic affairs because it could do no good.
Robert Owen’s only success was the?:
organization of consumers’ cooperatives.
The Enclosure Movement in England had all but which one of the following features?:
wool production declined as food crops became more profitable.
In England, the Factory Act of 1833 clearly?:
limited the hours of work for children under thirteen years of age.
The New Poor Law did which of the following?:
established unpleasant workhouses in the hopes that only the truly needy would seek public assistance.
Classical liberals supported all of the following EXCEPT?:
universal male suffrage.
During the century following 1832, the MAIN objective of the Reform Acts passed by the British Parliament was the?:
extension of suffrage.
The group that gained most political power as a result of the Reform Bill of 1832 was the?:
middle-class people of the towns.
Despite little immediate success with their reform demands, the Chartists saw all but which one of these demands passed into law?:
holding of annual elections for members of Parliament.
Urbanization and industrialization in 19c Europe?:
created new social classes, increased class conflict, changed family life, influenced the creation of the realist school of art and writing