Final Review Flashcards
Limitation can be caused from trauma or disease
-The maximum distance that bones move about a connecting joint
Contract muscles that control motion
Self ROM use unaffected side to help affected side
Active assisted therapist/client help during AROM
- Therapist moves client, usually more than AROM
- Stretching, and moist heat to improve a client’s range of motion
- Tendon not intact: Laceration or an avulsion of a tendon (need a repair, rest)
- Muscle weakness: Need strengthening
- Pain: Increased during contraction
- Scar tissue: (in hand or finger after surgery); restricted in the amount of range of motion that they’re allowed to perform for a long time (scar tissue adhering to different soft tissue in the hand)
Both AROM & PROM affected
Bony block, capsular tightness, muscle tightness, edema, contractures, and extensive scar tissue
End Feels
- Bony end
- Capsular
- Soft
- Spasm
- Empty
- Springy
- Boggy
Bony End-Feel
Movement is stopped because bony surfaces meet
Capsular End Feel
Firm/leathery, some give
Soft End Feel
Tissue against tissue
Spasm (End Feel)
Tissue responds with harsh movement in other direction
Empty End Feel
Stops due to pain
Springy End Feel
Rebounds/bounces back, abnormal ROM
Boggy End Feel
Note client substitutions such as: (ROM)
Leaning, side bending, shoulder hiking
Potential adverse consequences of edema include:
- Decreased range of motion
- Pain
- Decreased sensation
- Impaired occupational participation
How to measure for Edema
Tape measure, Volume Meter
Tape Measure to measure edema
We use a millimeter tape measure, larger parts of body when it’s not proven to submerge a body part in water
-Recent surgery, and they had sutures and weren’t supposed to submerge the body part into water, then we would use a tape measure rather than a volume meter
Volume meter to measure edema
Used to measure edema in an entire hand.
- If we only wanted to measure one finger, then we could use a millimeter tape measurement
- Volume meter gold standard more accurate but tape more common
- Measures mass of a body part by looking at water displacement as measured by a graduated cylinder
Gross Manual Muscle Testing*
- When we just want our clients to get up and moving (bathroom or to get up and get dressed)
- Not seeing them for a specific muscle weakness or impairment, but maybe something more generalized, like in a skilled nursing facility or in an inpatient facility
- Person wasn’t allowed to move their body part in a full range of motion– if they had lifting restrictions, then you would not perform mmt
- Wouldn’t perform mmt after fractures or surgeries or injuries until it was cleared by the physician
Strength Measurement
- Specific MMT
- Gross MMT
- Grip strength
- Pinch strength
Grip Strength
Generally measured by a Jamar dynamometer (most commonly in the second rung)
Pinch Strength
- Usually measured with a pinch meter
- Three different types of pinch: Tip, lateral, and palmar pinch
- Refers to our ability to manipulate objects (ROM, strength, sensation)
- Need dexterity in order to button a shirt, Writing, using a key to open a door, or playing with a child
- Involves many different components, including range of motion, strength, and sensation
Activity Tolerance=
Cardiovascular Component (activity tolerance - endurance)
- Circulatory and respiratory system’s ability to function appropriately during continuous physical activity, adequate amount of oxygen for the task
- Cardiac or pulmonary problem or deficit, it’s important that you monitor their O2 saturation during activity
Muscular Endurance (activity tolerance - endurance)
- Muscles’ ability to continue to work without being overly fatigued
- Prosthesis or using adaptive equipment (crutches) - puts more strain or stress on other muscles, that need to substitute or compensate for the person’s inability
- Increases the strain on our cardiovascular and pulmonary systems.
Borg Rate of Perceived Exertion Scale* (activity tolerance- endurance)
Muscle Length
- On full stretch, the end-feel will feel firm, feel a pulling, or maybe a little bit of pain
- Amount of passive ROM that the client has at the last joint that the muscle crosses that you move can be measured with a goni **Indirectly represents the length of the muscle that has been shortened
Capacity Evaluation/Motor Capacity Evaluation
- Contra-indications and precautions to range of motion and strength testing
- Whether or not an individual is able to comprehend what you’re asking them to perform
- Underlying factors that influence movements- vision, cognition, sensation, pain, or other factors
- *Assess active range of motion and then passive range of motion, muscle-length testing and then move on to strength
- Have to have full active range of motion against gravity before even considering manual muscle testing
Special Tests
Generally performed in order to identify underlying pathologies such as:
- Tendon Tears
- Tendonitis
- Strains
- Impingement
- Nerve Entrapments
Finkelstein’s for Tenosynovitis*
- 1st dorsal compartment extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus (APL)
- Hand hang over edge move into ulnar deviation w/ thumb in fist, must be passive
- DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis
DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis*
- Tendonitis of tendons in 1st dorsal compartment APL EPB
- *Common for new moms, golfers, knitters, racquet sports players
- Mommy’s thumb
- Avoid sustain thumb radial abduction and pinching w wrist dev
Cozens for Lat Epicondylitis*
- Resisted wrist extension (tennis), elbow flex, pronated, extend and radial dev wrist
- ECRB & ECRL contraction
Mill’s for Lat Epicondylitis*
Stretch, pronate, elbow flex and wrist flex, then extend elbow ask for pain (stretch of the muscles)
Hawkins-Kennedy Supraspinatus Impingement*
- Test for shoulder impingement
- Passive IR while shoulder abd to 90, and elbow flex, pronation
Empty Can - Supraspinatus Tendonitis
MMT in scaption w full pronation or supination
- Empty can: IR thumb pointed down, hold, resist at proximal to elbow
- Full can: thumb pointed up
Drop Arm Test
Full-thickness tear of supra and infraspinatus tendons
-Abduction 90 degrees, externally rotated thumb up, hold, slowly lower hand down (slow controlled movement) into adduction
(arm would drop of the test is positive)
CMC Grind Test
CMC OA of the thumb
Elbow Flexion Test
Cubital tunnel - ulnar nerve
Tinel’s Sign
Carpal Tunnel/Cubital Tunnel
AC Shear
AC joint pathology
Neer Impingement
Supraspinatus/Infraspinatus Impingement
Muscle Length Testing
- When moving pt into the PROM, identify the end feels
- Looking for if there is a shortness of the muscle (Could explain why someone didn’t have full ROM)
Elbow Flexion End-Feel
Elbow Extention End-Feel
Hard (bone on bone)
Cross shoulder and elbow
- Shouler: Articulation with scapula (long-head)
- Inserts distal to elbow (extends)
- Flex Shoulder: Start elbow extended and move into flexion
- Measure elbow joint angle