Final Review Flashcards
Two Types:
Rule 22: All rules apply, diversity rules apply, AIC is 75K, service applies, venue applies.
Statutory: AIC is just $500 or more, only one party needs to be diverse from one other party, PJ is nationwide, Venue is any claimant domicile.
Scope of Discovery 26(b)(1)
What can be discovered?
Anything that is non, privileged, relevant to claim or defense, proportional
What is relevancy as it pertains to Discovery?
Liberal standard - Most say it is anything that makes it more or less probable that it happened.
Something that can lead to the discovery of more evidence is also allowed
Minority says it needs to be relevant to the subject matter.
Protective Order
Why would you need one?
To prevent: AEEOU
- Annoyance
- Embarrassment
- Expense
- Oppression
- Undue burden
What remedies can protective orders give
- Forbid disclosure
- Specify terms
- prescribe methods of delivery or format
- Require Discovery be sealed.
- Gag orders
Limits on Scope of Discovery
How do you consider what is proportional?
- Importance of the issues
- Amount in controversy
- Patries relative aces to info
- Importance of settlement
- Burden and expense v. benefit
Limits on ESI Discovery
If ESI is not reasonably accessible, and shown by affidavit as so..
Not discoverable
Good cause
Good cause can be weakened by:
- Cumulative, duplicative
- Another opportunity to get
- Outside scope
How does ESI Cost-Shifting work?
Court may shift costs on finding of undue burden.
- Extent of request specific to relevant info
- Otherwise available
- Total cost compared to AIC and party
- Ability and incentive of each party to control costs
- . Importance of issues
- Relative benefits
How do you resolve an ESI Dispute?
Good cause must be shown if it is not reasonably accessible.
(a) Good Cause limited by:
(1) Cumulative
(2) Ample opportunity
(3) Outside scope
Attorney-Client Privilege
Look to FRE
Usually holder of priv is a client seeking to be a client or is one already
Person communicated with is an attorney of the bar and was acting as an attorney during communication
Make sure that patter lays out that:
- Comm was by client
- in absence of strangers
- for purpose of seeking legal services or opinion
- not trying to commit a crime
- No one has waived the privilege
Work Product
Documents and tangible things that are produced in reasonable anticipation of litigation.
Usually prepared by atty or atty rep
What can overcome work product and what is always banned?
Substantial need can overcome WP.
- Must be otherwise undiscoverable
- Substantial to prepare case
- Not obtainable anywhere else
Always protected:
- Opinions
- legal theory
- Conclusions
- Mental Imressions
How does waiver apply to privilege?
Once waived, waiver extends to all communications relating to same subject matter
- Not party specific
What are party agreements?
Think Coca-Cola secret formula
Co-parties share privileged info for the purpose of winning now.
This is not waived for future reference
What is a claw-back?
When privileged info is accidentally released, party can request it back and other party must return, destroy,, sequester, etc.
They can’t use this info
Cost can make a determination
FRE 502
- Limits inadvertent waiver if reasonable steps to prevent disclosure, and
- Reasonable Steps to rectify error
- Intentional waivers extend to subject matter.
RPD’s (Rule 34)
Can be on party or non-party (need subpoena)
Requests need reasonable particularity
Unless different form is requested, responding party must produce as it is ordinarily maintained in reasonably usable form.
30 days to respond after service or agreement
Information describing the code, history, tracking, management of the file.
Needs to be discussed in 26(f) conference
Must be specifically requested - 34(b)(2)(e)
Must be within scope of discovery and non-privliged
Can be sent to ONLY parties
Under oath
Limited to 25 questions unless agreed to
Sub parts to questions are ok
30 days to respond from service or agreement
Objections are based on FRE
Objections During Depositions
No speaking objections. That means they cannot be argumentative & not suggestive
When objected to, they are still answered, but may be reviewed by court later.
Do not Answer if:
- Motion to term
- Privileged
- Enforcing court order