FINAL REVIEW 1-22 Flashcards
Theft Crimes
Larceny - Taking is tresspassory/wrongful
Embezzlement - Taking is not trespassory
False representation of past or present material fact
Larceny by Trick - Possession not title (Ask to borron pen but take it)
False Pretenses - Possession and title (replaced ticket on jacket so its cheaper)
Inherently Dangerous Felones
BARRK Burglary Arson Rape Robbery Kidnapping
Felony Murder Theories*
Agency Theory - Majority - Co felon is guilt of felony murder only where killing is cause by co-felon
The use of a civilian as human shield put the civilian in harms way and therefore the criminal participants will be held liable
Redline Theory - Minority - Felony murder does not apply when person killed is co-felon
Firefighter’s Rule
Public safety officers are prohibited from tort recovery for personal injuries suffered while in the line of duty
Rule does NOT APPLY as shield to protect police.
Usually not the rule. Take note of adjectives like (embarrassed, careless) - show failure of standard of care)
Anti-Assignment Clause
Dumper’s Rule - A condition against assignment is “entire and indivisible” and having once been waived, cannot be enforced against. HOWEVER this does not apply to one time waiver.
Landlord can sue person who is in Privity of K (person who contracted) and Privity of Estate (person who is staying)
When are leading questions okay? Q4
- On Cross
- Hostile or Adverse witness
- Questioning children
- Refreshing a witness
- Preliminary background matters
Character Evidence - Civil Case - Q5
Admissible where character is “in issue”
- Defamation - Plaintiff
- Child Custody - Parents
- Negligent Entrustment - Entrustee
- Negligent Hiring - Employee
Can use Reputation, Opinion or Specific Acts
When does Miranda apply? - Q6
When you are in custody AND interrogation
Rights of a Grantee - Q7
A grantee who “assumes” a mortgage is PERSONALLY LIABLE
A grantee who takes “subject to” the mortgage is not personally liable
Mortgage Priority - Q7
Individual with first priority in regards to mortgage has ability to foreclose in order to settle his interest in the case of default
Deed Types - Q9
Quitclaim Deed - No warranties
Special Warranty Deed - Free of defects from grantor
General Warranty Deed - Guaranteeing title free of defects created by grantor and all prior titleholders
6 Covenants of Title - Q9
3 Present (Do NOT run with land)
- Covenant of Seisin - Assurance that the seller is rightful owner of the property
- Covenant of right to convey - Seller is legally entitled to transfer the property to the buyer
- Covenant against encumbrances - Promise land is owned free and clear (adverse possession is not encumbrance)
3 Future (Do run with land)
- Quiet Enjoyment - Assurance buyer’s right to possession will not be impacted by a third-party’s claim.
- General Warranty - Similar to quiet enjoyment. Promise grantor will defend against title claims by third parties
- Further assurances - Promise grantor will do whatever is reasonably necessary to help grantee perfect title if needed.
Liquidated Damages Clause validity
Not valid and void if:
- damages are difficult to determine at the time of K formation or
- Stipulated amount is unreasonable and actually a penalty
Under UCC - Requires only Good Faith
Common Law - Requires new consideration under “Pre-existing duty” rule
Statute with Discriminatory purpose that is Neutral on its face burden
Plaintiff must show: 1. Discriminatory effect AND Discriminatory purpose (to raise burden to strict)
To find Discriminatory Purpose look for:
- On its face
- In its application
Is rescuer covered under Doctor-Patient privilege -Q13
Identification Proceedings - Q15
Photo Arrays - No right to counsel
Lineup/Showup - Right to counsel in post-charge lineups
Due process attack on identification - Unnecessarily suggestive AND creates substantial likelihood of misidentification
Remedy: Exclusion unless independent source
Voluntary Dismissal
Plaintiff may dismiss action by filing notice to dismiss before answer or motion for SJ.
If the plaintiff previously dismissed any federal or state court action based on or around the same claim, dismissal will be adjudication on the mertis
Right to jury
7th amendment provides right to civil jury trial
Requires service with a written demand - no longer than 14 days after last pleading
Best Evidence Rule -Q19
Applies when “contents are at issue”
- Testimony is reliant on writing not someone’s personal knowledge OR
- Writing has independent significance
Usually a wrong answer
Can use secondary sources if original is unavailable without fault of the parties
Commandeering of the States
Congress may not commandeer (force) the states to enact or enforce a federal regulatory program
TIP - Generally Congress uses spending power to coerce states to do things