Final Quiz Flashcards
Which one is correct about joint in maya?
After bind the skin with the joint, every vertex on the skin will have weights from the joints, each joint can have different weight on different vertex, weight is ranged from 0 to 1, a value of 1 means full control, a value of 0 means no control, a value of 0.5 means 50% control, the weight can be changed by painting weight.
Which one is NOT correct about rigging.
rigging is building joints, bind joints with skins and create controllers, so every rig needs joints to start
What is wrong about weight painting?
If you have the joint you don’t what to change, lock it to keep it safe.
What is IK and FK
IK means use the end joint to control the rotation of it’s parent joints. FK means general parent system.
what is right about nameing convention
You can have your own ways of naming, but it needed to be consistant
What is right about weighting
Subtraction is dangerous, you may only want to use it to tweek small areas.
What happens if you have both IK and FK created on the arm
Normally IK will take over the control, but you can use IK FK blend to blend between IK and FK
What is right about our spine rig
The hierarchy is(low to high): joint chain -> spline curve -> cluster-> controller.
why we need two groups on the finger ?
The first group is used for set driven key so we can have an extra layer of control of the fingers
What is wrong about set driven key?
It’s just like keying in animation, but instead of keying along time, it keys along the attribute of anonther object.
What is wrong about ik fk switch
For the arm,IK and FK should all follow the chest.
What is right about constrain?
you can have multiple constrains on a single object
What is the benifit of creating 3 joint chain for leg or arms?
because that is the only way we can have an IK FK blend
How to find the right location for the IK knee controller?
creat a triangle pologon that has it’s 3 vertex snaped to the 3 joints on the leg, and then drag the vertex on the knee out using the N direction of the nromal axis mode to move it out alittle bit. and the right location should be right at the position of that vertex
What is the the IK driver joints are doing on the foot?
they serve as extra povit to rotate based on