Final - Pressure sores and prevention Flashcards
risk of pressure sore increases …
over time after injury
if you’ve had one previously
top reasons for re-hospitalizations
- urinary tract infection
- pressure sores
- respiratory complications
first visible sign of a pressure sore is change in
skin surface
turgor (dehydration)
*damage can be initiated in the muscle tissue before signs show on skin
grade 1
- no blanching
- redness, warmth
grade 2
- loss of dermis, epidermis
- blister
grade 3
- subcutaneous tissue
- full thickness
grade 4
- muscle. bone
- necrosis
3 causes of pressure sores
- interface pressure: perpendicular interaction between object and surface
- friction: rubbing of one surface on another
- shear: two forces move in parallel directions
risk of pressure sores
immobility, age, sensory loss, disease, poor nutrition
Braden Scale
determines a patient’s risk of pressure ulcer in hopes to minimize the risk
6 components of the braden scale
- sensory perception
- moisture
- activity
- mobility
- nutrition
- shear
Braden scale score
1 - high degree of risk
4 - low degree of risk
higher the score, the less the risk
low risk
sensation intact
client can move freely for pressure relief
moderate risk
sensation intact and pressure relief unlikely to perform as needed
sensation impaired and ability to do pressure relief
high risk
sensation intact, unable to do pressure relief, current sore history
sensation impaired, unable to do, current sore history
most vulnerable skin
scar tissue after initial pressure sore
prevent pressure sores in wheelchairs
- perform regular pressure reliefs
- custom wheelchair
- appropriate seat cushion
pressure reliefs in the wheelchair
1 min every 30 min
side to side tilt
tricep push up
lean forward
types of seat cushions (paper for advantage/disadvantage) and goals
foam gel air hybrid contour *do not use a donut
- comfort
- distribute pressure and promote skin protection
- postural support
- encourage optimal function
prevent pressure sores in bed
move every 2 hours - place body in at least 30 deg incline laterally
prone if tolerated
types of beds
low air loss
air fluidized