Final Preparation - Order of Divine Service 1 Flashcards
What is the first part of DS1?
Hymn of Invocation (if desired), otherwise, the invocation.
What comes after the invocation?
Confession and Absolution
What comes after confession and absolution?
Service of the Word
What is the first part of the service of the Word?
The Introit, Psalm, or Entrance Hymn
What comes after the introit?
The Kyrie
What comes after the Kyrie?
The hymn of praise (omitted during advent and lent).
“Gloria in Excelsis” and “This is the Feast” are the options in the LSB.
What comes after the hymn of praise?
The salutation and the collect.
What comes after the salutation and the collect?
The readings.
What order are the readings in?
Alleluia and Verse
What comes after the readings?
The Hymn of the Day
What comes after the Hymn of the Day?
The Sermon
What comes after the sermon?
The Creed - Nicene Creed or the Apostle’s Creed
What comes after the creed?
The prayer of the church
What comes after the prayer of the church?
The offering
What comes after the offering?
The offertory