FINAL ONE Flashcards
Temporalis muscle’s origin (where it is found), insertion (what it connects to), and it’s action?
Origin is temporal fossa and line (area above ear and next to eye) Insertion is coronoid process of mandible Action is closes and retracts jaw
Massester muscle’s origin (where it is found), insertion (what it connects to), and it’s action?
Origin is the zygomatic bone Insertion is the angle and ramus of mandible Action is it closes the jaw
Orbicularis Oculi muscle’s origin (where it is found), insertion (what it connects to), and it’s action?
Origin is circular muscle on frontal bone and maxilla Insertion eyelid? Action is it closes the eye
Orbicularis oris muscle’s origin (where it is found), insertion (what it connects to), and it’s action?
Origin is circular muscle on maxilla, septum of nose and mandible Insertion is around the lips Action is closes and protrudes lips
What is the Longus capitis’s (neck muscle) origin, insertion and action?
C3-C6 Occipital bone anterior to foramen magnum Flexes neck
What is the Scalenus’s (neck muscle) origin, insertion and action?
Posterior: Origin is Transverse processes of C4-C6 2nd rib is insertion Middle: C2-C6 is origin 1st rib medial Anterior: Origin is C3-C6 Insertion is 1st rib anterior Action: Together - flexes neck Singulary - rotates neck or lateral flexion (leaning head in one direction)
What is the Sternocleidomastoid (neck muscle) origin, insertion and action?
Origin is the manubrium and clavicle as it has 2 heads Insertion is the mastoid process Action - singulary roation and lateral flexion Together - flexion
What is the Splenius capitis (neck muscle) origin, insertion and action?
Origin- C7 + T1-T3 Insertion - mastiod process Action - together extends neck Singulary - Rotates and laterally flexes neck (runs down back of neck)
What is the Platysma (neck muscle) origin, insertion and action?
Origin - upper fourth of chest Insertion - anterior part of the manubrium Action - depresses manubrium and draws up skin on chest
Features of the tibialis anterior muscle?
Origin- Lateral condyle and shaft of tibia Insertion - medial cuneiform (bone of the foot) Action is ankle dorsiflexion and inversion
Features of the extensor hallucis longus?
Origin - fibula shaft Insertion is the distal phalnx of great toe Action is toe extension (dorsiflexion)
Features of the extensor digtorum longus muscle?
Origin-lateral condyle and shaft of tibia Insertion is the 4 lesser toes Action is toe extension (dorsiflexion)
Features of the peronues fibularis longus (in the lateral compartment)?
Origin - shaft of fibula Insertion is base of 5th metatarsal Action is ankle eversion
Features of the peronues fibularis Brevis (in the lateral compartment)?
Origin is the shaft of fibula (more distal than the longus) Insertion is the tuberosity of 5th metatarsal Action is ankle eversion
Features of the deep muscle tibialis posterior?
Origin is shaft of tibia and fibua Insertion is metatarsals 2-4 Supports longtidudinal arch of foot
Features of the deep muscle flexor hallucis longus?
Origin is the shaft of the fibula Insertion Is the Hallux (great toe) Action is plantar flexes hallux (motion towards the floor)
Feature of the deep muscle Flexor digitorum longus?
Origin is the shaft of tibia Insertion is the distal phalanges 2-4 (lesser toes) Action is flexion of lesser toes)
Features of the deep muscle Popliteus?
Origin is the lateral condyle of femur Insertion is the medial proximal shaft of the the tibia Action is knee flexion and rotation
Features of the gastrocnemius muscle in the posterior compartment?
Origin - medial and lateral condyle of femur Insertion is the Calcaneus Action is flexes the knee
Features of the soleus muscle in the posterior compartment?
Origin is the tibia soleal line Insertion is the calcaneus Action is plantarflexes the ankle (move towards the floor)
Features of the plantaris muscle in the posterior compartment?
Origin is the lateral condyle of the femur Insertion if the calcanues Action is flexes the knee and plantarflexes the foot
Features of quadratus plantae? 4 plants
Origin - Calcaneus Insertion - tendon of flexor digitorum longus Action - flexes lesser toes (2-5)
For the transverse Abdominis, what’s it origin, insertion and function?
Origin: Iliac crest (top of hip bone) Inguinal ligament (band from the pubic tubercle to the iliac crest) Ribs 7-12 Insertion: Xiphoid process Linear alba (mid section of abs) Function: Compression and supports abdominal organs
For the rectus abdominis, what’s it origin, insertion and function?
Origin: Creast of pubis and pubis Insertion: Xiphoid process Ribs 5 to 7 Function: Flexion Compression Lateral flexion
For the internal obliques what’s it origin, insertion and function?
Origin: Iliac crest Thoraco-lumbar facia Insertion: Cartilage of ribs 8-12 Linear alba Function: Together=flexion Singular = rotation and lateral flexion on contraction side
For the external obliques what’s it origin, insertion and function?
Origin: Ribs 5 to 12 Insertion: Linea alba Iliac crest Inguinal ligament Action: Together = Flexes spine Singularly = rotation
Features of the vastus lateralis?
The most lateral of the quadriceps Origin is the greater trochanter at the femur Insertion is the Tibial tuberosity via patella tendon Action is extends the knee
Features of the vastus medialis?
The most medial quadricep Origin is the medial lip of the linea aspera (head of femur bone) Insertion is the tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon Action is extends the knee
Features of the vastus intermedius?
Deepest quadricep Origin is the proximal two-thirds of the anterior surface of the femur Insertion is the tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon Action is extends the knee
Features of the gluteus medius?
Origin - lateral surface of the ilium Insertions - Greater trochanter of the femur Action - abducts the hip
Features of the tensor fasciae latae?
Origin - the Iliac crest Insertion is the Illiotibial tract Action is abducts the hip, and flexes the hip
Features of the Piriformis?
Origin is the anterior surface of the sacrum Insertion is this greater trochanter of the femur Action is abducts the hip
Features of the sartorius?
Origin is the anterior superior iliac spine Insertion is the tibia Action is abducts the femur and flexes the hip
Features of the gluteus maximus?
Origin is posterior superior iliac crest and lots of areas around it Insertion if primarily in fascia latae at the iliotibial band (down the side of your leg) Actions are hip extension
Features of the biceps femoris?
It’s the most lateral hamstring and arises from 2 heads Origin: Long head Hip ischial tuberosity Short head: lateral aspect midway down the femur Insertions: Both heads combine into the bekky of muscle which then inserts on the head of the fibula Action - flexes the knee and extends the hip
Features of the semitendinosus?
It is the middle hamstring and becomes a long tendon Origin is the Ischial tuberosity of the hip Insertion is the medial aspect of the tibia Flexes the knee and extends the hip
Features of the Semimembranosus?
It is the most medial hamstring Origin is the Ischial tuberosity of the hip Insertion is the medial condyle of the tibia Action is it extends the hip and flexes the knee
Origin, insertion and motion of the supraspinatus?
Supraspinous fossa Superior facet of greater tubercle External rotation
Origin, insertion and motion of the infraspinatus?
Infraspinous fossa Middle faet of greater tubercle External rotation
Origin, insertion and motion of the Teres minor?
Superior lateral border of scapula Inferior facet of greater tubercle External rotation
Origin, insertion and motion of the teres major?
Inferior lateral border of scapula Lesser tuberosity Internal rotation
Origin, insertion and motion of the Subscapularis?
Subscapular fossa Lesser tuberosity Internal rotation
Origin, insertion and actions of the pectrolais minor?
Origin ribs 3-5 Insertion coracoid process Action - scapula protraction
Origin, insertion and actions of the serratus anterior?
Origin: ribs 1-9 Insertion: medial border of scapula Action: scapula protraction
Origin, insertion and actions of the rhomboid major?
Origin - spinous processes of the T2 to T5 vertebrae Insertion - medial border of the scapula Action - Keep the scapula pressed against the thoracic wall and retract the scapula toward the vertebral column
Origin, insertion and actions of the rhomboid minor?
Origin - C7-T1 Insertion - medial border of the scapula Action - Keep the scapula pressed against the thoracic wall and retract the scapula toward the vertebral column
Origin, insertion and actions of the trapezius muscle?
Origin - occipital bone at the base of skull Insertion - spine of the scapula Action – support the shoulders and limbs and the rotation of the scapula necessary to raise the arms above shoulder level
Features of the deltoid (shoulder muscle)?
There is the deltoid anterior, middle and posterior Origin is lateral third of clavicle and the spineof scapula Insertion is deltoid tuberosity of humerus, Anterior part flexes and medially rotates arm Middle part: abducts arm Posterior part: extends and laterally rotates arm
Features of the coracobrachialis muslcle?
Origin is the coracoid process of the scapula Insertion is the medial shaft of the humerus Action is adducts shoulder Flexes shoulder
Features of the Latissimus dorsi?
Origins: Spinous processes of T6-T12 Lumbar and sacral vertebrae Iliac crest Insertion is the tubercular groove of humerus Actions- Extends Medial rotates adducts
Fearures of the pectoralis major?
Origin- clavicular head, and sternocostal head Insertion is lateral lip of intertubercular groove of humerus Action is adducts and medially rotates humerus
Heart model?
Blood enters via superior vena cava (on top of right atrium) and the inferior vena cava (at the bottom of the right atrium) both blue Sac on the outside of right atrium is the right auricle, sulci are the grooves of the heart Fossa ovalis, which is a thin fibrous sheet that covered the formamen ovule (hole in heart, blood doesn’t need to go to lung during fetal development) Blood goes through tricuspid valve, controlled by chordae tendineae which is connected to papillary muscle which is connected to heart wall, when taut blood can’t get through Then blood goes into right ventricle, and then through the pulmonary semi lunar valve, and then the pulmonary artery (splits off into 2) blue Goes to lungs Comes back through left and right superior and inferior pulmonary veins (red) (thing that splits in 4 at back) into the left atrium Then goes through bicuspid valve into left ventricle Then through the aortic valve into the aorta (massive red tube at top with 2 tubes coming off it)