Final Notes Flashcards
Describe Petrels beak
Short, heavy and hooked for tearing
Describe a Razorbill beak
Streamlined for diving
Tern beak
Straight and narrow, for eating things whole
Skimmers beak
Lower beak longer than upper. Allows eating while flying
What are pinnipeds?
Seals, sea lions and walrus or animals that flippers but have to rest on land
What are cetaceans?
Whales dolphins and porpoises. They spend their whole life in the water
Abiotic vs biotic
Abiotic is the non living part of the environment. (salinity, bottom type)
Biotic is the living part of the environment
Commensal relationship
Is when one species benefits without effecting the other one at all
Parasitic relationship
Is when one species benefits at the expense of the other
Mutual relationship
Is when both species benefit
Benthic organisms
Live on or buried on the bottom
Pelagic organisms
Live up in the water column away from the bottom
Plankton organisms
Live at or close to the surface
Water loss
The problem of marine organisms drying out. To protect for this intertidal organisms must hide or clam up
Name the types of estuarine
Open water Mudflats Salt marshes Mangrove forests Oyster reefs