final new info (blood, musculoskeletal, skin, cancer, EOL) Flashcards
hematology - assessment - history
age related, clotting factors, drug use (bone marrow suppression meds, drugs causing hemolysis, drugs disrupting platelet action), nutrition status (diet, intake, protein rich/low protein, high fat, foods rich in vit K, iron deficient, alcohol), genetics/family hx (blood/clotting do, hemophilia, sickle cell, excessing bleeding/bruising)
hematology age related changes
↓ blood volume, ↓ plasma proteins (diet, liver malfunction), ↓ RBC/WBC produced, ↓ lymphocytes/antibodies to fight infection/immune response.
thick discolored nail beds, loss of hair, skin moisture and skin color changes in older adults w/ dryness, loss of turgor, pigment loss, yellowing of skin
hematology - assessment - current health problems (questions to ask)
bruising, bleeding, menstrual flow, exertional dyspnea, palpitations, weight loss, tinnitus, vertigo, sore tongue, fatigue! (anemia), trends of past month/months
hematology - assessment - physical
skin (nail beds, gums, conjunctiva, petechiae, ecchymosis, areas of poor circulation), head/neck (tongue, oral mucosa, sclera, lymph nodes), respiratory (rate, depth, fatigue w/ speaking - anemia = reduce tissue oxygen levels causing SOB and respiratory changes), CNS (CN, vit B12 deficiency, cognitive function, neuro checks), cardiovascular (weak pulses, thready, JVD, edema, BP), renal (hematuria, urine color, CKD → anemia), musculoskeletal (sternal/rib tenderness - leukemia, swelling or joint pain), abdominal (enlarged spleen and liver, chronic GI bleeding ulcer or poly)
hematology - assessment - diagnostic
XR (multiple myeloma or sickle cell: abnormal bone destruction), bone marrow aspiration and biopsy (invasive procedure, cells/fluids suctioned from the bone marrow w/ large bore needle - iliac crest or sternum, local anesthetic, sterile, post pressure
hematology - assessment - labs
CBC w/ RBC, reticulocyte count (bone marrow function), platelet (thrombocytopenia), bleeding and coagulation (clotting - PT, INR, PTT).
increased RBC/HGB/HCT
possible chronic hypoxia or polycythemia vera
decreased RBC/HGB/HCT
possible anemia or hemorrhage
increased WBC
associated w/ infection, inflammation, autoimmune disorders, leukemia
decreased WBC
prolonged infection or bone marrow suppression
increased platelet
polycythemia vera or malignancy
decreased platelet
bone marrow suppression, autoimmune disease, hyperplenism
increased INR
longer clotting time - thin blood (desirable for therapy w/ warfarin)
decreased INR
hyper coagulation and increased risk for VTE
11-12.5 sec or 85-100%
increased PT
indicates possible deficiency of clotting factors V and VII
decreased PT
may indicate vitamin K excess
Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)
Genetic disorder in which a mutation in the gene causes chronic anemia, pain, disability, organ damage, infection risk due to poor perfusion. Autosomal recessive genetic d/o.
Risk factors = african american.
Assessment = Hx (long standing diagnosis and unaware of sickle cell trait w/ no symptoms until acute illness. Events leading up to symptoms - 24 hr prior including food, exposure, stress, injury - energy level, SOB w/ exertion), psychosocial (behavior/cognitive changes d/t poor perfusion), physical (pain, high risk for HF/pulmonary HTN/pneumonia, murmurs, S3, JVD, ↑ HR, hypotension, pallor, cyanosis, jaundice, severe abdominal pain, spleen and liver ischemia, CKD, proteinuria, joint pain, leg/arm pain, fever, seizure, stroke).
Labs = hemoglobin S on electrophoresis (80-100%), RBC, ↓ Hct, ↑ reticulocyte, ↑ bilirubin, EBC (chronic inflammation, hypoxia, ischemia).
Diagnostic = XR joints, US, PET, MRI, ECG, ECHO.
Priorities = pain d/t poor perfusion, joint destruction w/ low oxygen levels, high risk for infection/sepsis/MODS.
Interventions = O2, pain, hydration, HOB 30 degrees or less, extremities extended (venous return), drugs (endari which increases RBC & decreases sickling rates - crizanlizumab which helps platelets and RBC adherence), 3-4L fluid daily.
Sickle cell crisis / Vaso-occlusive crises
Sudden onset of periodic episodes of extensive RB sickling. Occurs w/ body’s response to hypoxemia. Damage causes tissue hypoxia, anoxia, ischemia, cell death. Organ infaracts and scarring occur (spleen, liver, kidney, brain, joints, bones, retina). Risk factors = high altitudes, cold water/weather, heavy physical labor. Symptoms = pain in back, knees, legs, arm, stomach, chest, throbbing, sharp, stabbing. Emergency = fever, SOB, chest pain.
Acute chest syndrome (SCD)
life threatening condition caused by fat embolism from sickled cells and respiratory infection. S/S = cough, SOB, fever, infiltrate, respiratory failure, MODS
reduction in the # of RBC, Hgb, Hct.
Causes = diet, genetic d/o, bone marrow disease, excessive bleeding, GI bleeding.
S/S = pallor, cool skin, brittle nails, rapid HR, murmurs, orthostatic hypotn, exertional SOB, low O2 statBCP, methotrexate, anticonvulsants.
Eat a diet high in folic acid and vit B12), aplastic (caused by exposure to radiation, chemicals, or virus - hep b, CMV, epstein barr.
Intervent = blood transfusion, immunosuppression, splenectomy, stem cell transplant).
Polycythemia Vera (PV)
are chronic myeloproliferative neoplasm. A type of leukemia blood cancer. Bone marrow makes too many RBCs. Excess cells thicken your blood (hyperviscous), which decreases blood flow causing blood clots. Malignant disease.
Cause = unknown.
Hallmark signs = massive production of RBC, excessive leukocyte production, excessive production of platelets.
S/S = flushed skin, cyanotic, itching, HTN, thrombus risk, hypoxia, poor perfusion, SOB, high risk for organ failure (heart, spleen, kidneys).
Interventions = apheresis (whole blood withdrawn, removal of some components and return plasma to patient - hydration anticoagulants, aspirin, hydroxyurea).
Preleukemia & Leukemia
blood cancer that results from a loss of normal cellular regulation, leading to uncontrolled production of immature WBCs (blast cells) in the bone marrow. THe loss of cellular regulation causes cells to change or malignant. Stem cells (immature cells) are extensive. Risk factors = ionizing radiation, viral infection, chemical or drug exposure, immunity factors. Cause = genetic/environmental; unknown. Treatment = stem cell transplant (HSCT)(early) or supportive care (blood or platelet transfusion). Assessment = Hx (risk factors, occupation, infection - leukopenia, clotting, bleeding issues). S/S = exxymoses, petechiae, pallor, fatigue, headache, fever, seizures, coma, tachycardia, palpitations, SOB, murmurs, coughing, abnormal bleeding, weight loss, enlarged spleen & liver, occult blood in stool, haematuria, bone pain, joint swelling, anxious, feer, coping. Labs/diagnostic = CBC, Coags, bone marrow biopsy, genetic testing, XR. Priorities = infection risk. Drug therapy = AML (induction, consolidation), CML (imatinib mesylate first line, interferon alfa), CLL (chemotherapy, monoclonal antibody therapy, stem cell transplantation.
types of anemia
sickle cell (genetic), G6PD (genetic), iron-deficient (common - caused by chronic alcoholism, diet, malabsorption syndromes, pregnancy. Increase oral intake of iron from food such as red meat, egg yolks, kidney beans, green leafy vegs), vitamin B12 (caused by diet, gastrectomy, pernicious anemia, malabsorption, small bowel resection. Increase foods in vit B12 - animal protein, fish, eggs, nuts, dairy, leafy greens), folic acid (caused by diet, drug therapy - BCP, methotrexate, anticonvulsants. Eat a diet high in folic acid and vit B12), aplastic (caused by exposure to radiation, chemicals, or virus - hep b, CMV, epstein barr. Intervent = blood transfusion, immunosuppression, splenectomy, stem cell transplant).
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT)
standard treatment for pts w/ acute leukemia. Interventions = bleeding risk at harvest site, pain management, apheresis procedure (withdrawing blood, filter, return - hypocalcemia, hypotn). Side effects = fever, HTN (benadryl, antihtn, diuretics), infection and poor clotting, failure to engraft, graft vs host disease, sinusoidal obstructive syndrome.
Malignant lymphomas
cancers of the lymphoid cells and tissue w/ abnormal overgrowth of lymphocytes. Growth in solid tumors in lymphoid tissues especially in lymph nodes and spleen. Interventions = aggressive therapy, external radiation, chemotherapy (extensive), CAR-T cell therapy (enhances own immune system - cytokine storm 5-7 days after infusion resolves in 2wks - fatigue, fever, low BP, confusion, N/V). Nursing management = infection risk, anemia, N/V, skin issues, infertility, clos monitoring of infusion related reactions.
Hodgkin lymphoma (HL)
teens and adults > 50yo. Singly lymph node and spreads. Cause = unknown, but viral infections (EBV, hyman T cell virus, HIV, exposure chemicals).
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL)
any age. Spreads through the lymphatic system. Cause = unknown but higher in organ transplants, HIV, immunosuppressant therapy, H.pylori, EBV, chemical exposure. NHL is a group of disorders where classification is based on histology, genetics, cytometry. Common types = B-cell lymphoma (aggressive, large masses, symptoms), and T-cell.
Multiple Myeloma (MM)
EBC cancer of mature B-lymphocytes called plasma cells that secrete antibodies. Cancer cells produce excessive antibodies (gamma globulins) & myeloma cells produce excessive cytokines that increase cancer cell growth/destroy bone. Starts in bone marrow. Anemia, infection risk, bleeding. Risk factors/onset = >65yr old, african americans, men. Cause = unknown. Complications = risks for AKI, CKD, HF, dysrhythmias, DCT, pulmonary HTN, pleural effusions. S/S = asymptomatic early, ↑ serum protein, fatigue, anemia, bone pain, fractures (no injury), infections, easy bruising. Interventions = pain management, chemotherapy, stem cells, steroids, immunomodulating drugs
Thrombocytopenia Purpura
estructive reduction of circulating platelets after normal platelet production. 3 types (see pic) S/S = bruising, purpura (red, purple petechia rash), anemia. Interventions = high risk for poor clotting and excessive bleeding, platelet transfusion, safety to avoid injury, Drugs (anticoagulants, direct thrombin inhibitor, corticosteroids, ASA), surgical (splenectomy).
musculoskeletal - changes w/ aging
osteopenia, osteoporosis (severe osteopenia leads to kyphosis), synovial joint cartilage becomes less elastic and compressible (osteoarthritis), muscular atrophy
musculoskeletal - older adult considerations
safety tips to prevent falls, reinforce need to exercise, prevent pressure on bony prominences, teach proper body mechanics, assess need for ambulatory devices, provide moist heat for pain, assist w/ ADLs&ambulation, don’t rush.
musculoskeletal - health promotion
vitamin D, calcium supplements, weight bearing activities, smoking cessation, minimal ETOH, assess risky lifestyle behaviors
serum calcium
increased calcium
metastatic cancers of the bone, Paget disease, bone fractures in the healing stage