Final - Names Flashcards
King made him Baron of Baltimore. Retires to his estates in Ireland; spends the rest of his life in investments of colonial development. Prevails on Charles I for charter of land/colony north of Virginia. King agreed. But he died before the deed was signed. He was responsible for the founding of the colony, but he was never the owner.
George Calvert
Along with Ingle, they coordinated an attack of St. Mary
Cpt. Claiborn
FrenchJesuitwho travelled toNew France(Canada) in 1625. Worked primarily with theHuron. Learned their language and culture, writing about each to aid other missionaries. Brébeuf and another missionary were captured when an Iroquois raid took over a Huron village. Together with Huron captives, themissionarieswere ritually tortured and killed, beingmartyredon March 16, 1649. Brébeuf was beatified in 1925 and among eight Jesuit missionariescanonizedassaintsin theRoman Catholic Churchin 1930.
Jean de Brebeuf
Russian refugee, Modonna House Apotolate, Social Informer
Catherine de Heck Doherty
First Bishop
John Carroll
Coordinate with Claiborn to invade St. Mary
Richard Ingle
The Celestial Favors of Jesus, Jesuit
Eusebio Kino
Travelogue of early Jesuit writer
Andrew White
Wrote Rerum Novarum
First Citizen
Charles Carroll
Founder of the Catholic Miscellany
John England
Wrote In Supremo Aposolio Fastigio
Gregory XVI
2nd Baron Baltimorewas the firstProprietorandProprietary Governorof theProvince of Maryland
Cecil Calvert
Catholic Worker Movement
Governor of Mary Lan
Leonard Calvert