Final Names Flashcards
King John
King John was not liked by the people and known for high taxes. He was the king who was forced to sign the Magna Charta
Kublai Khan
The Chinese emperer who met with Marco Polo and wanted to know more about Christianity. Sadly, the Pope did not ever send anyone to inform Kublai Khan.
Joan of Arc
A French girl during the time of the Hundred Years War. She claimed to have had vision of the archangel Michael, St. Margaret, and St. Catherine telling her to rescue france from the English. She lead the French soldiers in the Battle of Orleans and there success was amazing. Later she was sold to the English by the Duke of Burgandy and burned for “sorcery.”
John Wycliffe
John Wycliffe was an English theologian and professor at Oxford. He believed Scripture was the final authority (Sola Scriptura) He believed the church should return the simplicity and poverty of the apostolic times. He preached against Mary Queen of Scotts.
Johann Gutenberg
Johann Gutenberg was the inventor of the printing press. The first book he printed was the Bible.
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci was an example of a “Renaissance Man” He was skilled at painting, drawing, sculpting, engineering, architecture, and music. He was also an inventor. His most famous painting is the Mona Lisa
A famous sculptor and painter during the Renaissance. Painted the Sisitene chapel
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
Ferdinand and Isabella funded Columbus. They also started the Spanish Inquisition.
Martin Luther
A famous reformer, know for his fiery temper. He wrote A Might Fortress is Our God. He wrote the ninety five thesis
John Calvin
A major leader of the reformation whose motto was “My heart I give to you, Oh lord, promptly and sincerely.” He wrote the Institutes of the Christian Religion.
King Henry VIII
The King who brought about the act of supremacy making the King head of the church.
john Knox
A scottish reformer who was a galley slave to the French. He adopted Calvin’s teachings.
Sir Gawain
One of King Arthur’s knights of the round table. He is best known for his bargain with the Green Knight
Sir Gareth
The young knight who cam in as the kitchen knight and never retaliated against Sir Kay or Lady Linnet when they mocked him.
King Arthur.
A kight who peopple aren’t sure whether he was real, legendary or based on a historical figure. In the stories he is king and is known for seating his knights at a round table.
Johnny Tremain
A proud boy in “Johnny Trmain” who burns his hand using silver and later becomes humble.
Barbara and Regina Leininger
In “Alone yet not alone” they were stolen by Indians and their faith in God helped them trust and come back.