Final: Mid-Term Open Note Flashcards
List the four main divisions of the O.T.
- Pentateuch
- Historical
- Poetic
- Prophetic
Where was the Tower of Babel built?
Plain of Shinar
What are the three lessons from Babel
- Power of the people
- power of unity
- power of communication
Genesis 1-11 represents approximately what fraction of the world’s History?
1st half
List the 5 patriarchs
- Abraham
- Isaac
- Jacob
- Joseph
- Job
List the seven-fold promise of God to Abraham
- make of thee a great nation
- bless thee
- make thy name great
- thou shalt be a blessing
- bless them that bless thee
- curse them that curse thee
- in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed
What are the first things Abraham does when he arrives in Canaan?
- He builds an altar
2. He is promised the land
Why did Abraham leave Canaan?
There was famine in Canaan
What were the 7 consequences of leaving Canaan?
- grieved God
- weakened his own faith
- weakened the faith of Sarai
- became a poor testimony to his nephew Lot
- caused the Pharoah to be afflicted
- picked up Hagar, the Egyptian
- provided a bad example for his son, Isaac
What were the four first of his meetings with Melchizedek?
- 1st communion
- 1st mention of the Holy City
- 1st mention of Priest
- 1st example of tithing
How old was Abraham when his name was changed?
99 yrs old
How old were Abraham and Sarah when Isaac was born?
Sarah-91 Abraham-100
Where were Abraham and Sarah buried at their death?
cave of Machpelah