Final Material Flashcards
What is the definition of employee relations?
how the organization handles relationships with its employees
What can change the way employees regard each other? (3)
- Economic conditions
- Political atmosphere
- Management change
What is the definition of employment relationships?
The vehicle for reconciling needs of employees and needs of organizations
What are organization needs of employment relationships? (6)
- time
- flexibility in the way they use their labor
- skills
- increase productivity/effort
- expectations are higher in economic hard times
- retain managerial discretion
What are employee needs of the employment relationship? (6)
- meaningful, interesting work
- recognition/ feeling valued
- job security
- opportunity to grow/develop
- benefits
- desire to have other parts of life that aren’t related to work
What are the 4 governing rules of employment relationships?
- contracts
- collective bargaining
- legislation
- Custom and Practice
How do employers react to legislation?
- go along with it
- fight it
- go above and beyond it
What are the 4 general approaches to the employee relations? Describe them
- adversarial: only exercise power by refusing to cooperate, employees expected to fit in and adapt,
- traditional: decent, daily working relationship, attention paid to employees but management retains decision making
- partnership: employee involved in planning and organization, final decision still management, work for good of each other and share values
- power sharing: consensus to reach decision, group can rule, compromise, rare to get here
What is the definition of employee branding? How does one go about developing an employee brand?
A deliberate process of creating an image as a great place to work. Deliberately establishing, managing, monitoring the brand
What does HR get out of employee branding?
- higher retention
- internal benefits (executives sees what HR brings to business)
- people choose organization with best brand
What are lessons from marketing in regards to employee branding?
- just like marketing wants to appease to it’s target market, employee branding should compliment the target/most valued employees
What 3 components should be managed as a process of managing the brand?
- firm’s reputation
- firm’s culture
- firm’s value proposition
What’s important about managing a firm’s reputation?
- because you want image and talk of the brand to be positive
- must correct negative brand reputation before building a positive
- hard to convince good product if in new lawsuit
What’s important about managing the firm’s culture?
- motivate employees to act in the way the organization would like
What is important about managing a firm’s value proposition?
- decide on one
- tell employees what it is and constantly reinforce it
- keep employees informed
What are the 4 levels of branding?
- Build HR department’s internal image
- Get yourself talked about
- Get on a “Best Place to work” list
- Become an employer of choice
What are characteristics of building HR internal image?
- has to be seen as profit center
- market HR function as aggressively as others
- HR must market itself
What are characteristics of getting yourself talked about?
- media, business, industry publications, get people quoted
- participate in benchmarking
- word of mouth, employees, most effective
How is the employee brand measured?
What do employee brand metrics measure? (4)
- media exposure (+/- trends)
- positive name recognition (how many people recognize your organization as a good place to work )
- detail knowledge
- action results (does your HR brand cause people to take action )
What is the definition of employee planning
assessing future business needs and identifying how many and what kind of people you are going to need
What are the 5 steps involved in employee planning?
- ID Key employees
- forecast your supply
- forecast demand
- analysis of gap: what you can get and what you say you are going to need
- Put together a plan to address gap(s)
What is the goal of employee planning?
to enable an organization to obtain it’s business goals and execute it’s strategy
What are the benefits to employee planning ( 4)
- anticipates imbalances and shortages before it becomes a disaster
- gives you time to find the talent you need because you have anticipated
- better opportunity to include people of diversity in your future plans
- helps you plan your development of internal people
What are problems of employee planning? (3)
- organizations talk about it a lot but they don’t do it
- We don’t have enough research to study it because not enough of it is being done
- we don’t do it because it’s too hard to forecast the future and we need to wait to see things become more clear
What is involved in identifying critical employees (step 1)
- Should be clear in mission vision
- Partition the work force
- plan for people who will provide the most value
- identify level of variability in performance of employees
Out of key employees, who should get the most resources poured into them?
employees with high variability
What questions does supply forecasting answer? (3)
- what competencies are available? What is the supply of talents or people we will need
- If this is what I need, can I get this internally? Can I promote/develop people)
- Will I be able to find them externally?
How do you forecast your internal supply? (4)
- take the number of employees in a position at the beginning of a forecast
- subtract the number we anticipate losing
- add any you anticipating gaining (through promotions)
- if there is a gap then have to go to external market when looking for supply of people
What tools are used for internal supply forecasting? (3)
- transaction analysis
- skills inventory
- replacement charts
Describe transaction analysis
tells you how many people of the people you have are going to be exiting and entering, uses data to predict surplus or deficit
Describe skills inventory
-profile of your currently employees, demographics, skills, languages spoke, career progression data, lets you know who’s currently available and who will be available in the future
Describe replacement charts
- used for succession planning for higher level positions
What questions does external supply forecasting answer? (5)
- What’s happening in the labor market?
- What talent is available in the labor market and at what price?
- Supplies the workforce and occupational forecasts
- Are there others in our industry experience the same problems
- Can we connect with a trade school who can provide desired workers?
What does Demand forecasting answer? (3)
- Will the demand for my product/service shrink/grow/stay the same?
- Will I need new competencies, am I changing the work that we are going to do?
- What are my future needs for certain kinds of competencies?
What needs to be considered when discussing demand for product/service?
If demand is growing, hire more people unless automating, than hire different kinds of people.
If demand is falling, there is going to be a surplus of workers so need to figure out what you’re going to do with them
Where do we get external forecasting info (sources)? (5)
- Seasonal forecasts
- interest rates forecasts
- competition forecasts
- industry and economic forecasts
- legal factors
How do interest rates help forecast demand?
if interest rates are low, businesses tend to try to expand/ go after new opportunities