Final Material Flashcards
Non protein nitrogen
Ruminant thing
Ammonia toxicosis- Excess ammonia gets into blood stream
Causes alkaline rumen that causes more absorption of ammonia
Causes neurological signs
Acidify the rumen- give vinegar
Cool rumen temp- slow hydrolysis
Ammoniated feed toxicosis
Production of imidazoles that cause seizures
Mix ammonia with sugars
Pass in milk- safe if lactating but bad for males and anyone drinking it
Never give to turtles
MDR-1 issues get higher levels in brains
Genetically test these animals
Lethargic, ataxic, comatose
Fluids, feeding, -supportive care
Induce vomiting and activated charcoal
Lipid therapy
Euthanized carcasses
Don’t go away
In soil can be dug up and eaten etc
Acetylcholine receptors
2 types: muscarinic- slude signs
Nicotinic- jittery
Organophosphate sand carbamates
Cholinesterase inhibitors- can’t break down acetylcholine= continual stimulation
Older insecticides
Nicotinic signs, muscarinic signs, and seizures etc
Atropine- give therapeutic dose and if it does something it’s not this.
Causes ileus in horses
Blue green algae
Neurotoxin- die within minutes
Theoretically can treat with atropine
Tropane alkaloids
Cholinergic antagonist
Jimson weed, belladonna
Ilieus inc HR, jittery,seizures, dry mouth
Muscarinic mushrooms
Muscarinic agonist
SLUDDE signs
Muscarinic agonist
Typically horses
Atropine only works before clinical signs
Take away food and fluids
Solanaceous plants
Muscarinic agonist
Plant material of like tomatoes, potatoes peppers
SLUDDE signs rare
GI issues
Tobacco which state do they do fine or not so much? Treatment? What not to do?
Cholinergic agonists
Hyperactive do fine, depressed not so much
Induce vomiting, charcoal, don’t give anything to increase stomach ph
Poison hemlock what does it cause at low doses? High doses? Treat,ent?
Cholinergic agonists
Stim at low dose
Paralysis of receptors at high doses
Same signs and treatment as nicotine
Increased feed efficiency of cattle
Never feed to horses
Horse- cardiac effects
Dogs- recumbency
Cats- peripheral neuropathy ataxic lethargic
Poultry- cardiac failure
Supportive care- no treatment
Most toxins do NOT cause intermittent seizures except what 2 toxins?
- Lead
- 1080
A pesticide- restricted use rodenticide
Competitive and reversible inhibition of 5e neurotransmitter glycine at the renshaw cell
Causes rigidity- muscles continually contract- having tonic clonic seizures- can’t open the lungs to breathe die of anoxia
Rapid absorption: 10-120 mins
IV fluids, control seizures, IV lipids, keep in quiet calm place
Lipid therapy positives
Can hasten recovery time
Can administer via peripheral catheters
Fairly cheap
2 year shelf life
Lipid therapy complications
Significant lipidemia
Volume overload potential
Can remove antidotes and other therapies
Lipid therapy used on what
Calcium channel blockers
Local anesthetic
Antidepressant meds
Water hemlock cicuta maculata
Violent seizures
Gross in waterways and ditches
Usually too late but if caught early GI decontamination: emesis, rumenotomy, charcoal
Seizure control with barbiturates
Produced by a fungus
Tremorgenic mycotixins- staggers syndrome
Reduce gaba and glycine concentrations
Clinical signs worsen with stimulation- fine mm tremors of head and neck
What are the grasses associated with tremorgenic mycotoxins
Bermuda grass
Dallas grass
Perennial ryegrass
Teemorgenic mycotoxins in small animals
Garbage toxicosis
Hyperactivity , tremors, seizures 30-2 hours
Emesis is asymptomatic
Tremor control with methocarbamol skeletal muscles relaxant
Sodium ion toxicosis/ water depravation
Increased sodium or dehydration causing hypernatremia
Acute and chronic
Acute hypernatremia
Brain gets dehydrated
Cerebral vascular damage
Chronic hypernatremia what’s produced? How do we treat? What do we see microscopically?
Na diffuses into brain protect from dehydration due to water loss
Vomiting,lethargy,weakness, ataxia, seizures
Brain protects by producing idiogenic amines (osmols)
Quick rehydration is bad, cerebral edema
Microscopically: eosinophilic cuffs around blood vessels
Treatment for sodium toxicosis
Do NOT give AC
Benzos for seizures
Acute: bring down Na levels fast
Chronic: slowly drop Na takes 2-3 days
Stimulate alpha and beta adrenergic receptors, dopamine receptor agonists
Readily penetrates blood brain barrier
Signs: agitation, dilated pupils, seizures, bradycardia
Avoid benzos
Beta blockers for tachycardia
Serotonergic medications
SSRIs: Prozac Paxil lexapro celexa
SNRIs: cymbalta Effexor
MAOI: anapryl
TCA: amitripyline clomipramine
Serotonin syndrome
CNS effects, autonomic efffects, neuromuscular effects- if you have signs out of 2 of the 3
Signs associated with serotonin syndrome
Ataxia depression tremors vomiting diarrhea seizures clinical blindness
Decontamination of serotonin syndrome
Emesis if asymptomatic
Activated charcoal
For agitation: phenothiazines, cryoheptadine, acepromazine
Chocolate, tea coffees
Caffeine+ theobromine= methylxanthine dose
Vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, hyperactivity
Emesis and charcoal if over lethal dose treat symptoms
Zinc phosphide
Vomiting, tremors, seizures, resp signs
Smells like gas or rotten garlic
Phosphine gas
Rapids onset 15 min- 4 hr
No water!!!!
Apomorphine or ropinirole Emesis
Human health concerns
Neurotoxic rodenticide
Converted to desmethylbromethalin in liver
Bromethalin mechanism of action
Uncouples oxidative phosphorylation and ATPis produced and Na/K ATPase pumps are t working and edema is developing in nerves in the brain- bad nerve conduction
Bromethalin toxicity
Spongy degeneration of CNS white matter
Guinea pigs can’t desmethylate
Dogs under 16 weeks of age blood brain barrier isn’t in take
Below LD
Slow onset 48 hours after ingestion
Ataxia paresis loss of deep pain depressed CNS
Above LD Bromethalin
Rapid onset
Tremors , fevers, excitability, seizures, death
Mortality 100%
Bromethalin treatment
Supportive care
Pyrethrins and pyrethroids mechanism
Bind to nerve cells near sodium channels and slows the channels opening and closing
Low concentration pyrethrins
Flea shampoos, sprays and floggers etc.
sprays often contain alcohol
Dermal irritation, paw flicking, ear twitching, salvation with oral ingestion
Concentrated pyrethrins and dogs
Hypersensitive disorders- erythema, alopecia
Behavior changes- hyperactivity, hyperesthesia
Bathing resolves it
Concentrated pyrethroids and cats
Tremors depression dorooling
Onset 1-24 hours
Usually misapplication of dog treatment in cats
Bathe, thermoregulation
Methocabamol diazepam for seizures
Treated for 1-3 days
Lead absorption
Oral tissue or inhalation
Lead kinetics
Absorbed lead bound to RBC
Bone- long term storage depot
Macadamia nuts
Dogs only
Weakness, depression, vomiting, hyperthermia
Dog only
Cool off- cool IV fluids etc
Hybrid Sudan grass
Cystits- ataxia syndrome horses
Ataxic and dog sit, dribble of urine ruin scald
GI GUninfections
Widow spiders
Muscle cramping by bite first then spread
Opioids, muscle relaxants
Coral snakes
Red on yellow
Paralysis starts in hind end
Stops diaphragm and die of anoxia
Fluids intubate, supportive care
Recumbent GI issues
Turn animals up hill
No liver involvement
Red, open wounds, blisters
Primary sensitization
Ingest the compound that causes the problem
Secondary photosenistazagion
Liver doesn’t break down chlorophyll correctly
Must check liver values
Photosensitization treatment
Get out of sun, antibitoics, don’t feed foods that’ll cause issues
Primary photosensitizer plants
St. John’s wort
Secondary photsensitization plants
Pyrrolizidine alkaloid plants
Alsike clover
Essential nutrient
Sorpurces: soils, supplements, some plants
Acute selenium toxicosis
Depression, anorexia, weak, ataxia, recumbent, garlicky odor to breath
Chronic selenium
Losing hair from manes and tails
Separation of hooves from body
Plants for chronic selenium
Astragalus, oonopsis, Stanleya, xylorhiza
Petroleum distillates what does it cause? Symptoms? Treatment?
Causes defatting and break down of lipids
Dry, cracking, secondary infections
Bathe animal, ventilation, emollient
Ant poisons, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, wood treatments
Bloody diarrhea and vomiting, rice water diarrhea, hypovolemia and anemia
Fluids, blood, BAL, DMSA
Needs to be there within 2 hours
Erythema of GI tract, vomiting, stomach ulcers, liver necrosis
Emesis, fluids, GI protectants misoprostal
Lectin plants
Predatory bean
Castor bean
Black locust
Precatory bean
Native to tropics- can be on jewelry bought from then
Severe GI signs and multi organ failure
Castor bean
Contain ricin
If chewed GI signs and organ failure
Warfare agent
Black locust
Horses with nothing else to eat
Severe GI and multi organ failure
Insoluble calcium oxalale plants
Thick shiny green leaves
Deiffenbachia, philodendron, spathiphyllum
Insoluble calcium oxalate plants
Shoot out crystal needles that hurt
Drool gag oral and GI damage
Give milk anything that contains calcium
Buttercup- ranunculus
Vesicant- blisters in the mouth
First plants in the spring- horses
Diterpenoids what causes it? What are the symptoms? Example
In spurges or euphoria
White milky sap
Bloat, colic, v/d
Ex. Poinsettia
Bulb plants
Daffodil, jonquil, tulip, etc
If leaves maybe vomiting
If bulb itself bloody diarrhea and hypovolemia
Trichothecene mycotoxins
DON- vomitoxin
GI irritation, ulcer, vomiting,
replace feed
Expanding adhesives
If see isocyanate- foreign body
By 12 hours
Palpate or radiograph
Foreign body removal
GI protectants
Corrosive agents- acids
Cleaners, anti rust etc
PH of 1 or 2
Coagulation necrosis
Oral pain, salivation, vomiting, and pain, ulcers, hyperthermia
Dilution with milk, pain meds, supportive care.
Corrosive agents- alkalis
Drain openers, batteries, hair relaxer
High pH 10-12
Liquefaction necrosis nerve destruction- keeps chewing
Oral pain, salivation, vomiting, and pain, ulcers, hyperthermia
Dilution with milk, pain meds, supportive care.
Corrosive agents- cationic detergents
Disinfectants, sanitizers, hair mousse
Oral pain, salivation, vomiting, and pain, ulcers, hyperthermia
Dilution with milk, pain meds, supportive care.
Corrossives DO NOT
Neutralize- produces heat
Attempt Emesis will burn
Administer charcoal
Cardiac glycosides sources
Medications, plants, toads, fireflies
Cardiac glycosides what does it cause? Treat with? Antidote?
Inhibit NaK ATPase pump in cardiac muscle
- slows down contractions and let’s in more calcium into the cell
Signs: arrhythmia, sudden death, vomiting, hyperkalemia, lethargy
Induce vomiting, AC, no calcium fluids
Antedote- digibind hella expensive
Cardiac glycosides causes: medication
Cardiac glycosides causes: plants
Oleander, fox glove, lily of the valley, milkweed
Cardiac glycosides causes: toads
Bufo toad
Rhinella marina, incilius alvarius
Rinse out the mouth- rinse back of mouth to forward
If are toad, Emesis
Cardiac glycosides causes: fireflies
Mostly reptiles and amphibians
Typically die before getting to office
Grayanotoxins what it causes
Bind to sodium channels in the heart
Cause arrhythmias
Grayanotoxins plants
Rhododendrons, azaleas, laurels, Japanese pieris
Grayanotoxins signs
Bloat, and pain, arrhythmia, depressed
Grayanotoxins treatmnt
Decontaminate- emesis, AC
Monitor HR
Supportive care
Directly toxic to cardiac myocytes
Arrhythmia and death
Diagnosed with necropsy
Charcoal them, minimize stress
White snakeroot
Killed Lincoln’s mother
Horse cardiac necrosis, arrhythmias, death
Mares cattle rabbits goats- mastitis
Rabbits, birds, goats- arrhythmia and death
Symptomatic and support
Pigment glands of cotton
Thumps in pigs
Horses most susceptible
Myocardial scarring
Overdose affects beta1 and beta 2
Tachycardia and hypokalemia, weak and wobbly
Used for urinary incontenance in dogs
Hypertension, tachycardia, reflex bradycardia, depressed depends when they bring it in
Ace or nitroprusside
Restrictive pesticide
Oral and dermal burns
Resp signs and pulmonary fibrosis
Caused by free radical formation
Aggressive Emesis lovage AC
Do not administer oxygen
Acute bovine pulmonary emphysema and edema
Tryptophan- lush pastures and corn
Perilla ketone- purple mint
4-ipomeanol- moldy sweet potatoes
Fog fever
Transformed into 3-MI that produces free radicals and kills club cells and type 1 pneumocytes
Dyspnea, afebrile pneumonia
Remove from pasture
Poor prognosis
Perilla mint and sweet potatoes moldy
Kill off type 1 pneumoctyes
Hydrogen sulfide
High concentration- paralyzes ability to smell it and Resp center
Animals over manure lagoons
Pulmonary edema in pigs
Teflon (PTFE)
Toxic particles released from nonstick pans upon heating
Pulmonary edema, hemorrhage and death
Petroleum distillates causes
Aspiration, chemical pneumonitis
Skin sloughing
Found in fruit pits and seeds or fresh and dried leaves (apples peaches plum)
Turn bright red
Inhibits cytochrome oxidase- tissues can’t use oxygen
Cherry red venous blood, depressed, death
Hydroxycobalamine or sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate
Carbon monoxide
Carboxyhemoglobin- tissue hypoxia
Also cherry red in color
Treatment: hyperbaric oxygen if available
Vomiting at first
Hemolysis, renal failure,pancreatic necrosis
Diagnosed: royal blue tube
Anemic- blood transfusion, get zinc out
Propyl disulfide
Onions, garlic, chives, etc
Leads to hemolysis
Discolored urine, tachycardic
Secondary renal failure
Treatment: antioxidants, blood transfusion,
Red maple
Pyrogallol does hemolysis
Discolored urine, icteric, kidney failure
Ac, blood transfusion
Nitrates and nitrites
From plants or fertilizer
Chocolate colored mucous membranes, tachypnic , death
Treatment: methylene blue but 180 withdrawal of milk or slaughter
Hepatic necrosis
Anticoagulant rodenticides what does it do and inhibit? What clotting factors are involved? How do we test it? Terstment?
Stops production of clotting factors but inhibiting vitamin k from becoming active
2,7,9,10 clotting factors
Dyspnea, hemorrhage, depends where bleeding occurs
PT test
Horses- PTT
Vitamin K1 with food
Give plasma or blood for clotting factors
White and yellow sweet clover in what drug? What species? What does it cause? Treatment?
In hay
Clean feed, vitamin k
Copper toxicosis sheep
Sensitive in sheep
Kidneys don’t like free hemoglobin
Gun metal blue kidneys, icterus
Ammonium tetrathiomolybdate
Copper toxicosis in dogs what does it cause? How do we treat it?
Chronic liver failure
Bedljngton rerrior, websites, skye terriers, Dobermans
D penicillamine, trientine
Bracken fern
Aplastic anemia in cattle and sheep
Bladder tumors, thiaminase in horses
Pit vipers
Rattlesnakes, water moccasins, copperheads
Swelling, bite site, oozing
Bite in head poor prognosis, bite to limb better
Hypovolemia, hemorrhagic shock
DO NOTs in treating pit viper venom
Cold packs, ice, incision, suction, tourniquets, electroshock, alcohol
What to do in a pit viper bite
Bring animals in
Measure coagulation profile, TPR, measure swelling, antivenins
IgG is antivenin
Tissue destruction and neurotoxins
Recluse spiders
Necrotic non healing wound
Black walnut
Causes laminitis in horses
Small animal- eat toothpaste
Irritant vomiting GI hemorrhage
Cows- affected weak teeth
Adults- too much in bone and increased bone proliferation on long bones
Reproductive toxins
Abortion, birth defects etc
False hellebore
Cyclopian lambs if consumed on 14th day of gestation
Born dead or die shortly after birth
Not in labor fast enough
Neuromuscular blockade in fetus
Fetus can’t move- frozen joints
Tobacco, lupine, poison hemlock
Crooked joints
Tall grass infected with fungal infection
Cattle and horses
Repro problems
4 syndromes of fescue
fescue foot
Summer slump
Fat necrosis
Equine agalactia dystocia
Fescue mechanism
Fescue foot signs
Hypothermia signs
Feet ears and tails
Summer slump
Vasoconstriction in summer
Can’t get rid of heat
No weight gain
Fescue fat necrosis
Necrotic fat n abdomen
GI obstruction
Fescue in horses
No secretion of prolactin
Not going to go into labor or produce milk
Oversized fetus
Fescue prevention or treatment
Plant different grasses
Mares- domperidone dopamine compound
Nitrates and nitrites
Isocupressic acid
Pine needles
abortion but decreasing blood flow to fetus
Gossypol with repro
Infertility in male ruminants
Estrogen mimic
Males- atrophy of tests
Females- abortion, fetal resorption