FINAL(LY) Flashcards
The sheet of lead in a cassette serves what purpose?
prevent backscatter
Using an extremity cassette (aka detail screen) causes what to happen to your patient?
increases exposure
If your cassette was incompletely closed, what would you film probably look like?
black strip on the edge
When a film is exposed an invisible image exists called?
latent image
What are the combinations of screen light and film color work best?
green (calcium tungstate screens) with blue light emissions (GB) and purple film (rare earth screens) with green or blue light (PGB)
How often should you clean intensifying screens?
every three months
About how many 14”x17” films should be run through an automatic processor in a week to make it worth your money?
20-25 times
How would your processed film appear if you decreased the recommended developing time and maintained the recommended temperature?
it would be too light
What is the recommended temperature for manual processing?
68 degrees
Sensiometry is used for what?
consistency of brightness of light to expose a film
Sensiosemetry and densitosemetry are both used for what?
monitor processor function
In which phase of processing does a latent image become a manifest image?
A high-intensity lamp is usually used for what purpose?
for seeing overexposed areas
What is the proper arrangement of the five subject densities seen on radiograph from most to least dense?
Heavy metal, metal, water, oil, and air
Why are renal shadows often seen on an A-P lumbar film?
due to contrasts between oil and water densities
The thickness of lead that is needed for primary and secondary protective barriers for an x-ray facility are?
1/16 and 1/32 inches, respectively
Where should your exposure switch be located?
inside the booth
If a patient needs to be held down during an x-ray, who should be asked to do so?
***this is what i think, don’t take my word for it…an office assistant if they are not pregnant, shield them
A prominent graininess of the film is called?
quantum mottle
Kink marks occur on a film from what?
kinks or crimping the film
What would make the phosphor layer of the screen faster?
thicker composition
Which type of film will create a radiographic image with the greatest amount of detail?
single emulsion
What color is recommended for your dark room walls?
A 1200 screen speed will produce what type of image?
grainy (100:par speed)
What is the name for the usual test for film screen contact?
wire mesh test
With gradient screens, what is true for lumbar spine films?
has the fastest speed in this section
Which fluid requires replacements most often in manual processing?
In which step of manual processing does the kissing artifact occur?
Which structure usually appears most dense on an X-ray?
A contrast between patient densities of water and air would explain why you can see what structure on a film?
urinary bladder
Occupation dose limits should not exceed how many rems of the whole body per year?
5 rams/year
Quantum mottle can be cause by too few photons and?
too high of kV and too low of mAs
If the temperature is too high in the dryer part an automatic processor, what would most likely occur?
the films would probably have water spots
How often should you change developer?
every 4 weeks
What color is old developer? new?
brown and clear
Fixer is an acid solution also called?
clearing agent
Where would you place the mesh for a wire mesh test?
on the cassette
1/16 inch lead is equivalent to how many inches of concrete?
Unprocessed rare earth films usually have what color?
What is the recommend intensifying screen for use in a chiropractic office?
rare earth
What contains silver halide crystals?
film emulsion
How will dirt on an intensifying screen appear on the film?
white specks
Why should bad films that have been taken not be destroyed?
they can be sold for silver
Where would an oil density normally be found on an x-ray?
surround organs and muscles
A film badge is associated with?
If you saw the support back or hinges imaged on a film, what would you suspect happened?
cassette was loaded backwards
Which governmental agency demands the removal of silver from processing fluid before disposal?
Black branching streaks randomly placed on the film are usually due to what?
cracks in the screen
Which type of film is preferred in a chiropractic office?
double emulsion
Which speed is preferred in general spinal radiography with a rare earth substance?