Final: Lecture 20 Flashcards
ANF relaxes the cardiovascular muscle by antagonizing the actions of ______ and ______.
- Vasopressin
* Angiotensin II
Atrial cell granules contain a potent polypeptide hormone, named _______, that stimulates ________ and ________.
- Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)
- Diuresis (urination)
- Natriuresis (Na intake)
ANF prevents Na and water reabsorption from causing ________ and _______ that can result in cardiac failure.
- Hypervolemia (abnormal increase in the volume of circulating fluid in the body)
- Hypertension
Vascular smooth muscle contraction controlled by Ca. The increase of Ca concentration occurs throught voltage-gated Ca channels, called _______ _______, and receptor-mediated Ca channels, known as _______ _______.
- Electromechanical coupling
* Pharmacomechanical coupling
Ca can also be released from cytoplasmic storage sites (ER) b/c smooth muscle cells lack _____.
Continuous Capillary
- Endothelial cells have a complete cytoplasm, found in muscle, brain, thymus, bone, lung, and other tissues
- Caveolae and vesicles transport substances through cytoplasm in bidirectional pathway (transcytosis)
The intracytoplasmic vesicles are coated by the protein ______.
Fenestrated capillary
- The endothelial cell has many fenestrate (10 to 100 nm in diameter) with or without a thin diaphragm
- Basal lamina is continuous
- Present in tissues with substantial fluid transport: intestinal villi, choroid plexus, ciliary processes of the eyes.
- Present in the glomerular capillaries of kidneys
Discontinuous capillary
- The gaps are larger than in fenestrated capillaries
* In the spleen, the endothelial cells are elongated and protrude into lumen
- Formed by endothelial cells from arachidonic acid by a process catalyzed by prostacyclin synthase
- Prevents the adhesion of platelets to the endothelium, and avoids blood clot formation
- Vasodilator
Endothelial cells secrete smooth muscle cell relaxing factors such as _____ and contraction factors such as ________.
- Nitric oxide
* Endothelin 1
Endothelial cells release ________ that binds to factor VIIa to convert factor X into factor Xa and initiate the common pathway of blood clotting.
- Tissue factor
- Thrombin acts on fibrinogen to from fibrin monomers that self-aggregate to form a soft fibrin clot cross-linked to factor XIII
- Degradation of basal lamina of the parental vessel to enable formation of capillary sprout
- Migration and proliferation of endothelial cells, stimulated by angiogenic factors (VEGF, Ang1)
- Maturation of endothelial cells into an endothelial capillary tube
- Assembly of a basal lamina and recruitment of periendothelial cells (smooth muscle cells)
Angiopoletin 1 interacts with ________ to recruit periendothelial cells (pericytes) to smooth muscle cells in large vessels to organize mature blood vessels.
- Endothelial cell receptor Tie2
- Ang 2 interacts with Tie2 to induce loss of contact of endothelial cells with the extracellular matrix.
- Ang 2 role in tumor angiogenesis is emerging as a target for cancer treatment
The formation of a blood vessel from a preexisting vessel, a process know as ________, is relevant to chronic inflammation, development of collateral circulation, and tumor growth.
The major key signaling pathways involved in angiogenesis are…
- Vascular endothelial cell factor (VEGF) receptor pathway
- Notch receptor pathway
- Tie receptor angiopoietin (Ang) pathway
Respiratory mucosa lines the respiratory passageway and consists of:
- Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium (respiratory epithelium)
- Lamina propria (thin layer of loose CT)
- Submucosa (dense irregular CT)
Specialized cells types in the mucosa:
- Stem cells (basal cells of pseudostratified epithelium, replace themselves)
- Goblet cells (also stem cells, these can replace other cells of epithelium)
- Neuroendocrine cells (may be associated with sensory reception and are more prevalent in infants)
Nares of Nose
- Stratified squamous epithelium continuous with epidermis
* Contains sebaceous glands, sudoriferous glands, and hair follicles
Mucosa of nose begins at level of nasal septum, includes:
- Respiratory epithelium (pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium)
- Basement membrane
- Lamina propria (blends with underlying bone or cartilage)
Olfactory epithelium
- Located in nasal cavity roof
- Pseudostratified columnar epithelium w/o goblet cells
- No distinct basement membrane
Olfactory cell types
- Sustentacular cells (support cells) with pigment granules
- Basal cells with pigment granules: stem cells, give rise to immature olfactory cells
- Olfactory cells: bipolar neurons, apical end project into nasal cavity, cilia possess G-protein-linked odor-specific receptors, basal end of the cell extends as an unmyelinated axon
- Senesce and are replace from basal cells
Olfactory glands of Bowman
- Located in the lamina propria
- Secrete odorant-binding protein
- Protein binds to odorant molecule in nasal cavity
Groups of unmyelinated axons form nerve fascicles, called ______, that pass through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone to terminate in the ________ of the olfactory bulb.
- Olfactory fila
* Glomeruli
Histology of the Nasopharynx
- Mucosa: respiratory epithelium, lamina propria with FECT, mucous glands, serous and mixed glands, lymphatic tissue
- Submucosa: loose CT, MALT (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue)
- Waldeyer’s ring: ring of lymphoid tissue around nasopharynx, includes tonsils and adenoids
Histology of Larynx
- Epiglottis: Lingual surface-covered with stratified squamous epithelium,, lamina propria w/ loose CT and elastic fibers
- Epiglottis: pharyngeal surface-covered with pseudostratified ciliated epithelium, lamina propria w/ tubuloacinar seromucous glands
- Core of epiglottis consists of elastic cartilage
- False vocal cords: covered with pseudostratified ciliated epithelium, lamina with sermoucous glands
- True vocal cords: covered with stratified squamous epithelium (where air travels into and out of trachea)
- Mucosa: respiratory epithelium with thick basement membrane, lamina propria with delicate FECT and lymphatic tissue
- Submucosa: many sero-mucous glands
- Adventitia: 16-20 horseshoe-shaped cartilages interconnected by FECT, opening between arms of cartilages closed by FECT, mucous membrane and smooth muscle
Bronchi lie outside the lung and are referred to as?
Each primary bronchus divides into three and two secondary bronchi, referred to as ________.
- Segmental bronchi
- mostly intrapulmonary
- Reinforced by circular rings of hyaline cartilage that transition to irregular plates
Generalization of Bronchi*
- As the bronchi become smaller there is a decrease in the height of epithelium
- Decrease in cartilage and glands
- Increase in proportion of elastic fibers and smooth muscles
Histology of intrapulmonary bronchi
- Mucosa: similar to trachea and extraplumonary
- Submucosa: loose CT and lymphatic tissue, contains mixed glands and mucous glands
- Adventitia: contains hyaline cartilage plates surrounded by dense FECT
Characteristics of Bronchioles
- Absence of cartilage or glands
- Sparse goblet cells, especially in terminal
- Large amounts of smooth muscle, diameter ranges from 1mm to .3mm
- Epithelium transitions from ciliated columnar with few goblet cells to ciliated cuboidal with no goblet cells
- Each terminal bronchiole branches to form two or more respiratory bronchioles
Respiratory Bronchioles
- Diameter < 0.5 mm
- Epithelium of low columnar to low cuboidal
- Cilia present only in larger ones, goblet cells absent
- Walls consists of smooth muscle within FECT
- May have a few alveolar outpocketings: b/c gas exchange may occur here for the first time in the respiratory tree, these are referred to as respiratory
Alveolar ducts
- Continuations of respiratory bronchioles
- cone-shaped
- Squamous epithelium
- Walls of smooth muscle with FECT
- Within alveolar sacs seperated by alveolar septa
- Type I (pneumocytes): less numerous, cover largest surface area
- Type II: cuboidal, serve as stem cells for type I and II pneumocytes
- Macrophages (dust cells)
Pores of Kohn
•Openings between adjacent alveoli
- Secreted by Clara cells and type II alveolar cells
- Type II contain numerous lamellar bodies: distinctive under EM, contain dipalmitoly phosphatidylcholine (lecithin, secreted from apical domain, combine with proteins from Clara)
- Reduces surface tension, allows to be able to take breaths easier
- Type II phagocytize old surfactant
Clara cells are found only in?
- Bronchioles**
- identified by an apical surface that bulges into the lumen of the airway
- Contain abundant SER, secrete protein components of surfactant
Blood-Air barrier
- Consists of: thin capillary endothelium (continuous), thin epithelium of pneumocytes, intervening basal lamina produced by both cell types
- Permits gas exchange but does not allow fluids or cells to enter alveoli
Dust Cells
- Macrophages and are derived from monocytes
- Phagocytize particles such as pollutants, bacteria, and surfactant that are not trapped in the mucous and expectorated
- Relation to CHF (congestive heart failure): fluid containing breakdown products of hemoglobin leak into alveolar spaces and are phagocytized by dust cells
The iron-containing dust cells are referred to as?
•Heart failure cells