Final Lect. Exam (muscles) Flashcards
The muscle that elevates the labial commissure bilaterally to smile is the _____.
zygomaticus major m.
The muscle that brings depression of the temporomandibular joint is the _____.
lateral pterygoid m.
The muscle that takes origin from the parotid fascia is the _____.
risorius m.
The muscle that depresses the tongue is the _____.
hyoglossus m.
The muscle that is inserted into the coronoid process of the mandible is the _____.
temporalis m.
The muscle that takes origin from the greater and lesser horns of the hyoid bone is the _____.
middle pharyngeal constrictor m.
The principle muscle of the cheek is the _____.
buccinator m.
The muscle that is attached to the joint capsule and articular disc of the TMJ is the _____.
lateral pterygoid m.
The muscle that inserts into the posterior border of the lamina of the thyroid cartilage is the _____.
palatopharyngeus m.
The muscle that takes origin from the cartilaginous part of the auditory tube is the _____.
salpingopharyngeus m.
The muscle that inserts into the pharyngeal tubercle is the _____.
superior pharyngeal constrictor m.
The muscle that inserts into the lateral third of the superior nuchal line is the _____.
splenius capitis m.
The muscle that takes origin from the mastoid notch of the temporal bone is the _____.
posterior belly of the digastric m.
The muscle that brings abduction to the vocal cords is the _____.
posterior cricoarytenoid m.
The muscle that brings abduction, elevation, and lateral rotation to the eyeball is the _____.
inferior oblique muscle of the eye