Final - Grammar 1A-4B Flashcards
present tense
- o
- as
- a
- amos
- áis
- an
present tense
- o
- es
- e
- emos
- éis
- en
present tense
- o
- es
- e
- imos
- ís
- en
present tense
soy eres es somos sois son
present tense
irregular “yo” forms
hacer - hago poner - pongo traer - traigo tener - tengo salir - salgo decir - digo venir - vengo
present tense
estoy estás está estamos estáis están
present tense
voy vas va vamos váis van
present tense
sé sabes sabe sabemos sabéis saben
present tense
conozco conoces conoce conocemos conocéis conocen
reflexive verb pronouns
me te se nos os se
después de
depende de
depending on
antes de
acabar de + (infinitive)
to just have done (infinitive)
el salón de belleza
beauty salon
ser vs. estar
ser -what a person or thing is -what a person or thing is like -where a person or thing is from -what a thing is made of -to whom something belongs estar -how a person or thing is at the moment -how someone feels -where a person or thing is located
possessive adjectives
before the noun: -mi(s) -tu(s) -su(s) -nuestro/a(s) -vuestro/a(s) -su(s) (my, your) after the noun: -mío/a(s) -tuyo/a(s) -suyo/a(s) -nuestro/a(s) -vuestro/a(s) -suyo/a(s) (of mine, of yours)
present tense
veo ves ve vemos veis
the date
el + (cardinal number) + de + (month)
days of the week
domingo lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes sábado
- é
- aste
- ó
- amos
- asteis
- aron
- er
- ir
- í
- iste
- ió
- imos
- isteis
- ieron
-car, -gar, -zar
an "e" following a "c," "g," or "z" changes its pronunciation in the preterite "yo" form: c - qu g - gu z - c
use adjective as noun
when comparing two similar things, avoid repetition by dropping the noun and using an article with an adjective. ex: la sudadera apretado o "la floja" una chaqueta de lana or una de cuero el abrigo de aPaco o el de Jaun
direct object pronouns
*who or what receives the action me - me te - you (informal) lo/a - it, him, her, you (formal) nos - we os - you all (formal) los/as - them, you all
preterite tense
fui fuiste fue fuimos fuisteis fueron
preterite tense
irregular endings
- e
- iste
- o
- imos
- isteis
- ieron
preterite tense
hacer - hic- ; (el, ella ud.) hiz-
tener - tuv-
estar - est-
poder - pud-
write verb in “el, ella, ud.” form
*except now the subject is “tú”
write verb in “yo” form
drop the -o
add the opposite ending (-ar - es ; -er/-ir - as)
*now the subject is “tú”
venir - ven decir - di salir - sal hacer - haz tener - ten ir - ve poner - pon ser - sé *ven disel has ten weapons, se? dar - da estar - está
venir - vengas decir - digas salir - salgas hacer - hagas tener - tengas ir - vayas poner - pongas ser - seas dar - des estar - estés *all have "no" directly before the verb
present progressive tense
- ar
- er
- ir
conjugate “estar”
drop the:
-ar - -ando
-er, -ir - -iendo
present progressive tense
"e" becomes "i" *repetir keeps the "e" "o" becomes "u" creer - creyendo leer - leyendo traer - trayendo
imperfect tense
- aba
- abas
- aba
- ábamos
- abais
- aban
imperfect tense
- er
- ir
- ía
- ías
- ía
- íamos
- íais
- ían
imperfect tense
iba ibas iba íbamos ibais iban
imperfect tense
era eras era éramos erais eran
imperfect tense
veía veías veía veíamos veíais veían
indirect object pronouns
*to or for whom an action is performed me - meus te - you le - him, her, formal you nos - us os - you (familiar) les - them, you all
reciprocal actions
place the conjugated form of ‘se” in front of the verb to imply “each other”
ex: Sally y Beth se hablan. - Sally and Beth talk with each other
preterite vs. imperfect
-used for actions in the past that are seen as completed
-implies that the past action had a definite beginning and definite end
-the beginning and the end may not always be clearly stated
-used for actions in the past that are not seen as completed
-implies that the past action did not have a definite beginning or a definite end.