Final Focus Flashcards
HBA Wordsmith
Why do we need to replace or clean Burners?
Bad burners will blow your HX and a HX is very expensive.
The number one reason for HX failure is bad burners.
How often should burners be cleaned or replace
Every 4 years, or sooner depending on propane or lack of maintenance.
Why do we need to clean/replace ignitors?
A bad ignitor will cause improper combustion and can result in flame roolout/ or delayed ignition.Your ignitor MUST reach 2400F for proper combustion.
How often should your ignitor be replaced according to manufacturers?
Every 5 years/ or sooner if furnace was short cycling.
Short cycling will cause more wear and tear on the ignitor causing it to fail prematurely!
Why do we need to change the flame rectification sensor?
A bad flame sensor is very inefficient and will cause short cycling of the furnace that can damage ignitors, switches, motors from starting frequently.
How often do we need to change the flame rectification sensor?
Manufacturers encourage replacement of Flame sensor, thermocouple/pile every 5 years! If maintenance was never done it may be earlier due to carbon being burnt onto sensors
When do we need to replace the gas valve?
A faulty gas valve can drastically reduce equipment efficiency and can become hazardous. Gas valves with flow through or are out of calibration can do irreparable damage and ultimately prevent the furnace from working completely
How often do we need to replace Gas Valves?
Gas valves should last the duration of the furnace life, however sometimes they cannot be calibrated or have flow through. This must be replaced. If there is a flood or water touches a valve it must be replaced by code
When do we need to replace safety limit switches?
Safety limit switches are there to protect your equipment from overheating and prevent a hazardous situation.
How often do we need to replace safety limit switches?
Limit switches should last lifetime, however humid conditions can rust components or short cycling on high temperature can cause them to fail. Replace when rusty or out of spec. EVEN IF SWITCH IS WORKING but has cycled many times it should be replaced AS THIS IS A SAFETY! Plugged filters and lack of maintenance can cause furnace to overheat and damage limit switch sensitivity.
Why would we need to replace the heat exchanger?
The combustion analysis is showing CO at dangerous levels and can cause death! We need to shut down the appliance immediately for your safety.
How often should your heat exchanger be replaced?
NEVER, your HX should have lifetime warranty however if the burners are not taken care of every 3-5 years it will destroy your Heat exchanger. AS well as other causes like high gas pressure, plugged secondary or blower wheel. All preventative during MAINTENANCE.
When would you have to replace your Inducer/Combustion motor?
The inducer/combustion motor is the first component to start when your heat comes on. If it seizes up or fails the furnace cannot run and they are very specific (OEM) meaning if it fails suddenly it will have to be ordered in.
How long should your inducer/combustion motor last?
Inducer should last 10 years depending on cycles, and other component failures. Bad HX and burners/blocked drains will destroy an inducer motor. This is why maintenance is so important!
Why would you need to replace you pressure switches?
Pressure switches are a safety device. If they are not working or are out of calibration it is important to replace to prevent a sudden no heat situation.
When/why should pressure switches be replaced?
Pressure switches should last 10 years depending on cycles, and other component failures. Blocked drains will destroy pressure switches from moisture. If moisture gets into pressure switches IT IS TOAST (compromised). Maintenance is important to prevent blocked drains or flame sensing short cycling.
What would cause me to have to replace a transformer?
The transformer powers your control boards for both heating and cooling and only fails with a surge of electricity. It is important to install a transformer with a fuse in order to prevent any damage to control board!
Whats the average lifespan of a transformer?
Transformers should last 10 +years depending on cycles, and other component failures. Water dripping from top cabinet from loose drain hoses etc will destroy transformers. Brownout, power surges etc.
Should I be concerned about my circuit board failing?
Yes, the control board controls everything for both heating and cooling. If it fails the furnace or ac cannot run and they are very specific (OEM) meaning if it fails suddenly it will have to be ordered in.
When would my circuit board fail ?
Control boards should last 10 years depending on cycles, and other component failures. Water dripping from top cabinet from loose drain hoses etc will destroy control boards. Brownouts, power surges etc.
What is my biggest issue with a blower failing or being dirty?
We must move enough air! A bad/plugged blower wheel or seizing motor will drastically reduce efficiency and can overheat your exchanger causing irreparable damage!During cooling it will flood refrigerant back to your compressor and can cause compressor failure.
When would I need to have my blower wheel cleaned?
Life varies with filter quality and regular maintenance! Inspection reveals dirty blower wheels, oily motors etc.
Why do I need to maintain my evaporator coil?
A plugged or leaking evaporator will reduce your equipment efficiency by more than 25% and is a serious risk to your compressor! As well as become a breeding ground for mold and mold spores.
When do i have to do anything with my evaporator?
Recommend disinfected and clean every 4 years, however inspection can reveal mold, plugged evaporators, blower wheels etc. maintenance and filtration are most important.
What happens with an issue with my metering device?
A plugged or leaking TXV will reduce your equipment efficiency by more than 25% and can destroy your compressor and other major components!
Does my TXV ever need to be replaced?
TXV should never lose its charge or need to be replaced. Over time a txv will lose accuracy which can be found during maintenance by measuring superheat & pressure.
What does my capacitor do with my system?
A bad capacitor can blow your compressor and compromise the entire system. With out it your compressor and motors will not receive the correct starting torque and they will run extremely rough.
When does my capacitor need to be changedout???
Capacitors are like a battery and when everything is operating correctly they can last over 10 years. Maintenance is KEY as high head pressure, short cycling, etc. can cause the cap to swell and eventually do damage to major components.. The “made in China caps” are designed for 5 years.
Is my compressor that important?
Yes, a compressor failure is a major repair and if caused by burnout the entire AC system is compromised. It is strongly recommended that new equipment is considered. Replacement compressors caused by low refrigerant burnout will not have warranty.
How important is my condenser fan motor on my A/C
A bad or worn condenser fan motor drastically reduces efficiency and can overheat your condenser causing very high pressures!
Why should I replace my condenser fan motor, how long do they last?
Life varies with maintenance – If the coil is plugged and the motor is over amping trying to draw air through the coil It may overheat or prematurely seize up.
We need to replace your contactor because?
A bad contactor will cause high energy draw to the equipment and can cause the equipment to run very rough, and melt wires. Without strong contacts the equipment will not run right.
How often throughout the life cycle of the equipment is replacing the contactor recommended by the manufacturer??
Contactor replacements vary with usage. It is engaged every time the unit wants to come on and so the more the unit is used the worse the contacts will be. It is recommended replacement at 10 years, but varies with usage. Short cycling will reduce life expectancy of contactor - this is why maintenance is important.
We need to clean this condenser coil because..?
A condenser that is leaking or operating with high head pressure due to being plugged/dirty drastically reduces your equipment efficiency and puts your compressor and other major components at serious risk!
How often throughout the life cycle of the equipment is a full condenser coil teardown recommended by the manufacturer??
The condenser coil should be pulled apart and cleaned every 4 years in order to maintain a good temp rise through the coil. However if regular annual washing has not been done it may require it sooner.
What happens with my bad Pressure relief?
Your pressure relief valve is a safety device and if it is defective or plugged with debris it is important to replace it immediately. It is against code to have an active pressure relief device that is bad and is extremely dangerous.
How often should pressure relief valves be tested and when should i replace it?
Pressure relief should be tested every 12 months and replaced every 5 years
Why should I buy this compressor saver?
Your compressor is the beating heart of your equipment! The compressor saver is a booster capacitor that drastically reduces starting wear on compressor. Giving it a clean, powerful, fast start resulting in prolonged life and improved performance!
What does an ECM smart motor protect? and whats it do?
ECM Motors are very efficient and valuable. Brownouts or surges of power can damage an ECM and damages related to power issues are not warranty! ECM smart motor protector prevent brownouts and surges from damaging your motors.
Whats the equipment surge protector do?
Protecting your equipment can prevent costly repairs! Brownouts and power spikes are common and can do major damage to high efficient HVAC equipment. Protect your equipment to prevent costly repairs that are not warranty!
The Enhancement age is doing what for the customer?
Investment time period
Protect their costly investments
Enhance it long term
Drastic difference in operation and general wear
Enhancement Age
“Hi Mr./Mrs.——–I’m not sure if it was mentioned to you in the past but your equipment is eligible for protection enhancements that will improve the operation and make it more impervious to wear and tear over the years. Is this something you would like information on when I’m done?
What are some key points for you enhancement age?
Always name the bundle as a singular package when presenting! “AC Protection Package”
You made a big investment and this (thing) will prevent (something) from happening.
We want to get 15-20 years out of this equipment
External damage or general wear and tear are not warranty.
Explain components in bundles and show pics (good/bad) of will happen.
The Performance Age is doing what forthe customer?
Time period that will ultimately determine how long the equipment will last
Start to see weakness in specific components
If not dealt with, will result in greater wear and reduce lifespan by more than 42%
They can make the decision today that will greatly increase lifespan and prevent avoidable premature failure
Perfomance Age
“Hi Mr./Mrs.,——– I’m not sure if it was mentioned to you in the past but your equipment is eligible for protection enhancements that will improve the operation and make it more impervious to wear and tear over the years. Is this something you would like information on when I’m done?
What are some key points for Performance Age?
Always name the bundle as a singular package when presenting! “AC Protection Package”
You made a big investment and (Thing) will prevent (Something) from happening
We want to get 15-20 years out of this equipment
External damage or general wear and tear are not warranty
Explain components in bundles and show pics (good/bad) of will happen
Survival Age
Hi Mr./Mrs.——, Your equipment is now (…) years old and it is reaching the age where it is important for me to ask you how long you would like it to lats into the future. Are you hoping to get another 3-5 reliable years? If so, there are some things we may need to take care of in order to make that happen.
Survival Age Keypoints
Does it matter if your equipment is reliable?
Does high energy costs matter? Equipment efficiency decreases over time.
Does a no heat/no cool matter where parts are discontinued or hard to source due to age?
It’s not if, it’s when. These parts will breakdown sporadically within the next 5 years
Explain components in the bundles and show pictures good/bad/what will happen
Surge Protector/
ECM Smart motor Protectors
-All SMART equipment systems are equipped with microprocessors just like computers. All computers and SMART systems have a weakness for damage from surges or brownouts that are not warranty. Computers are worth less than SMART HVAC systems and generally computers have surge protection power bars!
-Equipment surge protectors are multi-use/permanent solution with a $7500 lability warranty if installed and damage occurs! ECM Motor Protector protects only the motor but they do make the motor nearly “fail proof”. Surge protectors protect everything that is SMART – Thermostat, Inducer, Gas valve, Inverter boards, ECM compressors, etc.
-ECM motors are SMART MOTORS and run cool so their only weakness are power surges or brownouts. The actual motor failing is extremely rare, but we have replaced MANY non warranty modules. Testimonial
Compressor Saver
The compressor savor drastically reduces starting wear on the compressor windings. You can likely hear when it starts even from inside the home. This compressor saver gives it a clean, powerful, fast start resulting in prolonged lifespan.
Your compressor starts 20-30 times a day and thousands of times in its life (use FRS Table). Every time the compressor starts this compressor saver will engage and help it get that smooth start giving it 300% more torque for the lifespan of the equipment!
$133.00 now will protect your compressor for its whole life and give it a much better chance of lasting 15 – 20 years! Compressors are $2500 or more and are the beating heart of your system.
Insect Proof Contactor
More than 1 in 10 customers experience this unexpected breakdown. This is a common problem that we are permanently solving!
No bugs, rodents, or moisture can get into this part making it impervious to external damage that would not be covered under warranty.
North American Turbo Capacitor
A weak capacitor will take years off the life of the equipment & Typical caps fail suddenly and on the hottest day of the year.
We are permanently solving the #1 problem that A/C’s have and it will remain green forever on the Factory Recommended Services.
This indestructible capacitor will outlast the life of the equipment. This capacitor has lifetime warranty. We have never had to replace it under warranty. Ever! Made in North America!
Stainless Steel (York) Burners
Permanently solves the #1 cause of premature heat exchange failure. Bad burners will blow your heat exchanger! Once the soot is in there it cannot be removed. It is there forever.
Burners are required to be cleaned every 4 years. These Stainless Steel burners maintenance free and will make it green forever! It has equipment lifetime warranty and will outlast the furnace!
Control Board Protector/ In-line Fuse
If there is a power surge or brown out which damages the board it would not be covered under warranty and control boards are OEM parts meaning they can take some time coming in. (Need to order)
5” Filter Rack
Do you see this blower wheel? This should not be this dirty. Your furnace is filling with dirt and dust. Your blower is set to 400 CFM per ton and it could be moving more like 300 CFM. This is 25% less efficient! You should be here on the Factory Recommended Services table but you are here. If this continues it could severely damage your furnace & AC. A bad blower will… (refer to blower part Q card)
We are permanently solving this in order to prevent unnecessary spending on cleaning…. Teardown costs 50% of a permanent solution. A teardown is not a permanent solution and will need to be done again. 5’ cabinet will also last forever and filters cost less annually. This filter is 5 times as big and can be changed less frequently. We have to change filters on time every time!
Bypass Humidifier
Are you comfortable in your home? The humidity levels are very low and this is a problem. It shouldn’t be that low, so I’m surprised that you’re comfortable. Your body is 60% water and your house is 30%… What do you think this does to your body? It’s like a frog in an terrarium with low moisture levels
Low humidity can cause hives and make eczema 10x worse. When humidity is too low there are also risks when it comes to your property, wood floors etc. Also people set temperatures warmer in heating to compensate because we feel colder with dry air leading to more than 5% increased cost in utilities.
This is a permanent solution that will last for 20 years
Flame Rectification Sensor
This will result in more damage if not replaced due to short cycling. Like starting your car over and over, it is damaging to your engine and uses a ton of fuel. This takes years of life off your equipment from starting over and over.
Its not if its when. At some point flame sensors get weak as they are sensitive due to them being a safety and must fail safe.
Universal Ignitor
The ignitor is continually getting red hot and then cooling, creating stress on the element eventually causing it to crack.
The ignitor is constantly in the flame when burners are lit causing carbon build up creating more resistance causing it not to be able to reach 2400f.