Final Examination Preparation Flashcards
Glass - Steagall Act
barred commercial banks from becoming involved in the buying and selling of stocks and established FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
Francis Perkins
Secretary of Labor; supporter of the New Deal
Wagner Act
“labor’s magna carta”; brought democracy to the American workplace by empowering the National Labor Relations Board to supervise elections in which employees voted on union representation; outlawed unfair labor practices
World War II
the end of the Great Depression
Benito Mussolini
founder of fascism
Rosie the Riveter
the female industrial laborer depicted as a muscular and self-reliant in Norman Rockwell’s famous magazine cover
GI Bill of Rights
unemployment pay and scholarship money for veterans
Yalta Convention
the creation of the United Nations occurred here
Truman Doctrine
fights communism worldwide
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
alliance between United States and Western European nations that pledged mutual defense against any further Soviet attack
Taft - Hartley Act
contained provisions to weaken labor unions
Operation Wetback
employed military personnel to invade Mexican - American neighbourhoods and deport illegal aliens
Letter from Birmingham Jail
“put away fear of disorder and commit to racial justice”
Golf of Tonkin resolution
authorized the president to take all necessary measures to repel armed attacks in Veitnam
Feminine Mystique
focused on discontent of middle class women
Cesar Chavez
rallied a series of nonviolent protests for farmworkers
Roe v. Wade
legalized the right to have an abortion
new war policy implemented by Nixon stating that the amount of American troops fighting in the war will decrease as we continue to support the Vietnamese troops
stagnant economic growth and high inflation
Red Stockigs
radical feminist group of the 1980s
young, urban professional
Velvet Resolution
peaceful fall of communism in Eastern Europe; Berlin wall falls
Hilary Clinton
head of healthcare reform
Balkan Crisis
supported NATO; launched air strikes against Bosnian Serb and deployed over 20,000 troops as peacekeepers