Final Exam1 Flashcards
Define Allegro
Quick, lively, bright
120-168 BPM
Define augmentation
When a melody is played using longer note values than the original statement
Define Adagio
A slow tempo, at ease
60-72 BPM
Define Moderato
A moderate tempo
96-108 BPM
Define Andante
Walking tempo
84-90 BPM
Define Presto
Extremely fast
Define Maestoso
Majestic or stately
Solemn, slow march-like
Define Poco a poco
Little by little
Define Divisi
A divided part
Define a2
Both parts play
Define Intonation
The degree to which pitch is accurately produced
Define Legato
Smooth and connected
Define Ritardando
A gradual slowing of the tempo
Define Subito
Define Simile
Performed in the same manner as the previous passage
Define A tempo or Tempo 1
A return to the original tempo
Define Meno mosso
Less motion
Define Cantabile
In a singing style