Final Exam Vocab. Flashcards
governor of NY who built the Erie Canal
Dewitt Clinton
wrote Common Sense, an influential propaganda pamphlet, in 1776, he was a radical who believed in the idea of republicanism, came from England
Thomas Paine
established as part of the Hamiltonian economic system in 1791, opposed by Jefferson, strengthened economy, (destroyed by Jackson), modeled after England’s version, chartered for 20 years
Bank of the United States
a system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power
Checks and balances
first steamboat, invented by Robert Fulton, went up Hudson River in 1807
counted slaves as 3/5 of a person for representation and taxation
three-fifths compromise
TURNING POINT OF AMERICAN REVOLUTION, a battle near lake champlain, General Burgoyne’s forces forced to surrender to General Horatio Gates’s forces, end of burgoyne’s attempt to capture hudson river valley
cause of the Undeclared War, Adams sent envoys to talk to Talleyrand in 1797, France requested they pay tribute to speak with Talleyrand
XYZ Affair
Jefferson’s method of cutting off trade with other countries hoping to harm their economies and get them to respect America’s rights, example: Embargo Act
economic coercion
rights that a person is born with and that a person deserves, Thomas Jefferson claimed in the Declaration of Independence that the British king had taken away many of these rights
natural rights
taxes on imported goods to protect American industry
protective tariff
a statement of foreign policy which proclaimed that Europe should not interfere with the affairs of countries in the Western Hemisphere and that the U.S. would in turn not interfere in the affairs of Europe
Monroe Doctrine
born in Franklin, MA, he worked on educational reform in MA
Horace Mann
term used to describe slavery
peculiar institution
nickname for the Constitution
“Bundle of Compromises”
meeting of New England states to discuss secession from Union, Federalist ideas, shot in foot of Federalist party (ended them), called by MA, took place in CT
Hartford Convention
people who believed that anything not in the Constitution was forbidden, Jefferson est. this principle, generally JDRs were this
strict constructionist
machine invented by Eli Whitney used to separate seeds from raw cotton, helped development of the South esp. in economy
cotton gin
Eli Whitney, gun industry, est. assembly line for mass production
interchangeable parts
a law that divided much of the United States into a system of townships to facilitate the sale of land to settlers
Ordinance of 1785
method of allowing western territories to join the Union when they had a specific number of inhabitants
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
treaty between U.S. and native americans (specifically the Miami Confederacy) in 1795 that ceded much of the land in the Ohio River Valley to the U.S.
Treaty of Greenville
treaty that ended the War of 1812, restored conditions from beginning of war and set. a U.S. - Canadian border
Treaty of Ghent
“FATHER OF THE CONSTITUTION”, DRAFTED BILL OF RIGHTS, strict constructionist, secretary of state for Jefferson, 4th President starting in 1809, believed in “compact theory” or “states’ rights theory” (belief that the states created the federal gov’t and can nullify any laws), Macon’s Bill No. 2
James Madison
president during the Era of Good Feelings, revived Bank of U.S., protective tariff, HIS Doctrine
James Monroe
two rebellions in response to money that were responded to with an unnecessarily large amount of force
(Shay-foreclosure 1786-1787, Whiskey-tax 1794)
Whiskey Rebellion / Shay’s Rebellion
war with pirates of North Africa from 1801-1805, during first term of Jefferson’s presidency
Barbary War
an american frontiersman who from 1778-1779 went down the ohio river caputuring British frontier posts by surprise (including Kaskaskia, Cahokia, and Vincennes)
George Rogers Clark
set up federal court system including Supreme, federal district, and circuit courts, est. offices of Chief Justice, five associates and Attorney General
Judiciary Act of 1789
est. “midnight judges”, one of the last laws past by the dying Federalist party, created judicial offices to ensure Federalist power in judiciary branch, signed by President John Adams
Judiciary Act of 1801
writer and author, wrote an essay on CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE (addressed when it is right to break the law and that one must be willing to suffer the consequences for disobeying the law, for example the Underground Railroad)
Henry David Thoreau
first female graduate of a medical college in mid-1800s, pioneer in a career previously not allowed to women
Elizabeth Blackwell
allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state and Maine to enter as a free state, prohibited slavery north of 36 3o latitude in Louisiana Territory
Missouri Compromise
founder of Mormonism, polygamist, The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, killed
Joseph Smith
leader of the Mormons after Joseph Smith was killed, led followers to Utah
Brigham Young
a political party, they were anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic, they were also called “The American Party”
Know Nothings
fought for reform for treatment of the mentally insane
Dorothea Dix
president of the Bank of the United States, Jackson battles him and destroys Bank
Nicholas Biddle
became one of the “civilized tribes” adopting the American ways, went to Supreme Court when Congress tried to declare the Cherokee tribal council illegal, won but Jackson refused to recognize the decision
rewarding supporters with government jobs
Spoils system
state banks where Jackson put the government’s money instead of the national bank, he wanted to spread the wealth, but this created a recession
Pet banks
EXPLORER, young army officer and cartographer of 1804, explored west of the Mississippi River to Oregon with Meriweather Lewis
William Clark
after Napoleon gained power, French met with U.S. to annul the alliance of 1778, ended the Quasi War between French and U.S.
Convention of 1800
rights reserved for people
9th amendment
rights reserved for states
10th amendment
a person who favors the equal division of land property and the advancement of agricultural groups
Hamilton’s method of federal government paying off the states’ debts in addition to its own plus interest
a name for women’s choice to have fewer children/smaller families and growing power and independence
domestic feminism
political machine/organization, controlled NY, drew support from immigrants
Tammany Hall