Final Exam - Study Guide Flashcards
TRUE OR FALSE: In addition to overt forms of violence that inflict bodily harm or kill religiously sponsored violence can include psychological harm, sexual assault, economic deprivation, and environmental damage. [Myhre p. 98].
TRUE OR FALSE: Religious truth claims can facilitate violence by enabling individuals to justify violence against persons believed to deserve wrath. [Myhre p. 98]
TRUE OR FALSE: In considerations of what constitutes religion it is important to see religion as a discrete human phenomena like economic life, sexuality, and politics. [Myhre p. 99].
TRUE OR FALSE: Attempts to include all religions within a single abstract definition inevitably include in the definition specific forms of cultural conditioning and bias. [Myhre p. 99].
TRUE OR FALSE: Understandings of religion as a cultural system uncritically emphasize private, interior aspects of religious life, which may be typical of Protestantism but do not describe the more communal practices found in religions such as Islam. [Myhre p. 99].
TRUE OR FALSE: In determining if human discourse is religious it is sufficient that the discourse be about something that obviously appears spiritual. [Myhre p. 99]
TRUE OR FALSE: Religious discourse can include teachings that are murderous or oppressive by framing the teachings as truth that cannot be made false by mere human proclamations or standards of proof. [Myhre p. 100]
TRUE OR FALSE: Religion can involve turning ordinary, morally neutral and religiously irrelevant human practices into expressions of fidelity or violation of the standards and values the religion promulgates. [Myhre p. 100]
TRUE OR FALSE: In religion shared devotion by members to common texts, standards, and practices will unite them into a community where there is universal agreement among the members about how to interpret a text or how to adhere to a moral standard or how to perform a practice. [Myhre p. 100]
TRUE OR FALSE: A religion involves an institution that regulates religious discourse, practices, and community, reproducing them over time and modifying them as necessary while asserting their eternal validity and transcendent value. [Myhre p. 100]
TRUE OR FALSE: Violence is the destructive use of power that may be aimed against other persons or oneself, and against property and the environment. [Myhre p. 102]
TRUE OR FALSE: Structures easily mask violence by making it appear benignly conventional, inevitable, natural, and unchangeable, or even necessary and justified. [Myhre p. 102]
TRUE OR FALSE: Religion like any aspect of human culture, whether economic political, aesthetic, technological, or social, can be marshalled in ways that destroy or build up, that divide or unite. [Myhre p. 102]
TRUE OR FALSE: According to Charles Kimball when religion is understood and practiced in ways that are more inclusive and flexible, it can facilitate human quests for meaning and hope without necessarily leading to violence. [Myhre p. 104]
TRUE OR FALSE: When a religion’s truth claims become rigidly fixed and uncritically appropriated as absolute truths well-meaning people can believe they must assume a defensive or even offensive posture. [Myhre p. 104]