Final Exam SQs Flashcards
what are common symptoms associated with GI diseases?
Burning or cramping pain Nausea, vomiting loss of appetite Swelling, bloating or prolonged fullness after eating Increased belching/ flatulence Diarrhea or constipation
What is the first thing to do when a patient comes in with GI symptoms?
Rule out serious disease but checking progressive worsening of symptoms, signs of fever/malaise, weight loss, bleeding or jaundice.
Second, run lab tests: CBC, ESR, liver function test
What are symptoms specific to a Peptic Ulcer?
Burning or aching pain in the Upper abdomen.
Symptoms come on between meals and are relieved when eating.
What bacteria is Peptic Ulcer associated with?
Helicobacter Pylori (found in 60% of cases)
What are some aggravating factors for peptic ulcers that patients should avoid?
Chronic NSAID use, stress, smoking, alcohol and diet.
What is the treatment for peptic ulcers?
Treatment of H. Pylori infection, avoid NSAIDS, avoid food sensitivities.
Supplement with chewable DGL licorice and Zinc and increase fiber intake.
Does eating a bland food diet help treat peptic ulcers?
What are the actions of DGL licorice?
Inhibits irritating acid secretion, increases protective mucus secretions, inhibits H. pylori and increases blood flow and cell growth.
When is DLG licorice supposed to be taken and how long until you see pain relief?
a chewable tablet, taken before meals is shown to improve symptoms and pain within 5-7 days
What is GERD a disorder of?
The lower esophageal sphincter and is not always associated with hiatal hernia
What are the classic symptoms of GERD?
Chronic, recurrent, retrosternal burning pain (heart burn).
What is the treatment for GERD?
Eat smaller meals, avoid lying down after a meal, avoid abdominal compression by clothing to help move food through stomach.
Eliminate all aggravators including: smoking, alcohol, caffeine, spicy/acidic foods, chocolate and mint flavoring.
What supplements can be used to treat GERD?
Digestive aids (like enzymes or HCL) may speed digestion and encourage rapid emptying. Generally is not recommended due to the risk of worsening symptoms.
What is the common name for licorice?
Glycyrrhiza glabra
What part of the licorice plant is used in supplements?
the root
What is the active constituents of Licorice?
Glycyrrhizin (this may be removed to eliminate risk of side effects giving the de-glycyrrhizinated licorice) and flavonoids.
What do they removed glycyrrhizin from licorice supplements?
To prevent interference with corticosteroid catabolism and binding to mineral corticosteroids and prevent high blood pressure and water retention.
What two conditions is licorice a contraindication for?
Liver and kidney disorders
What are the effects of over consumption of licorice?
High blood pressure, electrolyte disturbances, cardiac problems, drug potentiation, preterm birth.
What OTC is DGL licorice normally combined with to decrease GI bleeding?
What is DGL licorice used to treat?
Mouth and stomach ulcers and possibly GERD.
What are the typical symptoms of gallbladder disease?
RUQ pain associated with a fatty meal.
Family hx, female, forties/fifties, increased body fat, fertility and fair skin.
What diagnostic device is used for gallstones?
What is the goal of Gallbladder disease tx?
decrease biliary cholesterol, increase bille acids and phospholipids, increase bile flow and prevent progression of dz.
What are dietary goals for those with gallbladder dz?
Steady weight loss, low cholesterol, vegetarian and high fiber diet, increased coffee consumption to increase bile flow.
How do supplements for gallbladder disease work?
by affecting stone formation/dissolution by affecting bile flow and bile composition. They decrease concentrated bile acids.
What are some supplements for tx of Gallbladder dz?
Artichoke extract, Concentrated lecithin, vitamin C, Milk Thistle and digestive aids
Artichoke leaf extract is used to treat what disease?
Gallbladder disease
What is celiac disease?
An autoimmune disease triggered by dietary protein call gluten where an immune reaction damaging intestinal villi causing malabsorption and chronic GI distress.
What are symptoms associated with malabsorption?
Weight loss, impaired growth in kids, anemia, fatigue, bone loss and infertility
what are symptoms associated with GI distress?
Flatulence, recurring abdominal bloating and pain, chronic diarrhea and a pale, foul smelling or fatty stool.
What is the treatment for celiac disease?
Gluten free diet avoiding wheat, rye, barley, spelt, etc to allow the vili to recover.
May also take vitamin-mineral supplement, and digestive enzymes to speed recovery
What is DPP-IV supplement used to treat?
One RTC shows that DPP-IV activity may help break down gluten metabolites (is a gluten specific digestive enzyme)
What is irritable bowel syndrome?
Disorder of gut motility
What are the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome?
Recurrent cramping pain, bloating, soreness, gas, diarrhea and constipation but NO BLEEDING. Symptoms are generally food or stress related.
Is there bleeding associated with IBS?
What are the two subtypes of IBS?
Diarrhea or constipation
What are some possible triggers for IBS?
Overeating, gas forming foods (legumes, crucifers, onion, bran) and stress
What are some common food sensitivities for IBS?
Milk products, gluten, fructose, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks, fatty foods.
Is fiber a good tx for IBS?
Yes it helps control symptoms. An example is psyllium husk
What supplements have been used to treat IBS?
enteric coated peppermint oil, melatonin and probiotics are shown to decrease IBS symptoms and improve sleep.
What is Crohns Disease?
A disease that effects the small intestine and proximal colon where patient feels abdominal pain in RLQ and has chronic diarrhea, fever, and malabsorption.
What is a way to definitively diagnose IBD (crohns disease and ulcerative colitis)?
What are these symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis?
Affecting the colon only, with symptoms of pain and blood diarrhea, and anemia
Which IBD condition is blood associated with?
Ulcerative Colitis.
What are treatment plan options for both IBD conditions?
Monitor malnutrition via CBC and serum protein. Consider food elimination diet, take multivitamin/mineral supplements, take probiotic yeast/bacteria, increase fish oil consumption.
What are natural supplements to treat Ulcerative Colitis?
Aloe vera juice, wheat grass juice, ayurvedic medicine (boswellia serrata gum resin)
What are some foods that decrease Lower esophageal sphincter tone?
Alcohol, chocolate, coffee, spicy foods, acidic foods
What part of the artichoke heart is used?
The Leaf
What is the scientific name for peppermint?
Mentha piperita
What part of the peppermint plant is used?
Leaf and essential oil
What are the active constituents of peppermint?
Menthol, menthone
What are the physiological effects of Peppermint?
Carminative: release of stomach gas and enhances gastric emptying.
Antispasmodic: inhibits smooth muscle contraction by antagonizing Ca receptors and inhibits contraction of gall bladder.
What is the diagnostic criteria for IBS?
based on 12 weeks in preceding 12 month period of abdominal discomfort, pain or two of the three following: pain relieved with dedication, onset of pain associated with change in frequency of stool or instant associated with change in appearance of stool.
What are red flag symptoms not associated with IBS?
Pain that awakens at night, diarrhea that awakens pt from sleep, blood in stool, weight loss, fever, abnormal physic exam.
What is non ulcer dyspepsia?
Chronic indigestion
What is non ulcer dyspepsia treated with?
Peppermint oil with caraway oil.
When should you not use peppermint oil?
With liver or gallbladder disease.
What are the symptoms of non ulcer dyspepsia?
Bloating, excessive or prolonged fullness, gas, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea or constipation
What supplements have been proven to help tx non ulcer dyspepsia?
Hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes, probiotics and three types of herbs: bitters, carminatives and demuculants
What disease is pancreatic enzyme helpful in treating?
Celiac disease
What vitamin deficiency is found in crohns disease and may lead to osteoporosis and bone loss?
Vitamin K
What are some possible causes of Non Ulcer Dyspepsia (NUD)?
Poor eating habits (too much, too fast, under stress), swallowing air (teachers, gum chewers, smokers), food sensitivities, emotional factors, maldigestions
What botanical remedies are proven to help dyspepsia?
Peppermint/caraway oil combo, artichoke leaf extract, and iberogast
Peppermint oil has been proven to help?
IBS and Dyspepsia
What are some replacement products that can be used to manage dyspepsia?
Betaine hydrochloride, digestive enzymes, bile salts, and probiotics
What is hypochlorhydria and what is it associated with??
It is associated with increased microbial colonization in upper GI, poorer absorption, and possible food allergies due to poor protein digestion.
What are clinical clues to look for, in patients with hypochlorhydria?
Elderly Patients, patients with history of pernicious anemia and atrophic gastritis, low HCL level in gastric analysis
What do you use to treat hypochlorhydria?
Betaine hydrochloride capsules take with a meal and digestive enzymes for (pancrease, lactase, food allergies)
What does a comprehensive stool analysis screen for?
undigested food residues, digestive enzyme residues, microbial population and there by products, markers of gut immune function
How do you treat digestive enzyme insufficiency?
Treat with appropriate enzyme examples include: lactase, alpha galactoside, pancreatin (includes amylase, protease and lipase).
What has pancreatin been proven to help treat?
Helps pancreas digestion after a high fat meal. Generally pancreatin contains amylase, lipase and protease (lipase is the most effective) .
What are some precautions with pancreatin?
supplementation may irritate patients with inflammatory upper GI lesions.
What is dysbiosis?
Gut Flora Imbalance
What is dysbiosis associated with?
History of prolonged or intense antibiotic use, symptoms of diarrhea and low fiber diet.
What would you look for in a comprehensive stool exam when screening for dysbiosis?
Abnormal flora balance, elevated pH and low levels of probiotic byproducts.
What do all of the best probiotic formulas contain?
Contain at least one species of Lactobacillus and bifidobacteria, contain 5 billion/dose, have a clear shelf life and are enteric coated.
What do you treat dysbiosis with?
What do you treat hypochlorhydria with?
Betaine hydrochloride
What is boswellia gum resin used to treat?
Ulcerative Colitis
What is wheat grass juice used to treat?
Ulcerative Colitis
What pharmaceuticals are used to treat Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia?
Alpha Adrenergic blockers, 5 alpha reductase inhibitors, or surgery
What is the most well known botanical used to tx BPH?
Saw Lametto
what is the scientific name of saw palmetto?
Serenoa repens, serenoa surrulata, or sabal serrulata
What part of saw palmetto is used?
Fruit (the berry). Clinical studies use lipophilic berry extract at 80-90%.
What are the physiologic actions of Saw Palmetto?
Antiandrogenic (prevent enzymatic conversion of testosterone to active dihydrotestosterone)
Antiproliferative (slows cell proliferation)
Antiinflammatory (inhibits eicosanoid pathway)
Is Saw Palmetto as effective has alpha blockers?
No, it is better than placebo but not comparable to prosper or flummox.
what are the possible side effects of Saw Palmetto?
Dizziness, Gi complaints, fewer sexual function complaints, may prolong bleeding time.