Final Exam: Short Answers Flashcards
What are the 6 how’s of going about Christian witness in transformational development?
- Living eloquent lives
- A crucified mind
- Recognize God’s fingerprints
- seeking meaning together
- Interpreting technology with God as part o the explanation.
- Say What you believe.
Describe the doctrine of discovery and the role it played in colonialism, missions, and racism.
The doctrine of discovery was a document that instructed to invade’ search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Muslims and papa’s, or enemies of Christ, and have dominion over those places and peoples. essentially any placethey landed they believed it belonged to them, and took over.This instilled a saviour complex for white Europeans, everyone who was not like them were uncivilized.This lead to he destruction of many cultures, land and discrimination of none whites.
Scripture from week 3.
“Learn to do good, seek justice, correct oppression; bring Justice to the fatherless, plead the widows cause” -Isaiah 1:17
What is imago dei and how does it relate to transformational development?
Imago dei means image a God. We are all made in the image of God, therefore we are all equal no matter what we look like or our status in life. This helps form relationships with others, restores ones identity, and they are worthy of love.
What is biblical Justice
Justice refers to making systems right, or dealing with the cause a poverty. Advocating for the vulnerable and changing social structures that prevent injustice.
What is poverty?
Poverty is about relationships that don’t work, that isolates that abandon or devalue. Its broken relationships with God, self, others, and creation.
How does Isaiah 65:17-25 describe the Kingdom goals of development
There will be no weeping and crying, child mortality will increase greatly, long life for the old, everyone will have a house and a place to grow food. No one will labour in vain, they will be blessed by the Lord, and everyone will be in community.
What are the phases of a typical program lifecycle?
Assessment —> (Re) Design —> Implement & Monitor —> Evaluate —> Reflect —> Transition
What is the difference between a Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) and a Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) in the assessment phase?
Finding out, extracting, the outside person is doing the investigation, it is facilitated by outsiders.
Secondary data, observed directly, interviews, seeking out experts
Case studies and stories
Transect walks
Empowers, facilitating
Outsiders role is to facilitate
Has local people involved, hands over the stick to them
Do it yourself research, local sources
Mapping by the people, time lines by the people, trend analysis done by the people
What is appreciative inquiry in the context of community development?
o AI is an effort to more away from needs based assessments that is characteristic of most research and seeks an alternative that better fits self-organizing social systems.
o The belief that a community that is alive and functioning represents a miracle that can never be fully understood.
o Posits that social change can be imagined and made by beginning with what is already creating value. What is going well and build on it.
What are the strength and weakness of a logic model?
o Weakness:
Is a temptation for those who think that good mangagement is effective for development
good problem solving alone leads to effective ‘ development
primarily on the hardware side of development
o Strengths
Focus first and foremost on the goal of transformation
Once transformational development is firmly in place then one can shift attention to designing the program.
What are the traditional view and the needed view of what monitoring and evaluation is for?
o Traditional view:
Did what we plan take place? Did the inputs become th e outputs that were planned?
o Needed view:
To enrich the process of monitoring and evaluation. Creating a progress of social learning and adaptive planning. What worked and why? What created e evert and enthusiasm among the people?