Final Exam- Shakespeare Flashcards
a river running through London
Stratford on Avond
The home town of Shakespeare
Anne Hathaway
Shakespeare’s wife
The Globe
A theater that William built and had his plays shown at.
Elizabeth I
Queen of England and patron of the Lord Chamberlain’s men
James I
King of England after Elizabeth and patron of the King’s Men
King’s Men
A group of actors and play writes that Shakespeare belong to
Blank Verse
un-rhymed iambic pentameter used by Shakespeare
a stanza or poem of four lines, usually with alternate rhymes
lord chamberlain’s men
same as king’s men but during the time of Elizabeth’s rule
the rose
was a play house or theater in England
the plague
the black plague which wiped out a large portion of the English population
a poem consisting of 14 lines
a group of two lines in a poem, also the last two lines of a sonnet.
an utterance or discourse by a person who is talking to himself or herself
a part of an actor’s lines not heard by others on the stage and intended only for the audience
a grouping of shakespeare’s plays where the plot is somewhat based on historical England (the English Monarchs)
a grouping of shakespeare’s plays where it ends happily
a grouping of shakespeare’s plays where it ends sadly (usually lots of death)
the four great tragedies
Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth
ex. of two comedies
taming of the shrew, much ado about nothing
ex. of two histories
Richard III, Henry V
the poor that attended plays and had to stand on the ground beside the stage
iambic pentameter
a common meter in poetry consisting of an un-rhymed line with five feet of accents, each foot containing an unaccented syllable and an accented syllable
the act of presenting to view/a large-scale public show
crisis point/turning point
a time at which a decisive change in a situation occurs
the final resolution of a plot; the outcome or resolution of a doubtful series of occurrences
those who believe that Edward DeVere is the true author of the plays and sonnets attributed to “shakespeare”
those who believe the william shakespeare of stratford on avon was the true author of the plays and sonets
Edward DeVere
a possible author of the plays and sonnets attributed to william shakespeare