FINAL EXAM SEM.2 Flashcards
dignity of work and the rights of workers
people have a right to decent and productive work and fair wages
call to family, community and participation
the human person is sacred and social and we realize our dignity in relationship with others
life and dignity of the human person
all people are sacred made in god’s image and likeness
rights and responsibilities
all people have a fundamental right to what we need to survive; we share duties to safeguard those rights and work for the common good
We stand with others because we are one human family and our responsibilities toward each other cross all boundaries
care for god’s creation
the goods of earth are God’s gift and we are invited to share responsibility for them as stewards
preferential option for the poor and vulnerable
The poor have the most urgent claim on our moral conscience and we are called to look at policy and how it affects them
original justice
State of holiness in which God created the first humans
distributive justice
Regulates what the community owes its citizens in proportion to their contributions and needs
commutative justice
Obliges respect for the rights of the other
legal justice
Concerns what citizens owe the community; necessary in building a more just world
restorative justice
focuses on repairing the damage done by crimes by offering ways of redemption
social justice
respect for the human person and rights which flow from and guarantee human dignity
Called people to be more generous and recognize the plight of the poor and disenfranchised
God wills justice for his people; calls people back to a life of justice and love
True worship of God must include living the covenant, compassion and justice; listen to those being oppressed
How do we explain unity expressed in the communal and personal nature of salvation?
we form one community with a common destiny
Which two concepts form our understanding of our social dimension?
humans are social beings, we need others
How can we find Happiness in this life, and union with God?
living in loving relationships with others
As Listener, the Church fills its social mission through
ecumenism and interreligious dialogue, by listening to the needs of all people in all communities
the church as the mystical body of christ
carries on Jesus’ 3-fold mission, to bless, teach, and model how to live
links us to those who are poor, persecuted, or suffering
the church as the family of god
is the unity of all people in god and god’s likeness
How do we live out the social mission of the Church as a household of faith?
Actively responding to holiness at home and in public
Interpreting the signs of the times in light of Gospel teachings
church as a community of sanctified believers
all of our activities can glorify god and bless humans
the church as a teacher
forms the social conscience of society
How does Restorative justice help to move us toward being a more compassionate and just society?
focused on assisting victims and repairing the damage done by crimes
Why does Peace becomes an important issue in the social teaching of the modern era?
because of threats to peace like nuclear weapons, war, and the arms race
What is the relationship between Jesus’ New Law and the 10 commandments?
His new law builds on and fulfills the 10 Comandments to focus on Love
What are the criticisms of capitalism and wealth in the social teaching Documents?
They criticize systems and trends in wealth and economics that dehumanize people and treat them as objects
What are the criticisms of capitalism and wealth in the social teaching Documents?
They criticize systems and trends in wealth and economics that dehumanize people and treat them as objects
What do the social teaching documents of the Church make clear about our mission and its connection to Human Dignity and the common good?
A necessary and essential part of our mission is to promote human dignity and work toward the common good
How do the 14 world of mercy represent our dual or composite nature of Body and Soul?
by ministering to both our bodies and souls
How can Legal justice threaten social justice?
Through unjust laws and punishments
What are the themes of the social teaching documents of the modern era?
They include wealth, poverty, peace, workers, labor laws, arms race, the common good and human dignity
How does Vatican II affect our understanding of the Church and Her mission?
It reoriented our understanding of our identity and mission as the Church
According to Paul VI, what is an essential part of our mission of evangelization?
Working for Justice!
What do the social teaching documents of the modern era make it clear about working for justice and following the Church’s social teaching?
They are an essential part of living our faith
What does Gaudium et Spes tells us we must do as Church?
We must serve the world and promote the common good
Where can we find the social teaching of the Church?
the Catechism
encyclicals (letters to the Church)
What does Vatican II remind us of about the Church in relation to God’s plan for humanity?
is a sign & instrument of union with God and unity of all of humanity
In which 2 bodies does Jesus preach social teaching?
The Last Judgment and Sermon on the Mount
In which three ways does the early Church demonstrate the Church’s history of social concern in Acts?
Deacons are appointed to oversee distribution of goods
Communal sharing between the Christians ensures that no one is in need
Collections are taken for the Churches that are in need
What is the Church’s legacy of justice and charity based on?
our understanding of all Scripture including Jesus’ teachings in the Gospels
How did the Church’s social mission begin in the earliest Christian communities?
Through leadership of the Apostles
Which issues have the bishops of the United States addressed in their most recent letters to the Church?
Peace, racism, economic justice, capital punishment
Social justice, or Catholic Social Teaching refers to:
How Christ’s concern for others is present today in the Church
Which were the concerns that Social teaching in the modern era began with?
workers’ rights and labor
what is the context that the popes respond to in the Social teaching documents of the modern era?
The signs of the times
What is the Church responding to through her social teaching?
The trends and conditions that threaten human dignity and the common good
Which are the three key principles of Catholic social teaching from the Universal Magisterium?
The human person is perfected by the common good
Necessity of moral law
God is the source of all civil authority
Which are the three common goods that people can be perfected through?
Prosperity of the spiritual and temporal goods
Respect for and promotion of fundamental rights
Peace and security
Which is the most important of the 7 principles of Catholic social teaching?
All of them are equally important
What is the root of the social mission of the Church and how is it fulfilled?
It is rooted in Jesus’ ministry, preaching, and mission
It is fulfilled by the Church in many different ways and through many roles and functions
What commitment do we express through the social mission?
The Church’s commitment to the Gospel in society
What is Social sin and how is it rooted in personal sin?
It is sin that contributes to social injustice
It is rooted in personal sin
Which are The foundations for social sin ?
social structures that foster unjust treatment
attitudes that foster unjust treatment
generational attitudes and systems
Which of the commandments focus on issues of injustice?
All 10 of them!
The common good refers to
the social conditions that benefit the most people for brief period of time
How does Commutative justice forms the foundation for other forms of justice ?
It is based on honesty and mutual respect for others’ rights
How does Distributive justice demonstrate our call to stewardship and our responsibilities to creation and each other?
Recognizing that each person is entitled to the basic rights for survival
explain the relationship between social justice and the principles of the goodness of creation, human dignity, and god’s plan for humanity
choose one of the prophets of social justice and in one or two sentences, explain how his message reflects their context/environment/ signs of the times
explain how the church has always stood for charity and justice using atleast one specific example that we have read about in class