Final exam revision Flashcards
What are the three steps to ‘Two’s compliment’?
1) Work out normal binary
2) Flip
3) Add 1
What is a procedural language?
Procedural languages are the most common type of programming language. Programs written in procedural language will consist of a sequence of commands which will be executed in a predictable order from beginning to end. They use standard arithmetic operations ( +,-, *,/) and a wide variety of control structures and sub-programs.
What is a declarative language?
Declarative lanuages tend to have fewer variable types and less control structures than procedural languages. They make more use of programming techniques like recursion (Where a sub program repeatedly calls itself until a simple base fact is identified). They also use self-modifying code (Where the program modifies its set of facts and rules). E.G: PROLOG, Lisp.
What’s the formula for calculating the size of video files?
File Size (Bytes) = Frame Size (Bytes) x Frame Rate (FPS) x Video Time (Seconds)
What are the advantages of a Vector graphic?
> Can be scaled to large sizes, keeping original quality.
Are easily converted to bitmap formats
File sizes are relatively small
Size of image can be increased keeping quality and file size the same.
What are the advantages of Bitmap graphics?
> Images can be very realistic
Pixel level editing is allowed - allowing effects such as spray paint, blur, effects and so on.
Same appearances in all systems, regardless of hardware or software.
What are the disadvantages of Vector graphics?
> Difficult to create realistic images
Only individual objects can be edited
Dependant on output hardware or software for appearance and quality.
What actually is a vector graphic?
Vector graphics are an alternative method of storing graphics which stores them as a description of the shapes in the image to enable them to be re-drawn for recreating that image rather than storing them as individual pixels.
What are the 7 steps of the traditional software development process called ‘The Waterfall Model’?
1) Analysis
2) Design
3) Implementation
4) Testing
5) Documentation
6) Evaluation
7) Maintenance
What is modular design?
When a problem is broken down to smaller sub-problems, the task becomes more manageable because each part can be worked on separately.
What are the advantages to modular design?
1) Different modules can be worked on simultaneously by separate programming teams.
2) Modules can be tested independently
3) A well written module may be able to be re-used in another application
What is agile programming?
Agile programming is a type of RAD (Rapid Access Development) suited to smaller projects. It’s designed to be as flexible as possible where the specification may change throughout the development process resulting in reduced development time and costs.
What are the benefits of the agile method?
> Reduced development time
Increased responsiveness to changing circumstances;
More reduced costs due to the efficiency of using small groups of developers.
What is an emulator?
An emulator is a bit of software which replicates the function of one computer system on another. Emulators may be used to allow software designed for a computer system which is no longer manufactured to run on a modern machine.
What are the benefits of cache memory?
> It can reduce the time needed for a fetch-execute cycle as it is much closer to access than backing storage.
It helps improve the computers performance as cache memory is used to store frequently/recently used instructions and information
The larger the size of the cache memory, the…
…more information it can store and potentially improve computers performance.
What are the advantages of proprietary software?
> You will be able to take advantage of the software =’s customer service department for troubleshooting and setup purposes.
Software is often very high quality as it has been developed by professional teams.
What are the disadvantages of proprietary software?
> You will usually have to pay for the software as the company that produced it will be trying to make a profit.
The software will not be adaptable; you cannot change It to meet your individual needs.
If the software is not compatible with the oS, or other program, then you cannot modify the proprietary software to enable it to run.
What are the advantages of open source software?
> It’s free to use, distribute, and change. If it does cost anything, it will usually be a small fee compared to their proprietary counterparts.
It is more secure as the code is accessible to everyone. Anyone can fix bugs as they are found, and users do not have to wait on the next release. The fact that is continuously analysed by a large community produces secure and stable code.
It’s not dependant on the company or author that originally created it. Even if the company fails, the code continues to exist and be developed by it’s new users.
What are the disadvantages of open source software?
> It may not be always straightforward to use. Open source operating systems like Linux cannot be learned in a day. They require effort and possibly training from your side before you are able to master them.
There is a shortage of applications that run on both open source and proprietary oS. Therefore, switching to an open source platform involves a compatibility analysis of all the other software used on the proprietary platforms.
E.G: Adobe’s design software IS NOT available on Linux.
What is Client-side scripting and give one example of it.
JavaScript is called a client-side scripting language because the program is run by the ‘client’ - your browser. This saves the web browser having to do all the processing, which reduces the overall demand on it. It can also make web pages quicker to respond; for example if you validate a form in the browser with JavaScript, you don’t need to transmit the information back to the server to find out if it’s correct or not.
What are the three stages of Client-side scripting?
1) The user requests a web page from the server
2) The server finds the page and any associated scripts if they are in a separate file and sends them to the user.
3) The page is displayed on the browser with any scripts running during or after display
What is CSS?
CSS stands for ‘Cascading Style Sheets’ and they define how the different elements of a web page are to be displayed. In effect every web page created in this way has two files. One which contains what is to be displayed and another that explains how it is to be displayed.
What are the advantages of CSS?
> The layouts of many documents can be controlled from one style sheet?
The user gets a more precise control over layout than by using HTML tags
The user can apply different layouts to different media types, screen or print.
Websites have to be able to be viewed on a variety of different devices and screen sizes and CSS can help with this. CSS can create rules for different devices that have different screen widths so that the website will display slightly differently on each device. This ensures that the user is always viewing the website correctly.
What is the Data Protection Act 1998?
> Prevents companies giving 3rd parties a clients information without consent.
The client has the right to access information the company holds; however this may come with a fee.