Final Exam review- Weeks 9-10 Flashcards
The activity, set of instructions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for coustemers, clients, partners and society at large.
The process of marketing
begins with discovering unmet customer needs and continues with researching the potential market; producing a good or service capable of satisfying the targeted costumers; and promoting, pricing, and distributing that good or service
the power of a good/service to satisfy a want or need. The benefits recieved from the exchange.
What are the four types of Utility?
Form, Time, Place, and Posseting
What are the two basic steps of developing a market strategy?
Identify the target market and create a marketing mix
Identify a target market
A group of people toward whom an organization markets its goods, services, or ideas with a strategy designed to satisfy their specific needs and preferences.
Create a marketing mix
The marketing mix is a blend of the four elements of marketing strategy
What are the four elements of a marketing strategy?
Product, Place, Price, and Promotion
Market Research
The process of collecting and evaluating information to support marketing decision making
Primary data
Data collected through observation, surveys, and other forms of observational study
Secondary data
Previously published data from trade accociations, advertising agencies, marketing research firms and other sources
Data mining
Computer searches of customer data to detect patterns and relationships
Business intelligence
Activities and technologies for gathering, storing, and analyzing data to to make better competitive decisions
What are common bases of segmenting customer markets?
Geographical, demographic, psychological, and product related
Geographic segemntation
divides the market into homogeneous groups based on their locations
Demographic segregation
divides market on the basis of various demographic or socioeconomic characteristics: gender, income, age, occupation, household size, stage in family life cycle, education, and ethnic group
Psychographic segmentation
divides the consumer market into groups with similar psychological characteristics, values, and lifestyles
product-related segmentation
divides market based on buyer’s relationship to the good/service based on benefits sought by buyers, usage rates, and loyalty levels
consumer behavior
actions of ultimate consumers directly involved in obtaining, consuming, and disposing of products and the decision processes that precede and follow these actions
relationship marketing
developing and maintaining long-term, cost-effective exchange relationships with partners
What is the 80/20 rule?
80% of revenue comes from 20% of costumers
A bundle of physical, service, and symbolic characteristics designed to satisfy customer wants
product line
A group of related products marked by physical similarities or intended for a similar market (e.g cereal)