Final Exam Review: Class 5, Blindspots Flashcards
Motivated Blindness
When we are focused on a goal, that is all we see
Inattentional Blindness
Tendency to overlook information that is right in front of us
System 1 Thinking
based on intuition or emotion, quick and effortless
System 2 Thinking
Slower, more conscious, logical, and critical
Ethical Fading
Ethics fade away when we consider a problem purely a business decision [Incentives mean unethical behavior?]
Indirect Blindness
more lenient in our judgement of a person (or business) when an action is delegated to someone else
Slippery slope
slow erosion of ethics -> small overlooks can lead to bigger ones
In group favoritism
Favor those similar to you, in your group. If you are not in that group, you do not enjoy that advantage
Conflict of interest
you favor those who benefit you
The Decision making model
- What are the facts?
- What are the critical issues?
- Who are the stakeholders in your decisions?
- What are the consequences of each alternative?
After making a decision
You might run into barriers [reasons and rationalizations -> the objections you hear, and unspoken assumptions you don’t hear]