Final Exam Review Flashcards
What is a computer?
A programmable machine that processes raw data into useful information
What is ubicomp?
invisible computing all around- used everywhere- ubiquitous computing
What was Charles Babbage responsible for doing?
Mechanical Computer design
Who is Ada Lovelace?
First computer programmer
What did Alan Turing do?
developed machines concept and performed mathematical computations
What are turing machines?
mathematical computations
What are turing tests?
Artificial human intelligence
What is the CPU?
microprocessor of computer processor, controls all functions, brain of computer
What are PC’s?
Personal Computers- tablets, laptops, netbook, apps
What is a workstation?
attached to a network and found in business
triangulation, signals
scavenger hunt
Video game simulation
recreates realistic scenarios
Backward capability
option to play older games
client computers, connected to network
Distributed computing
processing and grid computing
Grid computing-
using various computers
Universal design principles
assists people with disabilities
4 steps in information processing cycle
input, processing, output, storage
System unit
contains motherboard, memory, power supply, CPU
Drive bays
hold storage devices, hard drives, peripheral devices
Functions of CPU
fetch, decode, execute, and store
holds start up instructions, permanent memory
Drive controller
part of motherboard, provides drive interface
standard internal device interface used to connect other devices to motherboard
chip on motherboard, starts up computer
Liquid Crystal Display
Optical Scanners
convert paper to digital documents
Radio Frequency Track Inventory scanner
Inkjet printer
most common printer- sprays ink onto paper
Network adapter
connect computer to network
Operating system
manages system resources, communication of hardware and software application
Utility software
enables users to maintain, repair, and protect the computer
program stored on ROM chip
Virtual memory
when RAM storage is full, borrowing hard drive space
process of data and instructions
sequence of opened folders
File explorer
Windows 10, organize files and folders
used to manage files
search utility