Final Exam Review Flashcards
Whit is the Quranic Purpose for marriage?
love = mercy = tranquility mawadda = rahma = sakina
What are the jurisprudence purposes for marriage?
marriage is a legal unification for concrete concerns…
1) Letigimizes Intercourse
2) Legitimizes Children
3) Consent
4) Contract
5) Mahr
Bridal Wealth Gift
List 5 things about mahr
Mahr = modern day bridal gift
1) Bridal-wealth a husband gives a wife in return for husband’s ownership of 1) marriage 2) wife, in general 3) wife’s sexuality
2) Monetary or not, becomes wife’s property
3) Wife decides when she wants it
4) If he agrees to pay it and does not, he goes to prison until he does
5) Wife decides what it is and when she wants it (man can refuse but then he cannot marry her)
When can a married Muslim woman refuse sex?
Menstruation, Fasting, Hajj
Muslim Definition of Marriage:
The social institution through which a man and woman are joined through a legal contract for the purpose of maintaining a family
Divorce, means “release”
What are the three perspectives of divorce:
1) Unilateral for men (works only in one direction)
- say talk 3 times and witnessed, no consent of wife needed
2) Quran
- 5 steps
3) Jurisprudence
1. males have unilateral right
2. divorce for compensation
3. juridical divorce
A husband has the social duty to lodge, clothe and support his wife and kids and in return he gains…
1) the right to restrict her movements
2) exclusive sexual intimacy
Divorce according to Jurisprudence
- males have unilateral right
- divorce for compensation
- woman gives mar back to ask for divorce
- juridical divorce
- failure to support, abuse, prison, dies, missing, injury, stipulation in contract
- divorce for compensation
Divorce according to Quran (5 steps)
Reconciliation Arbitration (outside judge to settle things) Negotiated settlement Mutual good treatment Amiable (friendly) parting
How does a man divorce his wife?
He says talk 3 times, witnessed, no need for consent
Haleem proves that the popular conception of paradise is wrong for the following three reasons:
- the inhabitants of hannah are not seen to indulge in sensual pleasures
- material rewards are seen to be symbolic of honouring
- material rewards are outnumbered by moral and spiritual rewards
Garden (garden of paradise)
Iranian word for “walled garden”
Paradise comes from this word
What is the ultimate pleasure of paradise?
Proximity to God
When we enter paradise, how the angels greet us?
Al-Salam Alaykam (peace be upon you)
Salam is peace in this world and the next
What is the main feature of paradise?
What are janna inhabitants protected from? 6 things…
- hellfire and its torment (protection from hell is the first reward)
- no malice will spoil friendship
- no lying/idol talk
- no discomfort or illness from eating/drinking
- everything good in this life is doomed to end, while those in paradise do not experience death
- abode of eternity
Why do those in paradise not experience death?
God has given the inhabitants of janna bodies that do not deteriorate…THEREFORE food and drink are not for bouty and wealth but signify honour and thank for life lived on Earth
What are the only four foods mention in the Quran that exist in paradise?
- flesh of fowls
- milk
- pure honey
- fruits
What is epitomized in paradise?
mutual love
What is the style of the Quranic mention of paradise? It shows us the truth of paradise. 8 things…
- nouns are qualified
- describes nouns being used to make them more appealing
- ex: milk doesn’t go bad - intensified adjectives
- amplifies them - order of merit maintained
- central hierarchy - “whatever” you desire
- material, sensual, spiritual - plurals
- its infinite
- different levels - attribution of provisions to God
- special privilege, God is honouring the righteous - passive verbs
- finality of actions
- this is it, this is the end, your reward
- “this is the paradise that was promised to you” - use of present instead of future
- immediate, dramatic effect b/c we can see inhabitants enjoying it now
What is Haleem’s conclusion on paradise in the Quran?
We have no sense of what paradise will be like because it will be entirely unlike humans and human life since God is immaterial (no Earthly qualities)
Adam and Eve in the Bible
- original sin
- specific tree
- woman ate of the tree and offered to man, women are mentally weaker
- they are meant to live in paradise but fail, originally made for paradise but kicked out and now wait for saviour
- serpent tempter
- punishments (woman: childbirth, men: agriculture)
- Adam and Eve conceived Cane and Abel
What is the Quran’s take on the Bible’s Adam and Eve?
It has been touched by too many hands that have changed it so the Quran corrects/adds/argues to previous version
Consequences of the Fall
God’s Power (affirms)
Resurrection (God can (re)create humans from dust)
God’s Breath (RUH)
Knowledge (importance in the Q)
Virgin Birth (God can do what he wants w creation at any time)
Moral (humanity is =)
Connection b/w Earth-Paradise
Warnings Against Satan (humans can be tempted by anyone b/c of our freedom)
Both Sinned, Repented, Forgiven (free will –> forgiveness)
Causes of the Fall
Both admitted into paradise at same time
Nature of tree is not known
Meant to live on Earth, paradise was a test
Both tempted and sinned
Adam was the one who forgot God’s command
No serpent
Satan has no power
Humans have free will!!!!!! (responsibility and trust)
Punishments of the Fall
No punishments directly because sinning is between individuals and God, but merely apprehensions to their actions
- both are warned, if they eat they’ll be wrongdoers
- if they listen, they’ll be deprived janna
- God’s plan was a test of 1) humans 2) satan’s promise
- Adam is the first prophet on Earth (to Earth, himself and his children)
What are some characteristics of the form/language of Quranic mention of paradise
- does not lend itself to history/science well
- no details
- God is the narrator so it is a grand style
- no serpent, rib, punishment
- “remember” (God’s lesson)
Why doesn’t the Quranic mention of paradise lend itself well to history and science? (What is its style?) 4…
- No Chronological Account
- Distributed in Different Parts
- Used for Moral Purposes
- Gives Creation not linked to Adam’s
Qawammun: “men are the Qawammun”
What is Barlas’ problem with this
protectors and maintainers: “men are the protectors and maintainers of women”
social duty, financial responsibility, guides, managers
Wife-Beating Verse
Why are men the Qawammun of women?
What is Barlas’ problem with this?
God has given the one the more
- Who is the one and who is the more? Not specified - why do we assume?
- Not all men > women in any ways
- What is the more?
- Why do we assume it is strength? Physical strength would suggest biological superiority, not all men are stronger than women
What is Barlas’ take on Obedience?
- Muslims only owe obedience to God
- Obedience is not a quality of a good wife
- Obedience is not required for admittance into a community
Quran NEVER mentions we owe obedience to husband or that its a good quality of a wife…we only owe obedience to GOD!
Asma Barlas takes on 4 key flaws in the so-called “wife-beating verse” of the Quran, what are they?
- Qawammun - the one the more
- Obedience - to who?
- Nashua - meaning?
- Daraba - meaning?
What is Barlas take on Nashua?
Meaning: Disobedience, ill-conduct, adultery, disloyalty
Her Meaning: general marital discord
(among the Prophet and his wives in both the Quran and the Hadith)
What is Barlas take on Daraba?
Meaning: to hit, strike, spank, beat
Her Meaning: to leave, to set an example for
(the Q uses this word in all these ways, we must take best interpretation)
*daraba is symbolic
What is Barlas take on Daraba?
Verse states Daraba as punishment for Nashua
Meaning: to hit, strike, spank, beat
Her Meaning: to leave, to set an example for
(the Q uses this word in all these ways, we must take best interpretation)
*daraba is symbolic
Why is drab symbolic?
Stories of
1) Noah in the Quran: blade of grass
2) Muhammad in the Hadith: toothpick
Quran states 3 key things that support Barlas:
- No creation > other
- = of all believers
- No original sin
Why does interpreting this verse make all the difference to Barlas?
Her definitions its be taken over the others because moral and ethical choice is standard with the Quran and it is better to take the choice that will resolve the issue!
Why does Barals’ interpretation of Q4.34 not satisfy Laury Silvers?
The mere existence of the verse causes an ethical issue because it could be interpreted as permission to beat wife, suggest male superiority and the word drab still exists and allows for misinterpretations which give husband permission/right
Why would God use the word drab according to Silvers?
He is prompting a crisis of conscience among humans in which we ask why something exists and strive to determine its meaning and what God is asking from us
According to Silvers, all meanings (of daraba) are _________ but not all are ________ .
all meanings (of daraba) are possible but not all are intentional –> trust in us to choose intended
Freedom to choose interpretation is a result of
God’s trust in humanity
According to Silvers, hitting is not a legal necessity therefore
we should not read it as such
Even if hitting is a command of us, there are two types of commands from God:
- ontological
2. non-ontological
Who was Khidr?
A prophetic saint
Esoteric knowledge
discursive knowledge, inner dimension of things, special kind of knowledge (ex: sufism)
Exoteric knowledge
experiential knowledge, outer shell (ex: jurists)
Hajj: exoteric vs. esoteric conceptions
Exoteric: must go, physical journey
Esoteric: pilgrimage of the heart, God is in us and we can find Him without moving
What is the difference between prophets and saints?
Prophets: mentioned explicitly (ex: Abraham, Moses, Muhammad)
Saints: pics people who now reside in heaven (they don’e bring a religions, they’re just a pious person)
Khidr and Moses: what are the two things about Chider’s story that lead for exeGesis?
- They are supposed to meat at the meeting place of two seas… it could be:
- body of water
- Persians and Greeks
- exoteric and esoteric
- Moses and Khidr themselves - Khidr as a Prophet or a Saint?
- people claim different
What sufi claims Khidr is a Saint?
Ibn Arabi
What points does Ibn Arabi present in his exeGesis of Khidr?
- The ship Khidr sailed in is actually Moses closing the nile river
- Murder of the kid refers to “killing of the coptic”
- Fixing of the wall refers to splitting of the seas
Saints are given esoteric knowledge
Sainthood > Prophethood
Khidr was given the higher knowledge so Saints were too
What is the only thing we know for sure about Khidr?
He has esoteric knowledge that came from God and was given to him to share with whom ever he chooses
According to the Quran, sex is
sex is a natural feature of human beings therefore the Quran presents a positive attitude toward it
Why does the Quran present a positive attitude toward sex
It is a natural feature of human beings
What are the two purposes of sex?
- Procreation
2. Sexual Pleasure
What are the 6 things sex and sexuality according to the Quran forbids/encourages?
- Restricted to marriage (and slavery)
- Things not Allowed Condemned: fornication, adultery, incest, prostitution, promiscuity, beastiality…homosexuality?
- Foreplay (encouraged)
- Female Orgasm (encouraged)
- Coitus Interruptis
- Sexual Positions
What are the 6 things sex and sexuality according to the Quran forbids/encourages?
- Restricted to marriage (and slavery)
- Things not Allowed Condemned:
fornication, adultery, incest, prostitution, promiscuity, beastiality…homosexuality?
sex during menstruation and anal are restricted - Foreplay (encouraged)
- Muhammad in Hadith encourages “kissing, talking” - Female Orgasm (encouraged)
- men must not gain own pleasure and go
- a right of women - Coitus Interruptis
- some scholars say must be with wife’s permission - Sexual Positions
- non are restricted
Homosexuality, means “transgression”
What does the Quran say about homosexuality?
Mentions it once: Lot’s People
- homosexuality
- rape
- rejection of Prophet
A homosexual relationship is not bad but acting on it is (“Don’t ask, don’t tell”)
Punishment for Zina
100 lashes, consecutive, cannot allude
What is the punishment for Zina after a false accusation?
80 lashes (even if three witnesses are brought)
How must a husband accuse his wife of Zina?
By bringing 4 witnesses and swear he is telling the truth, she must also swear to tell the truth (no witnesses)
Wife’s Word . Husband’s Word
How must a husband accuse his wife of Zina?
By bringing 4 witnesses and swear he is telling the truth, she must also swear to tell the truth (no witnesses)
Wife’s Word > Husband’s Word
What 5 sexual acts are condemned in Islam?
Fornication (sex before marriage) Adultery (sex outside of marriage) Incest Prostitution Promiscuity Beastiality ...Homosexuality?
sex during menstruation and anal are restricted
Who is the only female named in the Quran?
How many verses name Mary?
How many verses are about Mary?
34 name her
70 about her
Chapter named after her
Explain a short biography of Mary
- Before her birth, her mother consecrated her (dedicated her to Temple Service)
- Mary grew up in the Temple, devoted herself to it and worshipped it
- As a young woman, she received an angel Fibril who told her God has specifically chosen her to purify her above all women in the world
- Angel also told her she’ll be receiving a child who will become Messiah
- Devoted herself to worship God
What was Mary’s message/revelation from God?
- As a young woman, she received an angel Fibril who told her God has specifically chosen her to purify her above all women in the world
- delivered Jesus, immaculate conception
Mary was the following 3 qualities:
- chaste (virgin)
- obedient (to God)
- had strong faith
(She was celebrated as an example for believers)
Was Mary a Prophet:
Yes: received knowledge from God (revelation)
No: not a prophet, but a messenger
some deny she is either
The Quran does not accept:
Jesus crucifixion (but accepts Mary’s birth)
What are 4 exeGesis of Mary’s Purity?
- Razi
- purity from menstruation/bleeding and her chastity - Ethical Scholars
- purity of ethical character, she was “sinless” - Virginity
- her virginity - Virgin Belief
- birth without sex
- birth not from vaginal canal (emperors and Heroes were never born from V-hole b/c it degrades men)
- Jesus Christ was not vaginally born
What are the 4 ways Mary is views in the Quran?
- Conception of Jesus was a divine mystery
(conception w/o presence of a man) - Jesus was a “word of God” bestowed upon Mary
(created power of God, or God’s message to Mary) - Refutation of Trinity
(infers Mary testifies to humanity of Jesus) - Mary used as connection with Eve
(compares Jesus to Adam, God created both from nothing)