Final Exam Review Flashcards
Jeremy Bentham
Principles of Morals and Legislation: utilitarianism: broke down traditional authority.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
“The Eolian Harp”: poem: 2 halves make a whole: God unites all things.
Thomas Carlyle
Sartor Resartus: Lost his religion and his meaning has no life. Trick is to lessen thy denominator
John Stuart Mill
Autobiography: thought and analysis cannot lead to happiness (rationalism): also need some poetry (romanticism)
Alfred Lord Tennyson
The Lady of Shalott: Weaves a web as she knows she will be cursed if she looks down at Camelot. Sees the shadow of the world through her mirror. As she leaves her loom, the mirror breaks and she descends down the tower and dies.
The Lotos-Eaters: Odysseus and his men eat fruit that cause them to not want to leave the island.
The Eagle: Flying through the air like an eagle.
Ulysses: Always unsatisfied as to where he is, and always wants to be someplace else. Looks out toward the untravelled horizon.: focuses on the ideal.
Merlin and the Gleam
Crossing the Bar: the pilot=God
Robert Browning
My Last Duchess: a man showing off a picture of his dead wife, who always treated every man like her husband. The man was a control freak, but now completely controlled her.
Love Among the Ruins
Fra Lippo Lippi: Thinks it’s important to paint the flesh and the soul because one gives insight to the other. The spiiritual can be reached through the physical.
How It Strikes a Contemporary
Prologue to Asolando
Bad Dreams III
John Henry Newman
The Tamworth Reading Room: One must first know God and religion before he is given insight into the secular. Talks in response to Mr. Broughman and Mr. Robert. Also believed the real means of moral improvement was secular knowledge, not grace. Implcicit knowledge gives explanation to explicit.
Matthew Arnold
To Marguerite-Continued
Dover Breach: The beach is slowly going away, which shows what happends when the world loses faith. The water (faith) touches all shores but immediately retreats. The world w/o faith is left with “ignorant armies clash by night”. The world no longer holds any basic human values.
The Buried Life: All about licing the Divided life (the outer and the inner). One lover talking to another and saying how one will change the outer form to keep from achieving real intimacy with the other. Fate divides the inner and outer, but we still desire to connect the two.
Stanzas from the Grand Chartreuse
Arnold Hugh Clough
The Latest Decalogue
Say Not the Struggle Nought Availeth
George Eliot
Middlemarch: Theresa: Wants to live an epic life that she transcends from her ordinary life. Dorothea says to live where you are by reducing your denominator/scope. Suppresses her desires of external goods.
Dorothea’s devotion to Casaubon is dark and strange: self-less servitude
Egoism (internal expectations) blocks people from seeing the vision of reality.
John Ruskin
Modern Painters: Must match love of beauty with truth within a painting. Must transform something into something new.
Art should devote itself to accurate representation of nature.
Walter Pater
The Renaissance: Beauty is relative to the individual. A utilitarian apprach to beauty. Every experience is different and must be judged separately. Relish in one’s egoism.
“thick wall of personality”
Gerald Manley Hopkins
God’s Grandeur: Different style: breaking the poetry rules a bit. “Why do men tthen now not reek his rod?” Creation is still happening: can be constantly renewed.
The Windhover: Describes a falcon. The competance of the bird, who is natural. Does difficult things with ease.
Pied Beauty
Carrion Comfort
That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire
Oscar Wilde
The Importance of Being Earnest: Earnest (desire for Earnestness). He lives in the country and the city. Improtance of appearaences: elaborate surfaceness of the character.
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Thomas Hardy
Hap The Darlking Thrush The Convergence of the Twain In the Time of The Breaking of Nations The Photograph Going and Staying
WB Yeats
The Lake Isle of Innisfree When you are Old Adam's Curse The Second Coming Sailing to Byzantium
Joseph Conrad
Preface to The Nigger of the “Narcissus
The Secret Sharer
James Joyce
The Dead
Virginia Woolf
Monday or Tuesday
TS Eliot
The Love Song of J. Alred Prufrock
The Wasteland
Tradition and the Individual Talent
WH Auden
As I walked out one evening Musee des Beauz Arts In Memory of WB Yeats September 1, 1939 The Shield of Achilles
Evelyn Waugh
Vile Bodies